The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 707
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Chapter 707

Chapter 707

The Second War God’s eyes twitched when he heard those words filled with killing intent.

“Yes, I’ll tell them immediately.”

After ending the video call, he returned to the conference room.

“How did it go, Second War God?”

“Second War God, did the emperor of Florence agree?”

“Second War God…”

The heads of state from the Western Nations had expectant smiles.

“Of course!” The Second War God’s eyes were disdainful. “Let’s sign the contract!”



“No problem!”

“It’s settled then!”

The heads of state were overjoyed


Not only could they eliminate the threat of the Wolf King and the Lycantroops, but they could alsoexpand their territories…

This decision was significant enough to go down in history!

No leader could refuse such a tempting offer.

The various heads of state and the Second War God immediately began drafting the alliance treaty. Agrand conspiracy was silently brewing.

In the sky, the sun had long since disappeared. Only endless dark clouds pervaded and shrouded therealm. The universe lost its color, and the sun and moon lost their radiance.

In Kiyoto, Noir was planning to return to Sumeria since the prison break operation was completed.

When he saw Andrius sitting silently by the side, he could not help but ask, “What’s on your mind,Andy?”

Andrius paused and said, “I’m thinking… Since we’ve successfully carried out the prison break, leavingKiyoto just like this might be a bit discourteous.”

“What are you planning then?” Noir asked curiously.

“I want to give the emperor a warning.”

Andrius stood up and walked to the floor–to–ceiling window, his deep gaze fixed on the moon in the


Noir volunteered. “I’ll go with you, Andy.”

Andrius shook his head. “I’ll take Emmy with me!”

Thus, Andrius brought Emmy to the Forbidden Palace.

“Halt” The guards at the entrance immediately warned the two sternly upon seeing them “This is the

The kings of the Western Nations seemed very relaxed as if they were at an advantage

In fact, if the Second War God had agreed immediately, they would have suspected his sincerity inworking together.

After leaving the conference room, the Second War God entered an adjacent secure room andconfirmed that there was no surveillance or similar devices before making a video call to Registus

His expression was cold as he said, “Your Majesty, the Western Nations are requesting that Florencegive them half of the territory in the western region as a condition for joining the war


As soon as he spoke, Registus slapped the table fiercely, causing the screen to shake. This conditionclearly infuriated him.

“The Western Nations are truly greedy! Even a dozen of their countries combined only make up twicethe size of our western region, but they’re demanding half of it? Are they not afraid of biting off morethan they can chew?!”

Registus‘ eyes were filled with anger.

The Second War God frowned and asked, “What is your decision, Your Majesty?”

“Fine!” Registus was silent for a long time before gritting his teeth and said, “As long as they cantdestroy Andrius and the Lycantroops, agreeing to their conditions isn’t a problem for now.

“At most, we’ll just march west and wipe out these greedy kings along the way after they’ve destroyedthe Lycantroops!”

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The Western Nations‘ desire to harm us has never stopped. They’ve been scheming and colluding insecret, making all sorts of cunning plots that give me a headache.

“Why don’t you come back?

“Florence needs you, Andrius. I need you too!”

Registus‘ words were earnest, full of anticipation and genuine emotion. Those unaware might eventhink that he was a good monarch who cared for his nation and people.

However, Andrius muttered ‘bullshit‘ under his breath. He knew exactly what Registus was thinking.

Registus hoped that he would once again lead the Lycantroops and stop investigating the Kleinmassacre, as well as stop defending Old Hagstorm.

Andrius would never agree to such a request.

“The Western Nations…” Andrius spoke calmly with a hint of disdain, “They’re just a bunch ofinsignificant people. They’re not worth worrying about.

“With the Lycantroops guarding the western borders, even if the Western Nations were to multiply theirarmies, they’ll only be feeding us riches. You don’t need to worry, Your Majesty.


At that point, Andrius‘ expression darkened significantly, and his eyes gleamed sharply. “I’d also askyou not to worry about my master.

“As for the Klein massacre twenty years ago, I will investigate it thoroughly as well!”

Registus‘ expression instantly fell.

Andrius was truly obstinate. He was like a stone in a pit, stubborn and unyielding.

However, Registus could not show his anger and could only force a smile, saying, “In that case, we’llwait and see, and look forward to that day.”

Andrius did not bother with him any longer and simply bowed slightly. “Goodbye!”

Then, he brought Emmy and left.

On the road…


Although Emmy had long known Andrius‘ identity as the Wolf King, she could not help but be starry–eyed when she saw him stand up to the emperor of Florence. Her heart was filled with pride andoverflowed with admiration.

She said earnestly, “Mister, you didn’t care about the emperor at all. You’re so cool! I’m proud of you!From now on, I’m your number one fan!”

Seeing her elated appearance, Andrius smiled and said nothing.

A moment later, on a plane heading to Sumeria…

“Emmy, stay by Dax’s side after you return to Sumeria. Remember, don’t follow me anymore, and don’ttry to find me.” Andrius spoke solemnly.

However, Emmy did not take it seriously. “No. I’m your woman. I won’t stick with that stuffy Dax. Irefuse


Stuffy Dax…

Was that an accurate way to describe him?

Andrius rolled his eyes and said with a serious tone, “I’m not joking. I have a feeling that somethingmajor is going to happen.”

At those words, he could not help but look outside the cabin. It seemed sunny on the surface, but itconcealed danger.

Andrius shook his head and continued, “It’s wisest for you to stay away from me.”

“No, no, no!” Emmy pouted and covered her ears, shaking her head non–stop. Her face was full ofgrievance. “I don’t care about that. You said it yourself. I’m your woman. I’m yours for life!”

Andrius was helpless against her and smiled wryly. “I was just saying that to fend off Baron. Why didyou take it so seriously?”


Emmy stomped her foot and turned her head, sulking.

Andrius remained silent, feeling amused.

In the evening, the plane landed at the airport.

Andrius brought Emmy straight to Dax’s territory. He did not care about Emmy’s expression at all andsaid bluntly, “Dax, I put in a lot of effort to bring this little lady back to you. Watch her closely in thefuture and don’t let anything go wrong.”

Dax glanced at Emmy and saw that she looked upset, but he did not mull over it.

Just as Andrius was about to leave, Dax hurriedly asked, “Andrius, were you the one who blew up theDragon’s Dungeon?”


Andrius did not try to hide it and simply nodded in admission.

Then, he looked at Dax with a vague smile. “Are you planning to snitch on me to the emperor?”

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