The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Connor was already here?

Luna narrowed her eyes. “Look what you two have done!”

She glared at Andrius before she and Athena went out of the office.

Outside the building, Connor was pacing back and forth anxiously, waiting.

When Luna came down, his eyes shone brightly, and he strode over to her.

Athena stepped forward and stopped him.

Connor showed a flattering smile, but before he could say a word, Luna said, “Connor, I know it’s ourfault that my men beat you up, but you’ve already taken the deposit and you’ve been dragging out onthe relocation. That’s why my men were there to nudge you.

“If you are here to take revenge or whatever, just do it. I’m not afraid of you.” Luna knew Connor wasnot a proper person, but she could not come out as a weakling.

Connor was startled. He quickly explained, “Ms. Crestfall, you have the wrong idea. I’m not herebecause I was beaten up by your men. I signed the contract because my conscience told me Ishouldn’t be doing this. It has nothing to do with me being beaten up! I swear!”

He put his hand up and swore sincerely, which stunned Luna.

What happened to Connor? Had he bumped his head into a wall or something?

The man was known as the biggest prick in Sumeria. Everyone had a hard time dealing with him.

However, not only did he sign the contract, but he even lowered


himself in front of her and claimed that it was because of his conscience.

Not even a three-year-old would believe his nonsense.

Commor noticed the blank look on Luna’s face, and he took it as a sign of displeasure. He immediatelyexplained, “Ms. Crestfall, I’ll be honest with you. I’m dragging it out because Solomon Stormbrew of

Castlerock is behind this.

“He forced me to do it and wanted me to accuse New Moon Corporation of forcing me to leave withviolence. He’s going to bring the media here tomorrow.”

His revelation shocked Luna.

Violent coercion and media at their door! Solomon was trying to bring down the entire New MoonCorporation!

“What did you say? Solomon wants to use it against us?” she asked Connor.

Luna got nervous.

The amount of money involved in the relocation and demolition was large and it had always been thecity government’s priority of


There was a major company that was involved with gangs that was made an example out of due tocoercion against the occupants, and the entire company had disappeared from Sumeria.

If New Moon Corporation was involved in rumors like this, even if they could escape alive, theirreputation would be severely damaged.

Luna dared not think about it anymore.

Just when Connor wanted to ask what Luna was going to do, he looked up and coincidentally sawAndrius behind her. Chills ran down his spine and caused his legs to turn weak as he knelt down before

Luna immediately.

“Ms. Crestfall, I never planned to help Solomon testify. I assure you I will be on your side tomorrow andwill defend New Moon Corporation! Please…forgive me for dragging this matter out for so long.”

Then, he looked up at Luna, or more precisely, at Andrius who was behind her.

Noticing the man’s gaze, Luna turned around and saw Andrius standing there.

Luna was confused.

Connor was acting strange, but she could not pinpoint what it was. He was unlike his usual self andlooked at Andrius with reverence.

“Ms. Crestfall!”

Connor’s anxiety grew as Luna stayed silent. He immediately

continued, “Ms. Crestfall, I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s Solomon, that b*stard forced me to! I willnever dare to be disrespectful to you. I can also offer you another piece of land as compensation!”

He was like a dog by the street begging for food except for the fact that he could speak.

Luna could not figure out what happened, but it was a desired

outcome. Not only did it solve the problem, but she even got to learn of Solomon’s schemes.

She nodded and said, “I can forgive you, but you have to testify for me tomorrow. Understand?”

apter 65

“I got it! I got it!” Connor nodded repeatedly. “Thank you, Ms. Crestfall, thank you! I will be prepared fortomorrow!”

Then, he had a glance at Andrius, and when he did not see any disapproving expression on the man’sface, he breathed a sigh of relief and got up.

He apologized a few more times before he left in a hurry.

Luna watched the man leave her sight as she pondered.

When she returned to her office, she asked, “Andrius, tell me the truth. Why did Connor look sohorrified when he sees you?”

Andrius simply said, “Maybe he’s scared of me beating him up.”

“You are the one who beat him up?”

Luna was slightly surprised. She rolled her eyes at him and looked somewhat angry. “Don’t simplythrow your fist at someone. Don’t forget you are still my nominal husband. I don’t want to be involved inanything unpleasant.”

Andrius remained silent.

Luna coldly grunted at his silence, “This is a lawful society. Things won’t get solved with a fist orviolence.”

Andrius did not bother to explain himself. Sometimes, the fist was the best solution to all the problems.

The next day, Luna was going through her schedule for the upcoming days.

Danni came into the office in a hurry. “Ms. Crestfall! There’s a bunch of reporters at our door!”

It was happening. Solomon has made his move against New Moon Corporation.

A frosty look appeared on Luna’s beautiful face. “Let’s go have a look.”

When they reached the entrance, there were at least a hundred reporters out there. Not even a flycould get through, let alone

a person.

When they saw Luna, the crowd grew tumultuous, and the microphones and the cameras were almostshoved into Luna’s


“Ms. Crestfall! Please comment on your company’s decision to remove the occupants throughcoercion.”

“Ms. Crestfall, there’s news about a fight at Connor Rogers’ factory. It’s located on the land that yourcompany is purchasing. Care to explain?”

“Ms. Crestfall, the project is still at an early stage.

Construction still hasn’t started yet New Moon Group is acting like its king. Are you not afraid?”

“Ms. Crestfall!”

The reporters were ceaseless and relentless with their ridiculous questions.

Without Connor’s warning from yesterday, Luna would have

been at a loss for words.

Now, she was prepared for this.


Luna cleared her throat to silence all the reporters. She glanced over everyone and assured them withabsolute confidence, “New Moon Corporation is not involved in any coercion or violence. Relocationand demolitions are all carried

out according to lawful procedures and occupants are compensated reasonably.novelbin

“We were not and will not be involved. Connor Rogers signed his land to us because of his conscience.I hope the media will stop making mountains out of molehills about this.”

As soon as his words subsided, a cold grunt sounded.

It was Solomon!

He wore a wicked grin on his face as he said, “Luna Crestfall, you claim your company is not involvedin any coercion or violent relocation? Where’s your proof?

“I’ve talked to Connor Rogers after what happened, and he told me that you sent your men to his officeand beat him up, forcing him to sign the contract to sell you the land at a price lower than the marketprice! If you can’t prove yourself…”

Solomon’s wicked grin grew wider. “New Moon Corporation will be expelled from the Sumeria BusinessGuild. Not even Master Hempton will have a say in this anymore!”

Luna’s heart skipped a beat.

If she was not prepared for Solomon’s ambush, New Moon Corporation would surely be expelled fromthe Sumeria Business Guild and lose the Valiant Institute project. It would mark the end of the companyand the Crestfalls.

Now, Luna was fully prepared for this. “You want proof? There’s a lot on the internet. Just search for it.”

The reporters took their phones out and went online.

The first search result left them speechless and shocked.

“I, Connor Rogers, am testifying against Solomon Stormbrew of the Castlerock Corporation forthreatening and bribing me to target New Moon Corporation.”

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