The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 543
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Chapter 543

Chapter 543

Registus wanted to kill the Lycantroops generals?


The bowl in Andrius‘ hand turned into powder on the spot as anger erupted in his heart.

Every general of the Lycantroops was a brave and skilled warrior with outstanding achievements Theywere the pillars of Florence and the backbone of the nation!

How could Registus casually execute them?

“Lead the way!”

At the execution ground, the wind was cold, and the atmosphere was desolate.

Registus sat on the platform.

Behind him were the Second War God and the Warzone Masters. They were surrounded by fully–armed Imperial Guards.

On the execution ground, the generals who participated in the Lycantroops‘ expedition were kneeling,bound in special chains.

Registus looked down at the generals below and shouted coldly. “The Lycantroops belong to Florence.and thus belong to me! It is not your private army, nor do you have the right to show it off!

“You all dared to deploy a large army without my orders and acted recklessly, committing a massacreon Camelback Mountain, causing extremely negative consequences internationally.

“This is treason! This is rebellion!

“Now, I order that you all be beheaded in public. Are there any objections?”

Although it was out of desperation that Registus wanted to kill these people to force Andrius to showhis hand, his performance was perfect. At least, he would not lose authority amongst the Lycantroops.novelbin

In the future, he would be able to control the Lycantroops without strong resistance.

“I object, Your Majesty!” The first general on the left raised his head and looked at Registus withbloodshot eyes. “We only went to rescue the Wolf King. What was our crime?”

Even at this point, he still protected Andrius…

Registus‘ expression turned extremely gloomy, and he shouted angrily, “Andrius Moonshade is nolonger the Wolf King. He is just an ordinary citizen of Florence! He has no privileges or specialtreatment.”

The general was speechless.

Registus then immediately shouted, “Since none of you have anything to say, then heed my command– execute them without mercy!”

“I dare you!”

Just then, an angry voice resounded throughout the scene.

As the crowd parted, a figure with a chilling aura approached in the night,

It was Andrius


Andrius stared at Registus with cold eyes and said in a low voice, “Your Majesty, I may no longer holdthe position of the Wolf King, but Marcus Freely is still the mayor of Sumeria!

“He was captured by the Western Nations. It’s only right for the Lycantroops to rescue him!

“There are two sentences on the Florence passport: ‘No matter where you are, you have the powerfulFlorence behind you!‘ and ‘No matter where you are and what difficulties you encounter, Florence willbring you back home!‘

“Are those words just empty talk?”

Registus was speechless.

That was what the founding fathers of Florence hoped for. It was the glory forged together by countlessmartyrs. Registus naturally did not dare to refute it.

“So…” Andrius gradually approached, and the brilliance in his eyes became even more dazzling. “TheLycantroops did nothing wrong by rescuing Marcus Freely!

“On the contrary, the Western Nations have been ambitious and repeatedly caused chaos at Florence’sborders. They’re just mice, but they dare to provoke the might of Florence. They should be ruthlesslydealt


“The Lycantroops did well and achieved a clean victory!

“The soldiers showed their momentum and the prestige of Florence. They’re the perfect embodiment ofthe supreme majesty and invincibility of Florence and should be rewarded instead!

“At the same time, it’ll also announce to the world that whoever offends Florence will be killed,regardless of distance!”

The words were impassioned with solid reasoning and instantly ignited the enthusiasm and morale ofthe Lycantroops generals present.

“Those who offend Florence will be killed!”

“Those who offend Florence will be killed!”

“Those who offend Florence…”

The morale of the Lycantroops generals reached its peak.

Registus had long since turned pale. He never expected that Andrius would take control of the situationand ignite the flames in the Lycantroops generals with just a few words.

At that moment, Registus became even more aware that if he did not get rid of Andrius, theLycantroops would always be a thorn in his side!

Only by killing Andrius, the supreme Wolf King, and taking control of this powerful army could he sleeppeacefully.

“Andrius Moonshade, you’re a commoner. You have no place to meddle in matters of the military andthe country.” Registus sneered, denying everything that Andrius said with one sentence. “MarcusFreely is not worth the mobilization of the Lycantroops.”

“Even if it was a rescue operation, it should be me who gives the orders for the Spec Ops forces to goto the mayor’s rescue.

“Now, the Western Nations have lost a hundred thousand soldiers. The ministry has been receivingcalls non–stop, and there’s also large–scale turmoil on the western border…

“Someone has to take responsibility for all of this!”

At those words, Registus glanced at Andrius and sneered, “This responsibility is not something you canbear. It must be borne by them.”

Of course, he wanted to kill Andrius.

However, the timing was not right, and he could not kill Andrius anyway. Thus, he had to slowly twistthe circumstances in his favor.

“Registus Ohger!”

Andrius was truly angry. He knew that Registus was doing this on purpose. He glared fiercely atRegistus. His eyes were cold and gloomy. “What do you want for you to let them go?”

There it was!

A glimmer of light flashed in Registus‘ eyes.

Then, he stared at Andrius and said with a hint of coldness, “I’ll give you two choices, AndriusMoonshade.

“One, I can reinstate your position as the Wolf King. That way, it is reasonable for the Lycantroops todestroy a hundred thousand soldiers in a rage in order to save you.

“However, the condition is that you can no longer interfere in Vintus Hagstorm’s affairs, and you can nolonger continue to investigate the truth behind the massacre of the Klein family.”

Sure enough, it was that!

Andrius‘ hunch about there being something fishy about the massacre of the Kleins, and that it hadsomething to do with Registus, grew even stronger.

“Two, the former Wolf King of Florence, Andrius Moonshade, died in the battle on Camelback Mountainlast night, causing the Lycantroops to riot and slaughter the hundred thousand soldiers whoparticipated in the encirclement and suppression of the Wolf King.

“From now on, the Wolf King, Andrius Moonshade, no longer exists in Florence. You must disappearfrom the world!”

This was Registus‘ true goal.

It was either Andrius withdrawing from that matter, or Andrius handing the Lycantroops over.

No matter which he chose, Registus was the final winner. This was the plan that the Second War Godsuggested to him.

“I choose…”

Andrius knew about Registus‘ plot, but in order to find out the truth of that year and save Old

Hagstorm, he resolutely said, “The latter.”

“Good! It’s settled.” Registus clapped his hands and laughed, announcing loudly, “From today onward,Florence no longer has Andrius Moonshade, the Wolf King!

“Remember… No one can mention the words ‘Wolf King‘ and ‘Andrius Moonshade‘ in the samesentence ever again. Otherwise, they will be sentenced to death without mercy!

“Andrius Moonshade, I will erect a tombstone for you in the Martyrs‘ Hall in the west for the people topay respects to you.

“At the same time, I’ll inform the whole country to fly the flags at half–mast for you for three days. I willgive you the highest honor and glory of Florence.

“Don’t disappoint me.”

After saying that, Registus‘ lips curled into a triumphant smile as he left with the War Gods, WarzoneMasters, and countless Imperial Guards.

Flying the flags at half–mast…

Normally, it would be the highest honor and affirmation.

However, when Registus said it, it was nothing more than another plot to prevent him from turning thetables.

Andrius sneered.

On his way back to Kiyoto, Registus turned around and patted the Second War God’s shoulder, saying,“Now that Andrius has completely disappeared from Florence, you should quickly take control of theLycantroops. With the Lycantroops in my hands, I can finally sleep peacefully.”

The Second War God longed for this and immediately said confidently, “Don’t worry, Your Majesty. Aslong as Andrius doesn’t interfere anymore, I guarantee that I’ll firmly control the Lycantroops withinthree months!”

Registus nodded in satisfaction.

Three months might be a bit long, but it would pass by in the blink of an eye.

Next, he had to think about how to deal with Vintus.

“However, Your Majesty, Andrius registered for the Grand Medicinal Competition. If he reaches the topof the Heavenly Ranking, it would also be troublesome. What should we do?”

He wanted to get rid of Andrius, so he naturally did not want the latter to participate in the GrandMedicinal Competition.

Registus glanced at him and said in displeasure, “The Wolf King is dead, so Andrius‘ registration for theGrand Medicinal Competition in the Wolf King’s name is naturally invalid. Do you still need me to teachyou how to stop him from participating in the Grand Medicinal Competition?”

The Second War God had a sudden realization.


Andrius was no longer the Wolf King, so it would be easy to deal with hirn!

Before the Second War God could respond, Registus leaned in and whispered something in a lowvoice.

The Second War God suddenly understood.

Then, he and Registus exchanged a look and laughed. It was a hearty chuckle.

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