The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 512
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Chapter 512

Chapter 512

It was Andrius!

Angus was thrilled! He forced himself to bow and said, “Wolf King, please save us all from this terriblesituation!”

“Wolf King, please save Sumeria from this terrible crisis!”

Everyone chanted in unison, except for a few.

Halle was not a doctor, so she did not simply poke needles into her body, hence her condition was a lot

better than the others who tried.

When she looked up and saw Andrius, she was shocked.

Andrius was the Wolf King!

A plethora of thoughts flooded her mind instantly. From the first meeting, she saw him as a caveman,yet he was able to easily win the race.

Then, the incident with Roy Holland, the Royal Gardens, and so on… Everything that had happenedmade her fall for him inevitably.

She asked him to marry her after he divorced Luna and even teased him earlier!

What had she done?!

She forcefully kissed the Wolf King and asked him if he had touched a woman!

When the realization struck, Halle realized how wild and crazy she had been!

She had been challenging the Wolf King’s patience and bottom line!

She felt numb but only for a moment before exhilaration kicked in.

Halle felt like she was on cloud nine.

She kissed the Wolf King!

She actually kissed the Wolf King!

What the hell! She felt like she was in heaven!

Then, there were Dr. Artemis and Lyra, who were similarly shocked but grateful.

Andrius was the Wolf King!

Dr. Artemis stared at the figure blankly.

No wonder Andrius knew the Hades‘ Pin!

No wonder Andrius had the Thirteen Ghost Gates technique!

No wonder he cared so much about helping the soldiers!

He was the Wolf King!

Dr. Artemis finally spotted the obvious details along the way. He regained his composure but remainedshocked.

Lyra’s eyes shimmered like the stars in the sky. She knew that Mr. Doctor was not just anyone. Shehad asked her grandfather before whose medical skills were better–the Wolf King or Mr. Doctor–andshe

strongly believed that it was Mr. Doctor.

It turned out that they were both the same person!

Dr. Artemis and Lyra finally learned the truth!

If Andrius was the Wolf King, it was not that surprising that he possessed such amazing medical skills

Halle also understood why Andrius could live in the Royal Gardens and could handle every situationwith a frivolous attitude.

He was the Wolf King!

The wealthy families and dignitaries were nothing to him!

While a number of the guests were astonished to find out about Andrius‘ true identity, he walkedcasually on the red carpet.

“Wolf King, I’ve been waiting for you.”

The masked man stared at Andrius. He had actually fought Andrius before and knew exactly howstrong Andrius was.

Therefore, even with the situation leaning towards him, he did not have a hundred percent confidenceto beat Andrius.

“Cyclops, you planned this for a long time, didn’t you?” Andrius said emotionlessly, his gaze turningcold.

Cyclops remained a threat for as long as he was allowed to live.

“As long as I can kill you, even if I have to plan for three years or five years, I wouldn’t mind,” Cyclopssaid without being too concerned.

“Kill me? You overestimate yourself. I will be the one killing you today!” Andrius bellowed fiercely.novelbin

As soon as his voice subsided, he darted forward aggressively. His leap was so strong that it crackedthe floor beneath his feet when he moved. He flew towards Cyclops like a bullet.


Cyclops tilted his body and took half a step to the right, entering a defensive stance.

At the same time, his muscles were tightened. His arms, legs, chest, and abdomen bulged and tore hisclothes to pieces.

Before he came to the venue, he injected himself with Tartan’s newest genetic enhancer, boosting hispower within a short period of time and increasing his endurance greatly. It was because of the potionthat he was granted the confidence to fight Andrius again.


As soon as Cyclops entered his defensive stance, Andrius was already in front of him, like a tigerleaping at its prey. He was furious.


He threw a punch at Cyclops‘ front.

Cyclops wanted to test his strength after injecting himself with the potion, so he chose to take thepunch head–on.

However, when their fists clashed, Cyclops was pushed back three steps while Andrius remained stillas a monolith.

Andrius was much stronger and fiercer than he was in the valley last night!

“You held back your strength last night?!”

Cyclops‘ expression turned bitter. He thought that Andrius had fought with his full strength last night,but to his surprise, Andrius was much more terrifying.

Even with the potion, he was still not Andrius‘ match. He felt helpless.

The Wolf King was indeed the strongest in Florence.

“Shut up and die!” Andrius grunted and jumped on him again.

Andrius did not hold back this time. He used both his punches and kicks, launching a flurry of attacks atCyclops.

The barrage of punches and kicks was relentless. Even with the potion injected, Cyclops was swiftlypushed into a disadvantageous position under the relentless attacks.


Following a punch landed on Cyclops‘ chest, he was sent flying like a ragdoll, crashing onto theground. He did a flip and continued to slide for a few meters before he regained his balance.

“Cyclops…” Andrius stared at Cyclops coldly as he walked closer. His tone sounded cold. “Youdisrupted the peace and order of Florence multiple times and caused this. How do you want to die?”

As soon as his voice subsided, intense killing intent shrouded the stage.

Everyone felt chills running down their backs as if they had fallen into an icy abyss.

“Cough, cough.” Cyclops struggled to get onto his feet. He spat a mouthful of blood and grinnedominously. “Wolf King, do you really think this is all I’ve got?”

Andrius‘ pupils shrank in shock as a bad feeling rose in his heart.

“Look behind you!” Cyclops pointed behind Andrius and widened his grin.

Andrius turned around and saw the unconscious Luna standing up.

Right after she got on her feet, she headed towards Cyclops.


Andrius tried rousing her with his voice, but Luna did not respond.

Luna did not even look at him. She lifelessly walked towards Cyclops. Her limbs seemed stiff, her eyeswere out of focus and she was not her usual self. She was like a walking corpse! Like a machine or apuppet controlled by a puppeteer!


Andrius swung both his hands in the air and silver streaks of light lit up the space around him.

The silver streaks of light, which were needles, poked into Luna’s acupoints and swiftly stopped her


Andrius then put her back on the chair and started to take her pulse.

“You… put a spell on her?!”

Andrius expression shifted when he sensed something tinkering with Luna’s brain. It was a type ofvoodoo witchcraft that involved inserting a special type of worm into the body.

The brain was the most meticulous and most important organ of the body, and nothing should everhappen to it. The slightest tinkering with the brain would cause one to lose the memories, or worse,turn the person into a mindless retard. The worst outcome would be death.

Even though Andrius had amazing medical skills, he was unable to cure Luna right away.

However, he did not want to give up and continued poking needles into her body.


The silver needles were inserted into Luna’s body. Multiple streaks of silver light poked exactly into thecorrect acupoints.

The needles wobbled and glinted sharply.

Andrius frowned heavily. He might be able to stop the voodoo worm, but he was not able to kill it orexpel it right away.

“Stop wasting your energy.” Cyclops ridiculed and teased, “I put the Castilan Voodoom Worm into herdrink, and it’s already in her brain now. If you can’t cure it within a certain period of time, the worm willeat her brain. Then…”

His gaze turned frantic as he scoffed. “She will die a terrible and slow death. I bet it will be a scene tolook forward to! And, you can only cure the spell with a specific antidote. Nothing else works.Hahahaha!”

Cyclops cackled wickedly and frantically. Being able to put the Wolf King in such a difficult situation wasexhilarating for him.

Andrius ignored him and continued testing his methods.

Nothing worked, which made him feel terrible.

The other doctors and specialists did not say a word and the entire hall was silenced.

Cyclops clearly sensed the killing intent in Andrius‘ eyes but was not afraid at all. He ridiculed, “WolfKing, I thought you hated me and wanted to kill me! Too bad! You can’t do it! If you kill me, this womanwill die in half an hour!

“What is it going to be? Beg me? Hahahaha!“

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