The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 479
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Chapter 479

Chapter 479

A cab stopped at the gate of Dream’s Waterfront, and Dick and Collin got out.

“Act natural.” Dick saw Collin’s tense face and whispered, “Don’t act so nervous. What if other peopleget suspicious? Since we made our decision in the beginning, there’s no turning back for us. This time,we’ll be sure to make that b*tch fall into the abyss!”

Since they came here, they naturally made up their minds to do as the aquiline–nosed man said.

“Got it.” Collin took a few deep breaths and tried to look relaxed.

Dick nodded.

Then, the two walked to the front door and knocked.


The person who opened the door was Andrius. He immediately made a teasing sound when he sawthe father and son.

“Get out of the

way, Andrius!”

“Get lost, Andrius. We’re here for Luna!”

The two of them thought that they had already secured the overall situation with the aquiline- nosedman’s plan. As long as they succeeded, they would be able to drive Andrius away. Thus, they did notcare about him at all and began to chide him on the spot.

Andrius did not like hearing those words. His expression turned cold, and he said faintly, ” What areyou two doing here? Get to the point!”

“Andrius Moonshade! You’re just a wild…” Collin was too proud and almost blurted his thoughts out.

Halfway through, he remembered the fight he got into with Andrius. The remaining words got stuck inhis throat, and he did not dare to voice them out.


Luna came out from the inside, pulled away Andrius, who was about to get physical, and shook herhead at him.

The rage in Andrius‘ eyes gradually dissipated, and he just glanced at Collin.

That glance made Collin feel like he had been thrown into a freezer. He got goosebumps all


Dick gave him a hand, shot him a look, and said to Luna kindly, “Luna, we’re here to apologize. We dida lot of introspection when we were at the ancestral home.

“I was wrong for stealing the prescription. I was greedy, cruel, and heartless. Luna, you can scold meand hit me however you want! I won’t complain at all!”

His acting was amazing.

Luna was suddenly speechless.

Collin also reacted and said with a big smile, “Luna, we were at fault before. We were wrong, but nomatter what… We all share the same blood that Grandpa passed down. We’re family. Blood is thickerthan water! So, I hope you can forgive us.”

As they spoke, the era

son exchanged a look and bowed deeply to Luna.

Luna did not expect these two people to suddenly be enlightened and make such a move. She quicklysaid, “Uncle Dick, you don’t have to do this. Please get up.”

Dick said seriously, “No! Luna, we won’t get up until you forgive us!”

“That’s right!”

They were begging for forgiveness from someone who was not mad at them.

Andrius could not help but laugh when he saw their act. “You guys…”

Luna quickly said, “Okay, I forgive you.”

After saying that, she also felt much more relaxed. This incident had always been a thorn in her heart.

Belarus was always concerned that the Crestfall family was not united. Now that Dick and Collinrepented, Luna was also relieved.

“Thank you, thank you!”

“Thank you, Luna!”

The two men looked..

with relief.

Dick said, “Um… Luna, I heard that the Medical Society’s celebratory dinner is coming up, and myfather appointed you as the family representative. Could you bring Collin and me along?”

“No problem,” Luna agreed instantly without any suspicion.

“Great! Luna, you’re such a saint. How could I have been so deranged as to frame you? My consciencemust have been eaten by a dog…”

Dick suddenly burst into tears.

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