The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 348
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Chapter 348

Chapter 348

The crowd was silent.

Everyone was looking forward to the Wolf King before his identity was announced.

Now that it was announced, everyone was afraid, especially Sean, Bella, and the others who hadlooked down on Andrius and mocked him. In addition to that were Dean and his people.

Andrius was the Wolf King.novelbin

The Wolf King was Andrius.

That was just…

God had played the biggest joke on them. It was also the most unacceptable joke.

They all regretted it. Remorseful, they prayed fervently. They prayed for God to help them through thisdifficult time for once.

“You guys…” Andrius spoke slowly, breaking the silence.

His sharp eyes glanced around and finally fell on Dean and the others. He said with a vague smile,“Didn’t you always want to meet me? You tried all possible means to meet me. Now, I’m right in front ofyou. Why aren’t you talking?”

Andrius‘ eyes narrowed slightly as he said those words, and a faint but stern aura flickered in his gaze.




As soon as he spoke, Dean, Cloud, and the others were unable to support their shaking bodiesanymore and fell to their knees.

However, no one dared to speak or even look up.

This was how domineering the Wolf King was.

With just a gaze… With just a sentence…

Dean, who was at the peak of his power, and Cloud, the president of the Martyrs‘ Society, bowed theirheads and did not dare to breathe loudly.


Andrius sat on the stage, overlooking the crowd below. A cold smile emerged from the corners of hismouth as he snapped his fingers.


A large group of people suddenly filed in.

The person leading the group was the captain of the Shadow Wolves, Noir!

Behind him was a group of elite soldiers, arms and imposing. After they entered, the soldiersimmediately raised their guns and pointed the muzzles at everyone present, including Dean!




That scene frightened many people on the spot.

Some of them pissed themselves while some fell to the ground. Some could not help but grovel.


Noir would not have any pity on these evil people.

“Cloud Forger!” Noir snorted coldly. Cloud, who was kneeling, trembled all over. He raised his headwith difficulty and looked at Noir, his judge, in panic.

“As a person… You’re a son of Florence, but you acknowledge a villain as your father! You have nointegrity!

“As an official, you accepted bribes for personal gain and swindled unscrupulously for politicalachievements. You’re a disgrace to our forces!

“I sentence you to death. You will be executed immediately!”

Noir’s words were sharp. His tone was decisive, and his intent to kill was intimidating.

As soon as he spoke, Cloud was instantly horrified and wanted to plead for mercy.



A soldier to the side did not hesitate to pull the trigger.


Cloud let out a miserable scream. A bloody hole gaped on his head, and he fell to the ground, dying onthe spot.


Rustle, rustle, rustle.

Cloud’s death immediately caused the others to tremble.

Dean had already pissed himself.


The president of the Martyrs‘ Society was executed without hesitation.

How could he, a foreign entrepreneur, be spared?

“W–Wolf… Wolf King!”

Dean looked up and pleaded. “I–I’m willing to leave Sumeria. I’ll never come back again! I’ll never haveany thoughts about New Moon Corporation and Celestial Enterprise. h

“Please, have mercy…”

As he spoke, the sixty–year–old man kept groveling on the ground.

Thud, thud! Thud, thud, thud! Each sound was heavier and stronger than the last. Soon, his forehead was bloody. “You want to leave now?” Andrius narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly. “Don’t you think it’s too late? He gave a cold order, “From now on, Simon-Tooke must disappear completely from Florence’s territory

and not take a single penny away. Otherwise… He looked down at the old man on the ground. “You’ll stay in Florence forever!” When Simon-Tooke was in Florence, they forced down other enterprises with trickery and annexedthem. These ill-gotten gains… Naturally, he could not be allowed to take them away. He had to spit out however much he ate! Andrius’ order was not considered forced robbery. Everything was traceable. “I-I…” Dean suddenly despaired. The amount of assets that Simon-Tooke had in Florence could be said to be terrifying. But now…

One wrong move, and he lost everything. All those years of operating and all the gains accumulated inthose years… In the end, they all popped like a bubble, and other people ended up benefiting instead. However, what could Dean do? If he did not leave, he would die! “Okay!” Dean promised bitterly as if he had been drained of his soul. “Remember.” Andrius stood up, looked at him condescendingly, and said coldly, “I don’t want to seeany assets of Simon-Tooke in Florence after midnight tonight. “Otherwise… You know the consequences.” After coldly saying that, Andrius and Sonia went out together. On their way out, they passed by Sean and Bella’s table. Andrius paused, tilted his mouth slightly, and said with disdain, “It’s said that ignorance is bliss. Youguys… You’re just frogs in a well, birds in a cage! “You’re immersed in your world of self-righteousness but think you can see through everything. You’recomplacent and smug! What you don’t know is that you’re no different

from a clown, making a mockery of yourself to the world.” After saying that, Andrius and Sonia left without looking back. Only Sean, Bella, and the others who had been humiliated and wanted to find a hole to hide in were leftbehind. When the Wolf King left, there was no way for the banquet to go on. The dignitaries left one after another. Some even went to demand all the valuable gifts they had offeredbefore. There was an idiom that said, “Set your helm according to where the wind blows.” They were throwing rocks at Dean while he was down. The dignitaries came up with all sorts. ofcolorful reasons for their actions. Dean’s heart was already dead, so he did not stop anything from happening. After everyone dispersed, he immediately told Bale to release a message. “Simon-Tooke will withdraw from Florence before midnight tonight.” When the news came out, it did not shake just Sumeria. The entire East River State was in an uproar. Today was the chairman’s 60th birthday! It was said that he even invited the governor and the Shadow Wolves. However, now he ended up like this… For a time, it was talked about extensively on the Internet, which was full of speculations anddiscussions about this matter. Unfortunately, no one could know the truth except the dignitaries present. Furthermore, all of those dignitaries kept their mouths firmly sealed because of the Wolf King’s might.They did not dare to divulge even a hint of what happened. Thus, the truth was buried in the fog. The outside world had changed. However, for Andrius, everything remained the same. He went to the garage and had a nice drink withNoir.

Not long after, Sonia came with news. “Mr. Moonshade, after Simon-Tooke’s withdrawal, there’s a large vacancy in Sumeria’s market. “Before that, Simon – Tooke was mainly engaged in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Now that they’regone, the profits to be gained are extremely coveted.” Pharmaceutical manufacturing… Andrius pondered for a moment and said to Sonia, “No matter what industry it is, you should firstintegrate them all into one piece. “Then, ask New Moon Corporation if they have any interest in this regard. “If New Moon Corporation is interested in moving to pharmaceutical manufacturing, then tilt therelevant business to them.” New Moon Corporation was at the forefront when Simon-Tooke attacked. Thus, it was only natural thatthey get a larger slice of the cake. “Okay, I’ll do that,” Sonia responded, then quickly left.

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