The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 335
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Chapter 335

Chapter 335

US dollars?

Everyone was instantly stunned by those words.

What the hell?

That was an international joke!

Seven and a half billion US dollars.

According to the current exchange rate, that was 45 billion Florencian dollars!

45 billion!

Ordinary bigwigs and enterprises would pee their pants just thinking about that amount, let alone beable to fork it out.

Celestial Enterprise obtained the capital’s Crestfall family and the Miller Group’s industries. Along withthe assets of the Timberlands, they could be considered a monster in their own right.

However, they already donated eight billion to the Martyrs‘ Society, and now they had to spend another45 billion…

It was enough to make this monster suffer a fatal blow!

Celestial Enterprise might be able to fork out the money today, but what about in the future? Whatwould they do about their future?

In any case, this auction was enough to greatly strike a blow to Celestial Enterprise.

Sonia was dumbfounded on the spot. She said to Cloud, “Mr. Forger, since the auction is being held inFlorence, it should be conducted in Florencian dollars. Why is the amount in US dollars?”

Cloud was still smiling, but there was a dagger in that smile. “You can’t say that, Ms. Timberland.”

He glanced at Dean next to him and said insidiously, “This auction involves foreign–funded enterpriseslike Simon–Tooke. Isn’t it reasonable for us to settle the auction in USD? With the internationalization oftrade and business now, we can’t do the opposite, can we?”

Those words were very shameless.

Sonia was speechless.

Dean, who stood to the side, also chimed in, “Ms. Timberland, we at Simon–Tooke always balance ouraccounts in US dollars. As an entrepreneur, don’t you possess that basic knowledge?

“I have to say, as the president of Celestial Enterprise, you’re really a letdown. In addition to that…

“You just boasted that you wanted to contribute to the martyrs in Florence, but now you’re saying theamount is too much. Aren’t you being too much of a hypocrite?

“Could it be that the lives of your martyrs are that worthless in your eyes?”

Although Dean was a foreigner, his sinister words rendered Sonia speechless. No matter howdissatisfied she was, she could not say anything against the martyrs.

Sonia gnashed her teeth in anger and immediately called Andrius to explain the situation.

“I see…”

He instantly understood after hearing Sonia’s words.

This was a ploy from the very start. The Martyrs‘ Society was working with Simon–Tooke to sabotageCelestial Enterprise!

Unfortunately, the mastermind would never imagine that Andrius was the Wolf King. He was the manbehind Celestial Enterprise.

“Agree to it, but say you’ll pay in two days.‘


Sonia followed Andrius‘ instructions and did not question him. She hung up the phone and said toCloud, “Mr. Forger, 45 billion is indeed too much, but I’ll keep my word. I’ll pay up.

“However, I need some time to pool the money. Give me two days. The many bosses of Sumeria whoare present can be our witnesses.”


There was a flash of greed in Cloud’s eyes. As long as Sonia agreed to pay, he was not afraid of hergoing back on her word.

“No problem.” Cloud agreed easily and added, “I trust in Ms. Timberland and Celestial Enterprise’sreputation.

Sonia laughed dryly and left the auction house.

After dealing with Celestial Enterprise, Cloud ran to Noir’s side.

Cloud could not wait to report the results to Noir. “Sir, the auction was a huge success. We got 45billion from Celestial Enterprise!

“Sonia Timberland has not delivered the money yet, but she made a promise in front of the countlessdignitaries of Sumeria that she will pay the money in two days. There won’t be any mishaps.

Noir already knew the truth of the matter and saw this new president’s true colors clearly.

He was…novelbin

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