The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 333
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Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Meanwhile, Noir found Andrius and informed him about this matter. “Andy, the new

president of the Martyrs‘ Society, Cloud Forger, intends to hold an auction. He’ll use all the auctionproceeds on the martyrs‘ pensions and settlement for the family. He said that he wants to make a smallcontribution to the martyrs.

“He also invited me to participate. What do you think?”

As the captain of the Shadow Wolves, Noir would not simply be representing himself if he attendedsuch public events. He would be representing the Wolf King as well, so he had to report to Andrius.

“No problem.

In Andrius’s opinion, this was naturally something good. “Cloud has some good ideas. He’s a goodseedling. Observe his character for now. If he’s alright, then the soldiers will have nothing to worryabout in the future.”

He did not know that Cloud had ulterior motives and was actually targeting Celestial Enterprise.

With Noir’s nod of approval, Cloud naturally borrowed Noir’s influence and spread the news of thismatter throughout Sumeria.

Soon, all the powerful people and entrepreneurs in Sumeria knew about this.

There would be a charity auction in Sumeria, and all the proceeds from the auction would be donatedto the Martyrs‘ Society. It was said that the Wolf King was supporting the event as well.

The Wolf King!

Many people became excited when they heard that name.

How did Celestial Enterprise become a force to be reckoned with?

It was because they were rumored to have the backing of the military!

Therefore, after seeing Celestial Enterprise as the precedent, many families and enterprises gearedthemselves up to make themselves known in front of the Wolf King.

Once they got the Wolf King’s favor…

It would be a breeze for them to rise to the top and soar to the sky.

At New Moon Corporation, Luna went to Team Five’s office and called Andrius out. “Andrius, I’m goingto the auction held by the Martyrs‘ Society. Come with me!”

Andrius had the same idea.

Thus, they went to the auction house together.

Galaxy Auction House was the largest auction house in Sumeria. Many similar charity auctions hadbeen held here.

There was already a sea of people present.

No family would wait idly by when the Wolf King was involved. Even if they did not intend to participatemuch in the auction, they sent their children to be observers.

When Luna and Andrius arrived, they took the two remaining seats in the corner.

The auction started just as they sat down.

“Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I’m the host for this auction, Elsa Quigley.”

After a brief self–introduction, Elsa motioned for the assistant to bring up the first item. “The first item tobe auctioned is….

Just then, someone in the front row interrupted Elsa. “Ms. Quigley. I’ve seen the list of today’s auctionitems. There are around 50 to 60 items.

“It’s a waste of time and experience to auction them off one by one. How about you bundle all the itemsand auction them off together?”

With that suggestion, many people echoed their agreements.

“I concur!”

“That gentleman is right. We’re all doing this for the martyrs anyway, so there’s no need to stick to theformalities.”

“Just bundle the items and auction them off at once!”

“Yes, it’ll save much more time as well!”

“I also don’t see a problem with that.‘

The people in the crowd chimed in. Surprisingly, everyone was in favor.

Even if there were people who thought that it was inappropriate, they were quickly drowned out byother people’s voices and could not put in their own two cents at all.

“In that case…” Elsa saw the look that Cloud secretly gave her and agreed. “We’ll bundle the itemstogether.

“According to the valuation… The starting price is two billion! Each bidding increment must be at least20 million!”

As soon as those words were spoken, many people in the crowd gasped.

The starting bid opened at an astonishing two billion. Many families in the crowd would not have thatamount even if they summed up all the assets of their families.

How were they supposed to bid?

Among the companies that were present, only Simon–Tooke and Celestial Enterprise could bid. Lunaoriginally wanted to participate as well, but she immediately put away those thoughts as she wasintimidated.

“I, Dean Mitchell, the chairman of Simon–Tooke, am willing to contribute to the martyrs Florence andbid two and a half billion dollars!”

Two and a half billion!

He raised 500 million at once!novelbin

This was what it meant to be a tycoon!

Many families were surprised by his extravagance and started whispering. “Simon–Tooke is reallyfierce.”

“They’re not just fierce. They’re terrifying!”

“But… don’t you guys think it’s strange that a foreign company would donate two and a half billion tothe martyrs of Florence?”

No one knew who said that. However, as soon as it was spoken, that person was snubbed by

the others.



“Buddy, you’re too short–sighted.

“This isn’t just a donation to the Martyrs‘ Society. This is putting on a show to the Wolf King. To put itbluntly, they’re spending money to buy the Wolf King’s favor!”

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