The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 273
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Chapter 273

Chapter 273

The soldiers were the kindest people. They were neither calculative nor competitive against each other.While they were not related by blood, they were closer than brothers. They would always share withtheir brothers–in–arms, especially those who sacrificed on the battlefield.

“Great.” Noir took the card with a serious look. “I will convey your message to the Martyr’s Society.Don’t worry about it.”

The soldiers nodded. “Wolf King, Captain Noir, we will be on our way now.”

After that, the soldiers got into their car and left, Andrius was left alone with Noir.

Since the Martyr’s Society was mentioned, Andrius asked, “Noir, how’s the Martyr’s Society doingnow? Are they progressing smoothly?”

“Yeah. Everything is running smoothly,” Noir said.

“After Anthony Henderson’s money was transferred to their account, the society took good care ofevery deceased soldier’s family. Besides, now that the society has some extra cash, they did someinvestments and got quite a handsome return. They can operate independently from now on.”

Andrius breathed a sigh of relief after getting confirmation from Noir.

“Just hope that the soldiers of our country don’t need any of that.”

The sacrificed soldiers were all brave men who had defended their country. No family would want theirson or husband to leave them forever just so they could get the help of society.

Speaking of the Martyr’s Society, Andrius had not visited the society after he came to Sumeria. Heplanned to make some time to pay them a visit.

“Noir, donate another one billion to the society under my name. Let them help our sacrificed brotherbetter,” Andrius said after some thought.

“Yes, sir!” Noir saluted solemnly.

Only the Wolf King could simply donate a billion away, and only he cared about the soldiers more thananyone else.

Andrius then left the garage and returned to the office.

When he walked into the lobby, he saw Luna.

“Andrius!” Luna bellowed when she saw him. “Why aren’t you at work? Where have you been? Whycan’t you stay at work like everyone else? You are wasting your time! You must take this work senouslyDon’t just ignore what I say!”

She was relentless as she berated Andrius for missing out on work

Andrius was having a heading and was impressed by how quickly Luna spoke

“Fine. You skipped work, I’ll deduct half a month’s pay!”

Luna then clacked her heels back to her office

Andrius was left stunned on the spot.

The woman was merciless.

He put in a lot of effort to make sure the movie was a success and he had gone out to send the soldiersback, yet the woman wanted to deduct his pay for missing work.

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Not even war at the Western Frontline was as difficult as handling her.

In the blink of an eye, it was time to clock out.

Andrius wanted to scan an electric bike outside the office to head home, but he received a call from


“Andrus, let’s have dinner tonight.”novelbin

“Sure,” Andrius said without second thoughts.

“Great” Halle obviously sounded happy. She eagerly added, “My car is in the east, sixty meters awayfrom your office entrance. Come here.”

She was worried that Luna would catch them together, so she parked a little further away

“Hold on I’m on my way”

Andrius stopped scanning the rental electric bike and headed to the Lamborghini further away

A while later, Luna came out of the building. She glanced around out of habit and saw a man gettinginto a Lamborghini further away.

“What the 7”

Luna was surprised because the man looked like Andrius and her best friend’s car also happened to bea Lamborghini

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hapter 274

hy were they together?

>w? Impossible!

>w did they get together?

na shook her head, discarding the outrageous thoughts from her mind. She clearly remembered Halle’ssgust when she saw Andrius. It left a strong impression on her.

hy would Halle be seeing Andrius?

e must be seeing things.

ere were many people with striking resemblances in the world, and there were Lamborghinis erywhere

ithout further thought, Luna got into her own car.

eanwhile, inside the Lamborghini, Halle, who was in a delighted mood, asked, “Andrius, I haven’t oughtof a place to eat. Do you have any places that you want to go to?”

le actually wanted to follow Andrius‘ suggestion but wanted to make it subtle.

.” Andrius glanced into the darkening sky and spotted a night market. He said, “I think the barbecue re’sgood.”

ere? Fine.”

alle stopped her car by the road. It was rare to see a supercar beside the night market, so it attracteduch attention, especially when Andrius came down from the passenger seat.

amn. Is this guy a sugar baby?”

ou can’t get it even if you want to. He’s a role model!”

amn. The girl is good!”

m jealous.”

e discussions were not exactly loud, but Halle and Andrius heard them.

idrius was not concerned, but Halle was delighted. It seemed like they looked great together

e two of them entered a restaurant, ordered, and sat down.

e dishes were served after a while.

ille was a regular at expensive places, so it was a first for her to eat by the roadside.

e smell of beer, cigarettes, and oil filled the air, assaulting her nose. Her ears were blasted with thezling, the noise, and the shouts, leaving her with no space to rest

ille felt uncomfortable. She asked, “Andrius, you lived at the Royal Garden, but you are eating by theadside. Isn’t it strange?”

ow strange can it be?” Andrius glanced at her and continued eating without being concerned. “Halle. ushouldn’t have such a thought. There are a lot of skyscrapers and big houses in the world, but the ople

who live in them are not better than others. They might not live a happy life as well.

uite the opposite; the night market is the embodiment of the daily life of normal people. You can feel

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the warmth of not just the food but also in the people. It makes you blend in.

“As a human being, you need to know the etiquette and manners of the classy, but you also need tounderstand how different people live. That’s life.”

Others might not have said something so meaningful to Halle. Even if they did, she might not listen toany

of them.

However, when the words came out of Andrius‘ mouth, they struck a chord in Halle’s heart.

He was right!

As a human being, one should not be, prejudiced towards life or be arrogant.

Halle was impressed. She forgot to eat and stared at his face, asking, “Andrius, you are not that mucholder than me but you speak so wisely.”

Andrius laughed. “You still have a lot of things to learn,”

“Don’t just sit there!”

Andrius noticed Halle was not eating. He put a piece of grilled innard on her plate and said, “Here! Thisis great!”

Halle’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the innard on her plate. “Are you sure this is good?” “Ofcourse!”

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