The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 1348
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Chapter 1348

“Let’s go!”

With Andrius‘ words, the duo immediately headed behind the mountain.

A group of people rushed toward them. It was Tobias and several other elders who had detected thecommotion as well.



Before Wade went into seclusion, he entrusted everything in the Medicine Sect to Kate. Therefore,Tobias looked at Kate, waiting for her orders.

“Let’s go!”

Without another word, Kate led the group to the mountain.

Not long after that, Andrius, Kate, and the others arrived at the halfway point of the mountain. Theycould feel a majestic and massive inner energy.

“It’s the aura of a Martial Saint…” Andrius had a lot of experience fighting against Martial Saints andwas able to tell quickly.

“Martial Saint!”

“Hiss- did the Sect Master break through?”

“The Medicine Sect has a Martial Saint as well now.”

“That’s great…”

Tobias and the other elders and disciples were ecstatic.

Kate explained to Andrius, “This is where Grandpa went into seclusion. He must have broken throughto the Martial Saint realm.”

As soon as she finished speaking…


A massive burst of inner energy suddenly erupted.

Even though they were dozens of meters away, Andrius, Kate, and the other Medicine Sect experts feltthe overwhelming wave of energy.

The surrounding flora and trees all bowed. Rocks and sand flew, and the wind roared like thunder.


Seeing this, Kate felt that something was going on and frowned. “No, I need to go in and see whathappened.

Then, she was just about to rush forward.


However, Andrius stopped her before she could take another step.

Kate looked at Andrius in confusion.

Andrius stared at the center of the explosion with a serious expression. Then, he explained withoutturning around, “The situation inside is very complicated. You mustn’t act recklessly!”

However, the person in there was her grandfather. How could Kate remain indifferent?


Whoosh, whoosh…

Just as Kate was about to argue, a figure rushed out from inside.

It was a familiar face and appearance. It was none other than Wade Klein.


At that moment, he did not seem as dignified as before. His snowy white long hair scattered in alldirections, and his eyes faintly revealed a blood–red color. He looked like a ferocious lion.

Seeing this, Kate immediately prepared to go forward and asked what happened, “Grandpa! What’sgoing on…”

Before she could finish her words, Andrius once again held her back and interrupted her, ” Something’swrong!”

Kate frowned again and asked in confusion, “Andrius, what did you sense? Why aren’t you letting mego?”


Before Andrius could answer, Wade responded with action.

His legs twisted and shot into the air when he saw these people. In the blink of an eye, he

crossed the distance and arrived in front of them.


Vigorous inner energy churned in his hands, rushing directly toward the first person in front of him–Kate.

“Grandpa!” Kate never expected her grandfather to attack her. She froze on the spot and forgot toreact, only shouting loudly.

Fortunately, Andrius sensed that something was off. He quickly pulled Kate behind him and confrontedthe incoming attack.


The next second, the powerful inner energy exploded.

Wade stopped and turned a full circle in the air before landing on the ground gracefully.

Andrius took several steps back before stabilizing himself.

To the side, Kate finally realized that something uncontrollable must have happened to Wade. Sheasked in confusion and anxiousness, “Grandpa! What happened to you?”

However, Wade did not answer.

In fact, when he heard Kate’s voice, a strange dark red flashed in his eyes again. He only stared atAndrius in front but did not attack again.

“He seems to be controlled by a powerful outside force.” Andrius discerned the clues and asked in alow voice, “Kate, tell me honestly. What did the Sect Master do before this?”

The matter had to do with Wade’s safety, so Kate did not dare to conceal anything. Thus, sheimmediately explained in detail.

“After the battle at Valdez Village, the Guardian returned with severe injuries and knew that his end wasnear. Thus, he decided to do one last thing for the Medicine Sect.

“He transferred all the inner energy techniques to Grandpa.”

So, that was it!

he accumulated for a hundred years as well as all his

Andrius glanced at Wade and sighed. “The Guardian’s intentions were good, but your grandfathercouldn’t handle this force. It seems he fell into deviation.”

Wade was only a late–stage Martial Emperor, but the Medicine Sect’s Guardian was a late- stageMartial God and approaching Martial Saint.

From the Martial Emperor realm to the Martial Saint realm…

It was too large a step. Not only was it prone to failure, but it was easy to fall into deviation!

“What should we do now?” Kate instantly became anxious at Andrius‘ words.


The Guardian was gone. If something happened to Wade, then the Medicine Sect would be in trouble!

“Let’s stop him first.”


As soon as he spoke, Wade seemed to understand that this group of people wanted to subdue him, sohe took the initiative to launch an attack.

After falling into deviation, he did not have many techniques. He simply used powerful inner energy toconfront them head–on.

Andrius did not want to engage in a direct confrontation with a Martial Saint, so he dodged andcountered when he could. For a while, he engaged in a back–and–forth with Wade.

However, Wade had received all of the Guardian’s inner energy and advanced to the Martial Saintrealm. His inner energy overwhelmed Andrius‘.

Neither did Andrius have the Argentum Qilin Spear nor could he use the Fire–breathing Palm. He couldonly rely on his inner energy…

Soon, Wade quickly suppressed him.novelbin

‘No, I need to do something about this!‘

That thought flashed in Andrius‘ mind, and he held a bunch of silver needles in his hands.



Within the fierce battle, the silvery streaks of light shot straight toward Wade’s various acupoints.

Andrius wanted to use this method to seal Wade’s inner energy and subdue him, thus putting an end tothis unnecessary and meaningless fight.




Before Andrius‘ silver needles could reach Wade, they were slapped away by Wade’s immense innerenergy, hitting the trees and falling to the ground.

There was no way to get close.

Andrius‘ situation became increasingly dangerous.

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