The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 1318
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Chapter 1318

“His figure can be found wherever there are fallen experts. I estimate that his forces have alreadygathered an astonishing number of insect soldiers who were originally experts at the Martial King andMartial Emperor realms.

“He’s only waiting until the final stages of the competition to reap the harvest. You must be careful.”

Andrius‘ heart sank.


Once Martial Emperor experts were turned into insect soldiers, their physical strength and resistance toattacks would be significantly enhanced, making them hard to deal with quickly.

If surrounded by a group of such fighting machines…

The level of danger would increase exponentially.

If that happened, the competition would be terribly difficult.

Andrius never expected that what started as a competition for the throne of Flandom would evolve intoa personal showcase by the Insect Ruler!

“Don’t worry, Andrius.” Old Hagstorm saw his heavy expression and reassured him, “Old Ophis and Iwill intervene and intercept the insect soldiers as much as possible. You can just stick to your originalplan, but be careful.”

Andrius‘ expression improved somewhat. “Thank you for your help, Master. I know what to do now.”


After some instructions, the two groups went their separate ways.

Old Ophis and Old Hagstorm went to keep an eye on the Insect Ruler’s team whereas Andrius‘ groupcontinued to their destination.

In the middle of the square in front of the sanctuary, there stood a tall white jade statue. The statue helda model of the golden scepter of the first king of Flandom.

Behind the square was a high platform. It was the only way to the depths of the sanctuary.

At that moment, Alexander defeated all the experts on the scene and stood proudly on the highplatform, overlooking the world.

Seeing no one dare to fight anymore, he looked at the organizer to the side and said triumphantly,“Since no one dares to fight anymore, let’s announce the results.‘

The organizer nodded and was just about to step forward and make the announcement.

Just then, a sudden change occurred.


A sharp whistle echoed on the square, and a silver light flashed.

Then, a spear emerged. The Argentum Qilin Spear appeared from the sky, aiming directly atAlexander.

At that moment, everything lost its color. The cold glint on the tip of the spear was the only color in theworld.

It was dazzling and eye–catching!

The momentum that seemed to break through the heavens secretly shocked everyone present.

Even Alexander could not help but feel a chill in his heart.


At the critical moment, a slightly crooked figure beside Alexander suddenly made a move, interceptingthe Argentum Qilin Spear with a punch. The spear flew out and embedded in the hard stone slab,making a loud clang.

It was Alexander’s family elder, Lloyd! However, he was currently wearing a mask and did not attackopenly.

“The Argentum Qilin Spear…” He glanced at the ferocious and domineering long spear and shouted inthe distance, “Wolf King, since you’re here, why not show yourself?”

His voice was full of vigor like rolling thunder, echoing continuously.

Just as he finished speaking, four figures approached, stepping on the morning light.

It was Andrius, Noir, the Arctic Fox, and Katalina.

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