The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 1289
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Chapter 1289

“Oh, I…”

Devin tried to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, more blood gushed out. No matterhow he tried to cover his neck, he inevitably fell down.

At that moment, the last trace of fear finally appeared in his still–open eyes. He had been killed in asingle blow, unable to react at all.

Everyone could not help but look in shock at the person who just arrived.

They wore a ghost–faced mask. It was none other than the master of the Shrouded Gate!

‘Such formidable strength!‘ Andrius could not help but exclaim inwardly when he saw this scene.

The person’s attack was so fast that even he could not see their figure clearly. It was evident that theirstrength must have reached the level of Martial Saint.

He did not see Luna putting away the Sanguis Blade in time, or he would have been able to discern hertrue identity.

The people around were also stunned.

“That’s it?”

After killing Devin, Luna placed one foot on his corpse and looked contemptuously at the Obaro expertssurrounding her.

“I wondered how tough he was. Are all the experts of Obaro only this powerful? Not a single one iscapable of fighting.

“Besides being noisy and barking like dogs, he couldn’t even take a single move from me. How boring.I wonder if every so–called expert in Obaro is the same as him, just as rubbish,” she deliberately spokeloudly to provoke them.

The first reason was to arouse their anger so that they would take action, allowing her to counter–attack.

The second reason was to attract more hatred so that Andrius would face less pressure when theofficial competition began.

“Florencian, do you really think that killing a small fry gives you the right to strut around arrogantly?”

“Don’t you Florencians have a saying? The last person who was so arrogant already has grass growingon their grave. Do you really think we won’t dare to kill you?”

“Florencian, you’ll pay the price for your stupidity!”

“Get him! We’ll teach him a lesson and let him know the might of the Obaro continent!”

The Obaro experts could not help but exclaim angrily, unable to endure the provocation. They all stoodup and surrounded Luna.

Luna was instantly eager. If she could kill all these people, her husband would be much safer, wouldn’the?


Just then, a powerful voice echoed from the back.

A staff from the organizers had arrived. He glanced at Devin’s body on the ground and frowned slightly.

Then, he said, “Everyone, disperse. If you have grievances, then settle them on the island.”

However, the Obaro experts were already angered and did not intend to let Luna go. They all continuedto clamor.

“Oh, my dear organizers, even if Devin said a few words, he didn’t deserve death!”

“This Florencian killed him in anger. He’s clearly looking down on Obaro! He needs to be punishedseverely!”

“Fuck, how could we let a Florencian come to Praxis Island to kill recklessly? I won’t accept it!”

“That’s right, he needs to pay the price today. Otherwise…”

The staff looked at these people and said indifferently, “It was Devin who took the initiative to provokethe Florencians and got himself killed. He brought it on himself.novelbin

“It’s clearly stated in the participant manual. In this competition, all participants are experts. Those whopick a fight and get killed are responsible for their own actions.”

The Obaro experts were unable to build their case and could only grumble and reluctantly leave,occasionally glaring at Luna as they did.

After everyone returned to their positions, Andrius stood up and took the initiative to walk toward her.“Thank you for helping us. It seems that having more friends when abroad is indeed better.”

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