The Wolf's Bride

Chapter 1136
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Chapter 1136

Upon hearing those words, Kate could not help but be stunned and subconsciously turned around.

At that moment, Luna had a cold expression on her face, and her eyes were like freezing stars.

Kate felt like Luna was a completely different person now. However, she could not pinpoint exactly whatthe problem was.

In any case, Luna was Andrius’ wife, so it was indeed in her authority to do these things.

“Oh, that’s… Y-you can do it then.”

Kate opened her mouth but felt an inexplicable dryness in her throat. Her speech became a bitstuttered, but she still stepped aside.

Luna went to the medicine pot, looked at the various medicinal herbs,

and picked them up one by one to identify them. Although her

medical skills were not as good as Andrius, she could still recognize

these herbs.

Seeing this, Kate explained, “Andrius’ injuries mainly involve the

wounds in his chest and abdomen, as well as his internal injuries in

his meridians. When brewing the medicine, you must remember

Kate pointed out the separate herbs and briefly explained what Lunanovelbin

had to look out for.

“Mm.” Luna’s face was cold as she hummed.

Kate did not know what was wrong with Luna, but she felt

uncomfortable. After giving the instructions, she turned and prepared to leave.

“Wait.” Luna did not turn her head, and it was as if the words were not spoken from her own mouth.“Tell me after you finish cooking. I’ll personally take the meal to my husband.”

Kate could not help but be stunned. That statement was simply amazing.

“I’ll cook, while you deliver… Simply amazing…” Kate muttered. casually and shook her head, then left.

When Luna heard those words, she immediately turned around. As she looked at Kate’s back, herclear eyes seemed to have a layer of ice crystals.

The next few days, Kate prepared meals on time every day and

informed Luna.

Then, Luna took those dishes and delivered them to Andrius.

After eating the dishes brought by Luna for two consecutive days,

Andrius could not help but be curious and asked, “Luna… How did your cooking skills improve soquickly? You were a beginner before, but you’re as good as a master chef now.”

Luna blushed, and she casually lied, “I saw that Kate was good at

cooking, so I’ve been learning from her these days.”

“Thanks, Luna.” Andrius did not suspect anything and spoke with


Luna smiled as bright as the sun. “I’m glad you like it, hubby!”

Such a radiant smile would only blossom in front of Andrius.

After three days of recuperating, Andrius had mostly recovered. It was time to set off for the treasurelocation.

Thus, Andrius asked, “Luna, how are you handling the demon snake’s power inside your body?”

The demon snake’s power. It was extremely yin, extremely evil, and boundless.

It would be troublesome if anything happened during cultivation. Andrius had to be cautious.

“It’s fine. Master found a way to suppress the power of the demon snake. I can also cultivate the Kleinfamily’s technique with you later.” Luna’s tone contained a hint of anticipation when she said the words.

It was suppressed?

Andrius recalled the fierce and unmatched power of the demon snal that day. Even now, he feltlingering fear and asked curiously, “What did Master do?”

Luna replied, “He used the Sanguis Blade. It’s a dagger filled with evil.


“The Sanguis Blade? Can I see it?” Andrius’ curiosity surged.

“Sure,” Luna answered and drew a dagger from her waist, gently.

placing it on the table.

“The Sanguis Blade…”

Andrius only glanced at it and felt a shock in his heart. He became even more eager to explore it.

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