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Chapter 186

Chapter 186: Chapter 134 “Forerunner” and “Martial Arts Savior” (Please Subscribe) 3With that, Christopher Abbott respectfully nodded and left the office. “Harper, how are things going at the First Bureau currently?”

The woman behind Milton Cheney had not spoken since the beginning. After hearing Milton’s words, she bent down andwhispered in his ear.

After hearing Harper’s words, Milton Cheney nodded.

In the past four years, people from the Black Raven Squad had infiltrated the Federal Ninth Bureau.

While they couldn’t uncover every secret, they knew enough to keep Milton informed about the key matters.

“It appears mentor has stirred up too much trouble, is Easton Wade struggling and planning to use me as a scapegoat?”Milton Cheney pondered on this.

Considering the problem from a holistic perspective made his thoughts clearer.

This was the advantage of having an undercover agent.

If he had accumulated wisdom and knowledge over numerous lifetimes and was thus considered a genius, then his mentor,Carson Dutton, was an absolute genius.

He threatened the Headquarters Director’s position only a few years after joining the Headquarters. “Harper, how is my mentor’swife?”

Milton Cheney asked.He was somewhat worried that Easton Wade would resort to dirty tactics.

After all, having become the Director of the First Bureau, his hands were undoubtedly stained with the blood of innocents—enough to fill a swimming pool.

“The mentor’s wife is well protected by your mentor; there’s no danger.” Upon hearing these words, Milton Cheney nodded.Rubbing his brows, political games like these weren't exactly his strong suit.If it weren’t for how it fit into his grand scheme, he would prefer not to take on the job of Fourth Bureau’s Director at all.

Compared to dealing with all manner of problems, he would rather bulldoze his way forward, taking out anyone who stood in hispath.

However, this world was different from the Wizard Realm.

Despite might making right, the definition of ‘strength’ manifested in all sorts of ways.

If he were to act rashly, he’d likely face mass-scale weaponry.

This world was, after all, primarily reliant on technology.

However, once his plans were set in motion, the Fourth Bureau would cease to exist.

The Federation had lost its integrity and Milton didn’t want to see it crumble.

His enemies weren't the Federation's upper echelons. His true enemies didn’t belong to this world.novelbin

“Begin the large-scale collection of intelligence. After exposure, we'll move to Plan B. Within one month, these organizations willhave no secrets to keep from me.”

Milton Cheney stated.

The Black Raven Squad had been undercover for four years, enough of skirting the edges.

He didn’t come to this world to perpetually hold a lowly position like ‘Director’.

However, to restore the Fighter Path to its historical glory required more than his efforts alone.

“Milton Cheney! Are you betraying the Federation?!”

Areprimanding voice came from an old man.

Milton Cheney’s face was devoid of emotion, his eyes flashing a hint of disdain.

“Easton, for a scumbag like you to say those words, it seems you think I’m interested in killing you on my own accord.”“Think about how many people in the Federation want you dead. The line would stretch from Capital City to Southern City.”Hearing Milton Cheney’s words, Easton Wade let out his last breath.

Several figures flashed through his mind.

He believed Milton’s words. Milton was simply a dagger poised to stab him, and there was undoubtedly someone else behindhim.

But who could it be?

Carson Dutton?

Or William Yorke?

However, overthinking doesn’t necessarily do any good, as it tends to overlook the most straightforward answer.

“Give me a chance, let me leave. The position of Headquarters Director can be handed to your mentor. | will leave theFederation and never appear before you all again.”

“| can surrender the several subspaces that | control.”

Even up to this point, he still yearned to survive.

But the Milton Cheney standing in front of him didn’t respond to his plea.


A punch roared forth and the already far- gone Easton simply couldn’t withstand it!

Blood splattered everywhere!

Milton Cheney pulled back his fist, shaking off fresh blood onto the ground.

Give you a chance?

Who gave the innocents who died at your hands a chance?

Pulling out a little medicine bag, Milton scattered the medicine over Easton Wade's body.“Hiss!”

The sound of the body corroding echoed out, and a horrible smell wafted from the corpse.After a moment, the corpse turned into a puddle of liquid.

A figure approached behind Milton and had a rather complex expression on his face.“Are you sure about this?”

Carson Dutton asked.

He suddenly found that he could no longer understand his student.From his perspective, Milton’s ideas were bordering on madness.Milton didn’t turn around to look at his mentor.

Instead, he said, “How long do you think the Federal Ninth Bureau can hold out? Despite technological advancements, this worldcan’t avoid being consumed.’

“We can’t keep up the ruse anymore. You can find out the truth easily online.”

Milton had finally understood.

The worlds to which he was reincarnated were not ordinary.

So far, both the worlds in which he was reincarnated were on the brink of annihilation.The previous world was the End of Dharma Era, and this world was facing

invasion from other worlds.

“We need to start reforming. We don'thave much time left. Within ahundred years, ue rqushestablish’Martial woAbdternies throughoutthe Federation.” “If no one else willtake the lead, then we'll be thepioneers.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Change the Fighter Path to Martial Arts and Fighters to Martial Artists.”

“Technology will only lead this worldto destruction. Given our limited time,Martial Arts is the opi wayassavethis wottdl Only by having everyonepractice martial arts we can save ourworld!” Milton Cheney turned to hismentor and solemnly said. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Carson Dutton fell silent.Eventually, he nodded.Milton was right. We can’t conceal for much longer.

The subordinate spaces that appeared randomly were becoming more frequent. The Ninth Bureau alone could no longersuppress them.

The Federation’s upper echelons were rotting from the inside.

If no one would be the pioneer, then they would be the pioneers! A sense of heroism, long absent, began to well up within him.“So, what's the plan?”

“First, consolidate the Federal Ninth Bureau, rename it as the Federal Strategic Guidance Bureau.”

“Then, integrate all forms of fighting techniques, create Martial Arts, and set up a grading system. Establish a Martial ArtsDepartment in every school!”

Milton Cheney, looking far into the distance, said.In that moment, he seemed to see the future!ps: This world does indeed hold great importance, so I'll focus on writing about this one.

This world is crucial for theprotagonist's conquest of all

iuniverses. Ta clarifycthis doesnotmean ios adding the word count. |have a complete outline, my dearreaders.. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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