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Chapter 167

Chapter 167: Chapter 128: “Killing the Level 3 Wizard” and “Betraying the Boundary” (Please subscribe)“Tsk!

Almost the moment Milton Cheney entered this void space!

Aghostly giant hand reached into the void, as if intending to drag him out.

The void surrounding him seemed to be stirred into chaos by this hand.

The next moment, the hand ripped open an exit in the void space. A figure in a black robe appeared not far from Milton Cheney.BOxnovel.com

Milton couldn’t make out the figure’s specific features.

But he didn’t need to see the details to infer the man’s identity.

“A sect wizard from the Gospel Masters Order.”

A certain unease formed in Milton's heart.

The instant this figure set foot in the void space, Milton Cheney had already taken action himself.

“Dang! !”

A pocket watch was crushed in his hand.

The crispy sound of an old clock being struck echoed in the void space.

An illusionary image of the pocket watch appeared above the head of the black-robed sect wizard.

The hand of the phantom watch began to move.

Ahint of pain flashed in Milton’s eyes.

Adisposable magic device of Level 3, tens of thousands of magic stones gone!

“Third Ring Magic*Time Stasis!”

This spell only lasted an instant after activation, not even a second.

The spell’s target was a Level 3 wizard, so it was naturally a brief effect.

But for Milton, that single moment was enough.

So what if he was a Level 3 wizard? Milton had faced more than one in his true body simulation.

In that instant, the True Word Magic Book hovered in front of him.

The pages of the True Word Magic Book quickly flipped, a white light shining from a dozen or so of them.“Second Ring Magic*Time Solidification!” “Second Ring Magic-Counterclockwise!” “Second Ring MagicGravity Blessing!”“Boom!!”novelbin

Several Second Ring magic spells burst forth from the True Word Magic Book, their ultimate target being the sect wizard whowas not far from Milton.

The stationary void was stirred up by these spells.

Without a doubt, these spells landed on the black-robed sect wizard, but they didn’t seem to have any effect.

This was naturally within Milton’s expectations.

He was merely buying time.

It was unrealistic for him to directly kill a Level 3 wizard.

But if he couldn't kill you, he could still make you uncomfortable.

As expected, several spells blasted the black-robed wizard’s black robe into dust.

Milton’s figure moved, disappearing from his original position once again.

The sect wizard who had suddenly appeared in this void space showed no signs of panic.

He waved his hand lightly, and a clump of black mist appeared in his hand.

This clump of black mist seemed to have a target from the moment it

appeared, as it flew off into the distance.

His body was covered with spiritual power, preventing anyone from guessing his emotional state.

“Third Ring Magic.Black Mist!”

By the time Milton appeared again, he was shrouded in black mist.

Milton didn’t hesitate, he let his spiritual power flow out from his Spiritual Sea into a white locket in front of him.

He didn’t have much else, but he had plenty of magic stones. And having lots of magic stones meant he had plenty of treasures.“Third Ring MagicsRadiant Protection!”

A ball of white light surged from the locket on Milton’s chest, pushing the encircling black mist outward.

This was necessary.

The black mist wasn’t just affecting his sight, a Third Ring Magic spell wouldn’t be so simple.

If this black mist entered his body, his Spiritual Sea and body would be corroded in an instant.

Of the many tactics of the Gospel Masters Order, Milton Cheney had some understanding, more or less.

Right now, he couldn’t afford to rush.

Directly summoning the Book of Truth to teleport back to the Guardian Sea, he was short of a few seconds of time.These few seconds, although they were nothing more than a blink of an eye to him normally, were improbable under thepressure of a Level 3 wizard.

After all, he had just released at least a dozen spells, but in the end, he didn’t manage to buy even a second.

From the moment Milton activatedhis spell to the point where he mactivated the disposable mtadicdeyide. the second time, releasingthe Third Ring Magic spell, only asecond had passed. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Just as Milton was considering whether to take a risk, the sect wizard appeared again not far from him.

A flash of black light on his body, and a thin thread flew out from the sect wizard, its target being Milton’s body.What is this?

“Third Ring Magic*Gospel Symbol! ”

Seeing that this sect wizard actually cast this spell, Milton’s eyes lit up.

This is an opportunity!

He knew instantly, this was an opportunity!

His information edge allowed him to know some of the special spells of the Gospel Masters Order.

And the Gospel Masters Order, needless to say, had absolutely no idea about him.

Milton had prepared for potentiallyencountering people from the GospelMasters Order as ratiaawabouttheit fu Stneetings, but he neverthought he’d bump into them thisfast. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

But, this was enough!

The moment the sect wizard cast this spell, a magic device in Milton’s spiritual sea emitted a ray of light.

This magic device only had one very niche spell inscribed on it.

However, this spell was created by a predecessor in the Guardian Sea specifically to counter the Gospel Symbol!“Second Ring Magic.Mind Imprisonment!”

This spell doesn’t imprison others’ thoughts, it imprisons the thoughts of the wizard himself.

The instant the Gospel Symbol entered Milton, the black robed sect wizard withdrew his spiritual power and stepped in front ofMilton.

His thoughts were imprisoned, buthis body wasn't. Milton's yalecontinue to act acedtding to theofdais: issued at the moment histhoughts were trapped. He was like aprecision machine.. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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