The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 81 You Have Crossed The Line
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Chapter 81 You Have Crossed The Line

Chapter 81 You Have Crossed the Line

"Yes, sir!" A plainclothes man responded loudly before turning and running towards the base.

As they spoke, two figures appeared like ghosts in front of them from a hundred meters away.

"Identify yourselves!" Roderick sensed a strong aura of power emanating from the two men. Onewas already a True Master Battle General and both had a thick bloodthirsty aura about them. Theywere definitely survivors who crawled out from mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

"Surrender Rakshasa to us, and we'll spare your lives!" A man named Allen spoke up.

"People from Place of Darkness dare to infiltrate Ozin? Do you think there is no able man left inGlavale (the country)?" Roderick continued speaking.

His only option now was to delay as much as possible, hoping that Billy would arrive before theymade their move. Otherwise, with their strength, it would take less than 3 minutes for the base to bedestroyed.

"If you talk too much, you get to die!" Allen threatened.

"You shouldn't be here. No matter what kind of organization you belong to, you'll lose too much ifyou lose two advanced Battle Generals all at once!" Roderick wasn't timid. "If you leave noe,perhaps you can still be alive. Or, you get to stay dead here."novelbin

"Too many words! You're doomed to die today!" Allen's companion snapped. As he completed hissentence, he started moving.

"You asked for it!" shouted a plainclothes man, raising his gun and firing. However, most of thebullets hit only afterimages, leaving bullet holes on the ground. Even if one or two bullets hit theirtarget, they couldn't break through their defensive aura and fell directly to the ground.

"So weak!"

The man said in a deep voice and casually raised his hand to smash out an extremely violent punchthat destroyed everything in its path. The typical characteristic of a powerhouse above BattleGeneral level was being able to release chi (their energy) outside their body and kill without beingseen.

"Be careful!" Roderick said while sweeping out a burst of force.


Their attacks collided fiercely with each other. The resulting airwaves directly knocked severalcasual-dressed men off their feet. They spat out blood but couldn't get up for half a day.

After the loud noise subsided, Roderick and the man both retreated seven or eight steps. Thecement floor beneath them shattered like spider webs.

"Not bad. You can take my attack!" The man narrowed his eyes slightly before shaking his arm andattacking again. Several punches came whistling like a hurricane, much stronger than the previousmove.

"Clay, Marvin, be careful, don't fight head-on with them. Just hold him off!" Roderick said beforeraising his hand and charging forward.

"Got it!" The two were both Battle Generals from the inspectorate's. They nodded in responsebefore rushing towards Allen.

The sound of intense collisions immediately filled the scene as figures flashed and waves of energyflew around. In less than 2 minutes, Clay and Marvin both spewed out a mouthful of blood beforeflying out and falling heavily to the ground. Their breaths instantly weakened. They were still nomatches for the opponent since Allen and his companion were at peak strength.

"You two dare to block my path?" The man clearly had no intention of letting them go easily. Assoon as he spoke, he rushed towards Clay and Marvin. And as he was about to deal a blow, a burstof gunshot sounded as hundreds of people rushed out from the base while shooting.

"Damn it!" Allen retreated in no time. Bullets all fell on the ground like rain with crackle and sparksflying.

And, Allen disappeared.

Soon, a strong gust of wind swept out, accompanied by a burst of explosive sound in the air. Afterthe gust subsided, a large group of men were sent flying backwards.

Roderick was forced to continuously retreat by Allen's attacks. He had been hit several times andhis breathing was extremely erratic. The opponent was at the perfect level for a Battle General, onelevel higher than him. Holding on until now was already at his limit.

"I'm done playing with you. Go to hell!" Allen spoke coldly. He narrowed his eyes and his aura onceagain soared as he revealed his perfect Battle General state without any doubt. Without any fancymoves or tricks, he punched out with thunderous force that broke through the air like lightningstriking down from above.

Sensing the power behind this punch caused Roderick's pupils to shrink rapidly as every hair on hisbody stood on end. He wanted to dodge but it was already too late; all he could do was watchhelplessly as Allen's fist rapidly enlarged within his field of vision.


Just as Roderick was about to give up hope, a deafening explosion echoed through the air andAllen's body exploded like a bomb, leaving behind a cloud of blood mist.

"Mr Gardner!" Roderick knew it was Billy without even looking. Only a Battle God could have takendown a late-stage General with one blow. And in Ozin right now, there could only be three peoplewho fit that description-Billy, Casey, and Judge. No one else.

"You okay?" Billy asked calmly.

"I'm fine. Thank you for saving my life, sir!" Roderick bowed gratefully after narrowly escapingdeath's door.

The other guy saw his companion get punched into oblivion and lost all will to fight. He quicklydodged to the side while feeling waves of shock and disbelief crashing over him.

Wasn't Ozin supposed to have only peak warlords? How did they suddenly get someone with aBattle God's strength? He had no choice but to run or he'd end up as nothing more than scraps onthe ground.

"You can't escape!" Casey's eyes narrowed as he chased after him at lightning speed.

"Who are you guys? Our target is only Rakshasa, it has nothing to do with you. I advise you not tomeddle!" The man shouted as he ran frantically.

"From the moment you infiltrated Glavale, your fate was sealed. This isn't Place of Darkness, andyou've crossed the line! You must die!" Casey replied coldly.

As he spoke, he had already flashed behind the man less than ten meters away.

"Do you know who I am?" The man shouted in desperation. "If you kill me, the forces behind me willnever let you go!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in knowing who you are. Your forces don't scare me either!" Casey's wordsfell as his palm struck out. The air around them surged like a raging sea.

"No..." The man screamed hysterically.

Before he could finish his sentence, everything came to a sudden stop. After the palm wind passedby, a burst of blood mist exploded in mid-air. Then everything returned to calmness.

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