The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 379 What Is Despair?
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Chapter 379 What Is Despair?

Chapter 379 What Is Despair?

This time, Commander Gardner's identity was confirmed by Alger Shelton. Who else could makeBob Stokes call them "boss" besides that legendary figure?

After taking a deep breath, Alger hurried to Billy's side and bowed deeply.

"Your humble servant, Alger Shelton, was unaware of Commander Gardner's presence earlier andmay have offended you. Please accept my apologies, Commander Gardner!" he began. As hespoke, he trembled slightly. He couldn't believe he had the audacity to lecture the King of the Westearlier. It was truly a humbling experience. Besides, there was even more speculation about AzureDragon's identity in him.

Hearing Alger's words, there were gasps of astonishment. Even Helen Greenwood and her sonwere trembling uncontrollably, their faces filled with terror. They had just realized that this man wasthe one who had humiliated several prominent families. They had foolishly contemplated letting theGreenwood family to avenge them, and now they saw how misguided that would have been.

"Why are you here?" Billy looked at Bob Stokes and smiled.

"I made an appointment with General Wilson to come here together to support Azure Dragon!" Bobgrinned.

"What do you mean?" Billy asked. At the same time, he had a hunch about what was happening.

"You'll find out in a moment." Bob grinned again.

"Azure Dragon, is Mr Gardner... that Commander Gardner?" Alana, holding Azure Dragon's hand,was shivering even more. Even though she wasn't well-versed in current affairs, Commander

Gardner's name was well-known within their territory.

"Yes," Azure Dragon replied with a slight smile.

"Commander Gardner is your boss, so what... who are you exactly?" Alana continued to ask.

"I... I am..." Azure Dragon scratched his head.

Footsteps sounded at the door once more, and then Cole Wilson led a group of war departmentpersonnel into the room.

Alger Shelton felt like his heart was about to burst. These high-ranking figures, who usually heldthemselves above others, were visiting his estate one after another. Without time to contemplatefurther, he quickly approached and respectfully said, "It's a great honor to meet you here, GeneralWilson."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Mr Shelton."

"General Wilson, please help us seek justice..." Helen and her son seemed to have glimpsed aglimmer of hope.

"My brother was killed by SHADOW, and we hope you'll bring justice..." Helen Greenwood pleaded.

"Those who do wrong will eventually pay the price. If they killed, they will be killed." Cole Wilsonreplied indifferently.

"What?!" The mother and son were crestfallen.

"General Wilson!" Bob Stokes walked up to him and said. "I told you I'd get here before you did!"

"Haha, you're quite fast!" Cole replied with a smile. The two of them had clearly planned this.

"General Wilson," Billy greeted him with a smile.

"Commander Gardner!" Cole Wilson replied.

"General Wilson, are you here for a reason?" Alger took a deep breath and asked.

"Mr Shelton, you've found yourself an excellent son-in-law." Cole said.

"What... what do you mean by that?"

"Azure Dragon, stand at attention!" Cole received a document from a subordinate and spoke loudly.

"Please give your orders, General Wilson!" Azure Dragon took a few steps forward and knelt on oneknee.

"Effective immediately, you are relieved of your position as Deputy Commander of the EasternTerritory and transferred to the Southern Territory, where you will assume the role of SouthernTerritory Commander." Cole announced solemnly, handing over the document.

"What?!" Alana Shelton and Andrew Garza shouted simultaneously.

Andrew's face turned even darker than before. He had worked so hard to secure the position of acolonel in the Southern Territory next month, and now General Wilson was telling him that theperson he had wanted to harm was the Southern Territory Commander.

Could there be anything more despairing than this?

Alana Shelton's face was equally filled with astonishment. She had never imagined that herboyfriend had such an important background. Even before this promotion, he was the DeputyCommander of the Eastern Territory, a high-ranking official who commanded hundreds of thousandsof troops. It was a position more powerful than many of the figures reported in the media.novelbin

As for Alger Shelton, aside from his shock, he also felt embarrassed. He had even not given AzureDragon who was now a chief commander of a region the recognition he deserved and had evenconsidered making him a vice general manager in one of their companies. He realized howmistaken he had been.

At this point, Helen Greenwood and her son fell to the ground, their faces filled with despair.

"Mr Azure Dragon, we're so sorry. We beg you to forgive us, regardless of our past actions." HelenGreenwood struggled to speak.

"Now you're surrendering?" Azure Dragon responded indifferently. He then turned to Andrew Garzaand declared, "I, in the name of the Southern Territory Commander, officially notify you that yourappointment as the colonel of the Southern Territory Corps is hereby revoked. Go back where youcame from!"

"No, please!" Andrew Garza shouted out. This opportunity had taken an enormous amount of effortto obtain, and now it was slipping away.

"Night Orchid, bring them back to SHADOW and investigate what dirty deeds they've done. Oncefound guilty, punish them accordingly." Billy calmly ordered.

"Yes, Commander!" Night Orchid then took out her phone to make a call.

Helen Greenwood and her son both slumped to the ground, their faces filled with despair.

"Mr Azure Dragon, I didn't know your identity before, and I apologize for any offense caused." AlgerShelton took a deep breath and approached Azure Dragon. As he spoke, he attempted to bow andshow respect but was lifted up by Azure Dragon.

"Mr Shelton, you're embarrassing me." Azure Dragon replied. "It should be me apologizing for notdisclosing my identity earlier. Please forgive me."

After speaking, he turned to Alana who was still stunned and said, "Alana, I'm sorry, I didn't mean tohide it from you. It's just that you never asked, and I..."

"You big liar! I don't want to talk to you!" Without waiting for Azure Dragon to finish, Alana gave hima glare and then ran off towards a nearby villa.

Azure Dragon stood there, stunned.

"What are you waiting for? Go after her!" Night Orchid reminded him in a bemused tone.

"Oh!" Azure Dragon quickly followed her.

"Alas... with his emotional intelligence, how can boss trust him?" Stout commented in a knowingtone.

Night Orchid stifled a laugh. "Stout, have you ever been in love?"

"Does a childhood crush count?" Stout replied solemnly. "When I was a kid, I secretly had a crushon an older female disciple. I was ten years old when she left Secret Essences, and I washeartbroken..."


Billy and the others were all amused by his story.

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