The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 372 The Origin Of King Of The West
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Chapter 372 The Origin Of King Of The West

Chapter 372 The Origin of King of the West

"Weren't you asking for evidence just now?" Billy glanced at the three of them before continuing,"Casey, show them the evidence."

"Yes!" Casey replied loudly.

"No, really, there's no need..." Blaze Holmes hurriedly interjected.

Could they even bear to look at the evidence? The answer was obvious! One look and it wouldimplicate thousands of people from the Holmes Clan. Would they dare to look?

"Commander Gardner, may I have a word with you?" Cole Wilson turned to Billy.

"General Wilson, what's the matter?" Billy narrowed his eyes slightly.

"There is indeed something," Cole Wilson responded. "May I have two minutes of your time?"

"Sure." Billy said after a moment of thought and walked aside with Cole Wilson.

They returned a short while later, both wearing neutral expressions.

"Commander Gardner..." Harlan looked at Billy with a solemn expression.

The fate of over a thousand members of the Holmes Clan now hung in the balance, dependent onBilly's decision.

"Brute Holmes, in collusion with others, plotted to harm a thousand soldiers of the War Department,an unforgivable crime punishable by death!" Billy interrupted Harlan.

"Blaze Holmes, Avery Holmes, as accomplices, your lives can be spared, but your cultivation will becrippled!" he continued.

"The Holmes Clan must pay a fine of ten billion and hand it over to the War Department aspunishment for this matter!"

"In addition, disclose the names of any members of other noble clans involved in this incident."

"With these four conditions, this matter will be concluded."

Hearing Billy's words, Harlan breathed a sigh of relief. While complying with these four conditionsmeant essentially withdrawing from the noble clan hierarchy, it was far better than total annihilation.Without overthinking it, he immediately knelt before Billy. "Thank you, Commander Gardner!"

"Harlan, you..." Blaze Holmes's heart skipped a beat upon hearing this. He could easily deduce thatHarlan must have reached some agreement with Cole Wilson to secure this outcome. Undoubtedly,the price paid was significant, possibly even Harlan's own future.

"Grandfather, please thank Commander Gardner!" Harlan interrupted his grandfather.

"Thank... thank you, Commander Gardner." Blaze Holmes took a deep breath and bowed to Billy.Given the current situation, he knew that this was the best outcome the Holmes Clan could hopefor. If they continued to resist, there might be unexpected consequences. He continued,"Commander Gardner, my younger brother planned this with my consent. I am willing to die in hisplace. Please grant my request."

"Blaze, no!" Brute Holmes exclaimed. "The Holmes family cannot lose you. With my life, I willexchange for the peace of the family. It's worth it!"

With a twist of his eyes, Brute Holmes coughed up a mouthful of blood, and a burst of blood misterupted from his heart.


"Uncle Brute!"


The members of the Holmes Clan all cried out simultaneously.

"General Wilson, the rest is up to you," Billy said to Cole Wilson. "Including those from the other twonoble clans involved, they must die."

"Don't worry, none of them will escape," Cole replied solemnly. This matter was not just about theArmy of Bloodshadow; it involved the War Department as well, and he had a clear responsibility.novelbin

"Thank you!" Billy nodded slightly. "I'll take my leave now."

"You're welcome." Cole responded.

"Thank you, Commander Gardner!" Harlan bowed to Billy.

"Thank you, Commander Gardner!" Blaze Holmes and his son, despite their deep sorrow, alsobowed in gratitude.

Shortly afterward, two muffled sounds came from the Dantians of Blaze Holmes and Avery Holmes.They both spat out blood and collapsed, which meant that their cultivation was completely ruined.This was their way of settling the score with Billy.

An hour later, Billy and his group returned to the SHADOW base.

"Boss!" Azure Fang and the other five greeted him.

"Is everything settled with Central Sky Office?" Billy asked with a smile.

"It's all settled. Everyone on the list has been executed, and the other individuals involved are beingheld at Central Sky Office." Azure Fang reported loudly.

"Good!" Billy smiled again.

Soon, everyone gathered in the meeting hall.

"Boss, who is the new Deputy Minister of Central Sky Office? Is he also from Ether Mountain?"Judge asked openly. That was something about Billy's origins. However, this information must notbe leaked to the outside world.

The outside world had always been speculating about the background of Commander Gardner fromthe Western Territory. There were all sorts of bizarre rumors, including those related to the EtherMountain lineage. And as Judge had mentioned, Billy did indeed come from the Ether Mountains,which was the place where that old man was born and raised.

There was a holy temple of Martial Arts on the peak of Ether Mountain, and that was a long-standing legend in Glavale. Whenever martial artists heard of Ether Mountain's peak, they couldn'thelp but be moved. It was the source of Glavale's martial arts, a sacred place in the hearts ofcountless martial artists.

Billy had been rescued from Ozin by people arranged by that old man more than five years ago andwas taken to Ether Mountain. He had spent less than two years on the mountain before returning tothe secular world and being arranged to join the War Department by that old man. In less than twomonths, the name, Billy Gardner, had spread throughout the five major war zones. He was thenassigned to oversee the Western Region.

Ether Mountain was where he had been reborn.

"He should be arriving soon. You can ask him yourselves later!" Billy smiled.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sneeze at the door.

"Boss, were you saying something bad about me behind my back again?" Soon after, Bob Stokesrubbed his nose and walked in.

"Haha, Speak of the devil!" Billy laughed. "Please, have a seat."

"Mr Stokes!" Night Orchid and Frostblade called out simultaneously.

"Ladies, we're among family here. If you keep calling me that it's as if you're trying to get boss topunish me!" Bob hurriedly exclaimed. "Just consider it a request from me, just call my name."

Night Orchid giggled. "Judging by the way you're talking, you must have taken quite a beating fromboss in the past, huh?"

"The past is best left forgotten, let's not dwell on it." Bob replied, his mouth twitching several times.

That was true. Every time he thought about those two years when he and Billy stayed in EtherMountain, he couldn't help but shudder. He used to be forced into daily training by Billy, and anyattempt to slack off resulted in a merciless beating. His current level of cultivation owed itself to themotivation provided by those punches.

Frostblade was amused by his expression, while Casey and the others had similarly wry smiles,having shared in his experiences.

"Boss, is that the end of the Holmes Clan?" Bob asked Billy, having already learned of Billy'sdecision.

"Yep," Billy nodded slightly. "Harlan Holmes is a decent guy. He's achieved a lot in the South inrecent years, so I'm giving him some face."

"Boss, what did General Wilson want when he met with you earlier?" Azure Dragon asked. He knewvery well that if it hadn't been for something General Wilson had said to Billy, the Holmes clanwouldn't have gotten off so easily.

Hearing Azure Dragon's question, Casey and the others turned their curious gazes to Billy as well.

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