The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 362 Mirabelle Leonard Appears
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Chapter 362 Mirabelle Leonard Appears

Chapter 362 Mirabelle Leonard Appears

"Oh?" Billy raised an eyebrow as he listened to Brigham Bush's words. The possibility of MirabelleLeonard undergoing another disguise was quite significant.

After committing the crime, it was unlikely that she would retain Night Orchid's appearance.Reverting to her original look would carry some risk, so it made sense for her to take on acompletely new identity.

"Where are they?" Billy continued to inquire.

"They've gone to a villa owned by Leroy Holmes." Brigham Bush replied.

"Keep them under surveillance." Billy said with a stern tone.

"I've already given the order." Brigham Bush nodded in response.

"Let's go and check it out." Billy said, getting up and heading towards the door, with Judge and theothers following closely.

Leroy Holmes' villa was a standalone property, located near a park in the southern part of the city.Meanwhile, in the living room of the villa, Leroy Holmes and a young woman were sitting on acouch. The woman appeared to be in her mid-twenties, with delicate features and an alluring figure.She was dressed in a low-cut sweater that highlighted her curve.

"Mirabelle, your disguise skills are truly remarkable. I can't see any resemblance up close." LeroyHolmes said with a smile, his gaze admiring her figure.

Clearly, the woman was none other than Mirabelle Leonard, the young lady of the Leonard clan.

"Don't flatter me, Uncle Leroy. I don't have that level of skill. This disguise was crafted by mymaster." Mirabelle Leonard replied with a coquettish smile, adjusting her hair. She then picked upher glass of red wine. "Uncle Leroy, toast to your help."

"It's nothing," Leroy Holmes said, raising his glass to clink it against hers.

"So, how does Central Sky Office plan to handle the Night Orchid case? They can't drag it outindefinitely, can they?" asked she.

"Don't worry," Leroy Holmes said, taking a sip of wine. "After today, SHADOW will only have four outof its original five sharp blades left."

"Really?" Mirabelle's eyes lit up.

"Yes," Leroy confirmed with a smile. "It was supposed to be carried out three days ago, but I heardthat someone from the western region contacted Central Sky Office and requested a three-dayextension. After these three days, if they can't find any evidence to prove Night Orchid's innocence,Central Sky Office will handle it."

"Humph! He's overestimating himself!" Mirabelle snorted, her eyes flashing with cold determination."Even if he's given three years, he won't find anything!"

"He's always been quite arrogant, hasn't he?" Leroy chuckled.

"Yes. Uncle Leroy, is there any chance this matter will face any more complications? What aboutCentral Sky Office..."

"Don't worry," Leroy interrupted her. "I promise there won't be any more problems. We, the Holmesclan, have joined forces with two other clans and have made our voices heard in five of theprivileged departments. Even if Central Sky Office wants to protect him, they'll have to consider the

opinions of others. Moreover, the new official at Central Sky Office is an absolute iron-willedcharacter. Giving him three days was already a big concession. He should be satisfied."

"That's good to hear." Mirabelle said, raising her glass again.

"Uncle Leroy, thank you. If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't know when I'd be able to startavenging my family."

"No problem. This is just the first step. Take it slow, I promise you'll have your revenge in no time."

"I believe you, Uncle Leroy!" Mirabelle said, her eyes filled with allure.

"Mirabelle, don't forget what you promised me." Leroy said, licking his dry lips.

"How could I forget?" Mirabelle smiled coquettishly. "I'm not planning to leave tonight. As soon asNight Orchid's head rolls, I won't let you down, Uncle Leroy."

"Haha, great!" Leroy laughed heartily, raising his glass again.

"Let's have a drink and chat for now. I don't think it will take more than an hour or two to get news."

"Yes!" Mirabelle said with a seductive smile. "I haven't had a boyfriend before, so you'll have to begentle tonight..."

"Haha, rest assured, I will be very gentle!" Leroy raised his glass and downed it in one gulp.

For him, this was a tremendous stroke of luck.

A few days ago, when news of Warwick Holmes reached his family, his father had erupted in angerand ordered the entire clan to do everything in their power to seek revenge for Warwick Holmes. Itwas at this moment that Mirabelle Leonard approached him, and they quickly struck a deal. Whatexcited him even more was that Mirabelle had volunteered to offer herself as a reward if he helped

her with this task. While Mirabelle's looks weren't top-tier, her figure was among the best in theentire city. Coupled with her status as the young lady of the Leonard clan, she had once drivencountless men crazy.novelbin

Leroy Holmes had harbored desires for her long before all this. However, back then, it hadremained nothing more than a fantasy. Now that this opportunity had presented itself, he wasn'tgoing to let it slip away.

"Mirabelle, come sit on my side, we can talk more comfortably." Leroy said, patting the empty seatbeside him.

"Alright!" Mirabelle smiled and moved to sit next to him.

"Mirabelle, you're so gorgeous!" Leroy's eyes filled with desire as he reached out and embraced her.

Just then, a black-clad figure burst into the room, rushing in hurriedly.

"Get out!" Leroy, who was in the middle of an amorous mood, furrowed his brow and shoutedangrily.

"But... sir, there are people outside claiming to see you, they said it was important. We couldn't stopthem."The man in black responded while shivering.

"I told you to get out, didn't you hear me?" Leroy roared again.

"But... but..."


Before he could finish speaking, Leroy slapped him out and that man was sent flying out of the gate,lying on the ground with his head tilted and motionless.

"Tsk tsk, your attack is fierce enough." Just then, a voice came into the hall.

Subsequently, Billy and the other three appeared at the entrance of the villa.

It was Stour who made that remark.

"Fuck! Who are they? They have a death wish, don't..." Leroy Holmes, who had just turned his headto look at Mirabelle muttering, turned around again, but before he could finish speaking, he instantlyfroze and his face turned pale.

As the Holmes clan's number two, he naturally knew Commander Gardner, the King of the West. Heknew with his buttocks why he was here, and a sense of panic rose in his heart.

And Mirabelle who was sitting next to him, had a look of resentment in her eyes, but it only flashedby. Then, she took a deep breath and clenched her teeth. With her fists holding tight, she tried tocalm down.

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