The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 331 Endless Regrets
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Chapter 331 Endless Regrets

Chapter 331 Endless Regrets

In the next moment, two incredibly violent auras surged from both of them, their cultivation at theHalf-Step War Emperor level unmistakably on display, instantly shrouding the entire area.

The onlookers felt a suffocating sensation and quickly retreated several hundred meters back.

Immediately after, Drake Riley took several large strides, gripping his blades, and unleashedcountless chilling blade radiance into the void. In no time, an almost translucent shadowy bladeform, several times the size of his broadsword, appeared over his head, surrounded by thunder,exuding a frigid aura of death.

On the other side, Alkaid also initiated his attack. His wrist continuously rotated, forming a swordformation that covered several hundred meters, with sword shadows filling the sky and anoverwhelming intent to kill.

"Come at me!" Both of them shouted in unison.

Suddenly, the colossal shadowy blade, carrying the overwhelming force of thunder, slashed towardsBilly, causing fierce winds to howl and the earth to tremble.

At the same time, the sword shadows in the sky descended upon Billy like a rain of blades,accompanied by a piercing wind howl, as fast as lightning and unstoppable.

"Do you two think you're strong?" Faced with their full-force attacks, Billy stood his ground, a surgeof power emanating from him like a raging river, crushing everything in its path.

In the air, bursts of explosive sounds followed, and countless shadowy sword formations instantlydissipated, weakening the colossal shadowy blade as well.


Then, a blood-red blade radiance descended from the sky with the force of lightning and thunder,slashing down towards the two.

"No!" Sensing the power of this strike, both of them cried out. It was only at this moment that theyrealized how naive they had been. They had actually thought they could challenge CommanderGardner and had boldly claimed they could last hundreds of rounds against him. It was a colossaljoke!

They couldn't even withstand a single round. Billy's strength, as demonstrated now, was at least atthe pinnacle of the War Emperor level, if not higher.

Two heads flew into the sky, blood spurting like fountains.

Drake Riley's face was filled with endless regret. If only he had known how formidable the King ofthe West was, he wouldn't have agreed to an alliance with Ink Pavilion. His one wrong decision haddragged the Riley clan into an abyss of despair. Now, he had no idea how to face his ancestors.

Rewinding time a few minutes back, just as Drake Riley and Melvin Pearce were about to confrontBilly, Melvin pointed at the thirty SHADOW members and shouted loudly.

"Kill them all, leave none alive!"

"Yes!" Ink Pavilion members responded in unison, brandishing their swords and charging towardsFrostblade and the others.

"Kill them!" Ralph Riley led a hundred martial art experts, following closely behind.

Among the hundred-plus members from Ink Pavilion and the clan, there were two WarGrandmasters, ten Warlords, twenty Battle Gods, and the weakest among them were Battlenovelbin

Generals. If they were surrounded by these experts, Frostblade and her thirty SHADOW memberswould be wiped out in less than two minutes.

"Let's fight them!" Cecil Peters roared.

The other thirty SHADOW members echoed in unison. Even facing opponents several timesstronger than themselves, not a single one of them showed any intention of backing down.

"You fools!" Melvin Pearce coldly uttered as he rushed forward, his sword aimed at one of theSHADOW members.

Just then, dozens of incredibly sharp blade radiance streaked in from the courtyard entrance,making a piercing sound as they cut through the air. In the blink of an eye, a batch of Ink Pavilionand the Riley clan members fell, all of them cleaved in half and left lifeless on the ground.

"Hmm?" Melvin Pearce and Ralph Riley both turned to look.

"Frostblade, not too late, right?" Casey asked with a smile.

"No, perfect timing!" Frostblade replied with a smile. Then, she glanced at Azure Fang, and a hint oftenderness flashed in her eyes.

"Frostblade, save your romantic moments for later. Let's get rid of these fools first!" Azure Dragonlaughed.

"Azure Dragon, is this another one of your jokes?" Frostblade slightly blushed.

"You bastards, who the hell are you?" A guest martial artist from the Riley clan pointed at Caseyand the others and shouted.

"The people who are going to kill you!" Azure Fang said coldly and swung his blade.

"You..." The man's pupils contracted, and he quickly tried to run to the side.

However, before he could take two steps, a blade radiance flashed across his throat, and his headrolled down.

"Sir, they're members of Army of Bloodshadow. Tell your people not to hold back, and kill them withall your might, or we won't survive!" Melvin Pearce shouted to Ralph Riley.

Initially, Melvin Pearce hadn't recognized Casey and the others, but when he saw the Bloodshadowwar blades in their hands, he realized what they were up against. His confidence crumbled as hesensed the aura of their martial arts. He understood at that moment that the Commander Gardnerhad already set a trap, waiting for them to fall into it. Initially brimming with confidence, uponsensing the martial aura emanating from Casey Kimmons and the others, he was left with noassurance. However, at this moment, he had no choice but to go through with it, even if it meantgoing in headfirst.

"This is a damn mess!" Ralph Riley's face changed several times, and his growing unease becamemore pronounced. But he was in a bind as well. He hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand.

"All of you, follow orders, and kill!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of clan members responded and rushed forward.

"You fools!" Azure Fang said coldly, brandishing his blade and charging out. Frostblade followedclosely behind.

"Attack!" Casey waved his hand, and his figure darted forward.

A thousand SHADOW members shouted in unison and charged towards the enemy.

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