The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 329 Who Gave You The Authority?
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Chapter 329 Who Gave You The Authority?

Chapter 329 Who Gave You the Authority?

Before the conversation could continue, Wally Hammond delivered a powerful palm strike, andByron Clayton's eyes rolled back as he lost consciousness. Byron was still capable of defendinghimself, but at this moment, he had lost all resistance, which allowed Wally to easily knock him outwith a single palm strike. Afterwards, he was dragged to the side.

"Commander Gardner, isn't this going too far?" Ralph Riley furrowed his brows. He had intended tohave some officials from the Capital Defense Bureau come and support him, but things had taken adifferent turn, and he was not pleased with the outcome.

"Why, Mr Riley, do you want to interfere in SHADOW's investigation?" Billy responded nonchalantly.

"You..." Ralph Riley took a deep breath, feeling as if he was on the verge of losing his patience.

Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed, and a middle-aged man arrived hastily, accompanied by agroup of people.

"Governor Wade, hello!" Upon seeing the newcomer, Ralph Riley quickly greeted him.

"Hello," the man named Andy Wade nodded slightly and then looked at Billy. "Andy Wade, theDistrict Governor of the Southern District, Special Inspector, at your service, Commander Gardner."

"Do you also want to interfere in SHADOW's investigation?" Billy asked.

"I wouldn't dare!" Andy Wade responded. "Regarding the annihilation of the Dittman family, SpecialPatrol Squadron also takes it very seriously and we've been investigating the case. Originally, I wasplanning to visit SHADOW today to inquire about the situation. But when I heard that CommanderGardner was here at the Riley clan's residence, I hurried over."

"Is that so?" Billy said with a faint smile. "What do you want to know?"

"I heard that the Dittman family's case was orchestrated by Piers Riley in collusion with Ink Pavilion.Is that true?" Andy Wade inquired.

"The capital city is still waiting for my report, so I wanted to consult Commander Gardner forconfirmation." He added. As he spoke, he directly excluded the Riley clan from the matter.

"According to SHADOW's regulations, anyone who conspires with Ink Pavilion should beexterminated, their whole clan. Do you have any objections to this?" Billy asked.

"Commander Gardner, isn't this premature?" Andy Wade furrowed his brows slightly.novelbin

"Based on my investigation over the past few days, it appears that Piers Riley's actions were indeedhis own. If he is to be exterminated the whole clan just for colluding with Ink Pavilion, wouldn't thatbe excessive?" Andy explained.

"Are you trying to interfere with SHADOW's investigation, Commander Wade?" Billy responded witha hint of mockery.

"Commander Gardner, please, let's not go too far." Andy Wade sighed. "One of the importantresponsibilities of the Special Patrol Squadron is to oversee whether various departments inGlavale are operating according to regulations."

"So..." Billy's tone grew serious. "Who gave you the authority to oversee SHADOW's operations?Was it your superior? Or was it the Central Sky Office? Perhaps someone even higher up thechain? You name someone, and I'll give them a call to confirm who granted them the authority!"

"Commander Gardner, there should be a limit to everything. Going too far will lead to trouble." AndyWade cautioned.

"Oh! Now you're threatening me?" Billy smiled coldly. "Not bad."

"Besides, judging from your tone, it seems you already knew about the collusion between the Rileyclan and Ink Pavilion, didn't you?"

"As a District Governor of the Special Patrol Squadron in the south, you knew about the Riley clan'scollusion with Ink Pavilion, yet you didn't take any action to stop the crimes or assist SHADOW."Billy continued.

"Commander Gardner, I emphasize once again that Piers Riley was the one who colluded with InkPavilion. I only learned of this recently." Andy Wade said with a furrowed brow.

Billy smiled again.

"Boss!" At this moment, Frostblade approached Billy and whispered a few words in his ear.

"I see," Billy replied with a nod before turning to Andy Wade. "You claimed that only Piers Rileycolluded with Ink Pavilion, correct? Well then, you should watch carefully."

"What do you mean?" Andy furrowed his brows again.

Ralph Riley had a bad feeling about this as well.

Suddenly, a formidable and oppressive aura swept across the courtyard, shrouding the entire arealike dark clouds gathering in the sky. The ordinary martial artists from the Riley clan felt asuffocating pressure and quickly retreated hundreds of meters.

Ink Pavilion's people had arrived!

The most notable characteristic of this group was that they all wore Daoist robes and black-and-white masks on their faces. Each of them had formidable strength, with the lowest being at the

Battle General stage, and some were even Battle Gods and Warlords. The leader of the grouppossessed the power of a Half-Step Battle Emperor.

Upon seeing these figures, the onlookers couldn't help but gasp in shock. Among those with themost watchable expressions were Ralph Riley and Andy Wade, whose faces turned as ugly as ifthey had lost their parents.

"Tell me, do you have anything else to say now?" Billy glanced at the Ink Pavilion members andthen turned to Andy Wade for a response.

"Mr Riley, what is going on here?" Andy Wade swallowed hard and looked at Ralph Riley foranswers.

As he spoke, Andy cursed the Riley clan in his heart. So many formidable members of Ink Pavilionhad arrived here at the Riley Estate, while he had previously insisted that only Piers Riley wasinvolved in colluding with Ink Pavilion, trying to distance the Riley clan from the matter. That wasquite contradictory.

"I don't know either, Governor Wade. Please remain calm." Ralph Riley said, taking a deep breathbefore looking at the members of Ink Pavilion.

"Ink Pavilion, your audacity knows no bounds! You dare to come to my place. Do you have a deathwish?" His mood was even worse than Andy Wade's. Originally, he had planned to shift the blameonto his brother, Piers Riley, and thought that would resolve the situation. He could have dealt with itby paying some compensation. However, with the arrival of Ink Pavilion's members, his plans hadfallen apart. He knew very well what Ink Pavilion intended-they wanted to tie the Riley clan and InkPavilion together. Now, he had to consider his options carefully.

"How long has it been, Mr Riley? I hope you've been well." The leader of the Ink Pavilion group saidcasually, looking at Ralph Riley.

"Scoundrel! I don't even know you. Don't come any closer to me!" Ralph Riley furrowed his brows,still torn about what to do.

"Given the current situation, are you still trying to be optimistic, Mr Riley?" The man from InkPavilion chuckled coldly. "You massacred dozens of members of the Dittman family, colluded withInk Pavilion to assassinate SHADOW operatives. If these charges are confirmed, it will be enoughto warrant the extermination of your clan over!"

"You have no choice left. Your only chance is to cooperate with our people to eliminate them.Perhaps you might have a chance to survive. As long as you assist me in obtaining that formula, Iwill report to our Lord in the capital city. He will then operate on your behalf within the capital,ensuring your safety!" the man representing Ink Pavilion continued.

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