The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 325 The Formula
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Chapter 325 The Formula

Chapter 325 The Formula

Exhaling deeply, Piers Riley didn't hesitate for a moment. He sprinted towards the estate's maingate. Initially, he had considered confronting SHADOW, but after discovering Billy's identity, he knewthere was no hope. In front of Commander Gardner, even if he had all the people he brought withhim, they wouldn't be worth mentioning.

The Leonard clan was a prime example. Despite being a legitimate top-tier clan, they had nearlybeen wiped out by the King of the West.

"Trying to escape?" Just as he dashed away, Frostblade's voice rang out, and a blade aura shottowards his right knee. With a swift flash, his lower leg fell to the ground, and he collapsed.

"Ah-" He let out a painful cry, unable to bear the agony in his leg.

"Don't... don't kill me..." Piers Riley, ignoring the excruciating pain in his leg, quickly begged formercy.

"The one who attacked Ebony Lord was a member of Ink Pavilion. He's... he's currently in the Rileyestate..."

"The formula that Dittman clan was guarding is also something Ink Pavilion wanted. They orderedus to send someone to the Dittman clan..."

With death looming, he no longer cared about the consequences. Billy listened intently to his words,his eyes narrowing slightly.

Billy had suspected this outcome, and it was in line with Ink Pavilion's way of doing things.

"Where is the grandson of Elder Fields?" At this moment, Eleanor Lawson rushed over.

"He... he tried to escape a few days ago but was... was killed by my men." Piers Riley stammered.

"Ah... my grandson..." Upon hearing this, Tad Fields shouted to the heavens, and his tears flowedfreely. He seemed to have aged decades in an instant. He had betrayed the Lawson family in hopesof securing a future for his grandson, but now he learned that his grandson had long since perished.

"You're despicable!" Eleanor Lawson was filled with anger.

"Behead him!" Billy's voice was cold.

"Don't... don't..." Piers Riley's voice trembled.

Frostblade swiftly beheaded him. His head soared into the sky, a look of unwillingness on his face.Three other guest elders of the Riley clan also fell, lifeless, to the ground simultaneously.

"Thank you, Mr Gardner, for your great kindness to my family!" Soon, Herman Lawson led his familymembers to Billy's side and knelt.

"From now on, if you have any tasks, we will not hesitate!"

"Thank you, Mr Gardner!" the others chimed in.

Though they didn't know Billy's specific identity, they had learned from Eleanor Lawson that he hada surname, "Gardner", so they referred to him as "Mr Gardner".

Today, without Billy's intervention, the Lawsons might have been expelled from Earthford for good.

"No need to be so formal, everyone, please rise." Billy said, raising his hand.

"Mr Gardner, Frostblade, thank you both so much!" Eleanor approached the two of them with agrateful expression.

"Not a problem, it was a small favor." Billy replied with a faint smile. "Now that things are settledhere, we'll take our leave."

"Mr Gardner, please wait a moment!" Herman Lawson called out loudly. He then took out a yellowedpiece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to Billy.

"Mr Gardner, this is the recipe that the Riley clan desired. I don't know its purpose, but my old friendemphasized that it must not fall into the hands of thieves. Perhaps you, with your extensiveknowledge, may have an idea?"

"Let me have a look," Billy said as he took the parchment.

"No wonder," Billy's eyes brightened after a while.

"Do you know what this recipe is?"

Seeing Billy's expression, Herman Lawson and the others became curious.

"This is a pill-making recipe." Billy nodded.

"A pill-making recipe?" Herman Lawson was slightly puzzled.

"Yes," Billy nodded again and began to explain. "Over the thousands of years of Glavale's history,many past kings were almost obsessed with the idea of immortality. The royal palace gatherednumerous alchemical talents. Though no one has ever successfully created an elixir of immortality,this obsession greatly accelerated the development of alchemy."

"Various types of pills emerged, some for longevity, some for physical enhancement, and others forbeauty and appearance. But the largest category by far is the one targeted at martial practitioners,like Chi Condensation Pills, Chi Enhancement Pills, and Essence Boosting Pills. They come invarious names, but their ultimate purpose is to enhance a warrior's power or cultivation."

Billy then handed the recipe back to Herman Lawson.

"If I'm guessing correctly, this pill-making recipe from is likely from the previous dynasty and isspecifically used to enhance a warrior's cultivation. This is why Ink Pavilion wants it."

He was able to recognize the recipe for enhancing martial cultivation at a glance because he hadseen similar items in Secret Essences. Secret Essences, as Glavale's thousand-year-old sanctuaryof medicine, collected tens of thousands of recipes for all sorts of pills, including those used forenhancing cultivation. However, most of them were intended for Battle God-level warriors andbelow, which wasn't of much interest to Billy.

But based on his initial assessment, the Dittman family's recipe should have a significant effect onwarriors below the Warlord level. For Ink Pavilion, this would be a substantial boost in their lower-tier combat power.

"I see now." The members of the Lawson family finally understood.

"Mr Gardner, the Dittman family patriarch's dying wish was that this recipe must not fall into thewrong hands. If we keep it within our family, we can't guarantee that." Herman Lawson continuedafter some thought. "I have a request, Mr Gardner, would you consider helping us with this matter?"

"You mean you want SHADOW to safeguard this recipe for you?" Billy understood his intention.

"Yes, exactly," Herman Lawson nodded.

"This recipe is invaluable. Are you willing to entrust it to SHADOW?" Billy asked.

Billy couldn't help but have a higher opinion of Herman Lawson. Not many people would willinglyhand over such a precious item.novelbin

"This recipe wasn't originally the property of us, there's no question of willingness. My greatest wishis to fulfill the late Dittman family patriarch's wish. If you accept this recipe, it would be a tremendousfavor to us." Herman Lawson replied.

"In that case," Billy said after some thought, "let's keep this recipe within SHADOW for now. If theLawson family ever needs it, you can retrieve it at any time."

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