The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 293 Whose Slippers
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Chapter 293 Whose Slippers

Chapter 293 Whose Slippers

"Boss, I'll handle this!" Azure Fang said as he pushed open the door and got out of the vehicle.

"You scoundrels, do you know where this is? Are you here to court death?" The man leading thegroup glared at Azure Fang and shouted angrily.

"Daring to be so insolent here, do you wish to end your own lives..."

Before the man could finish his sentence, Azure Fang's wrist flicked continuously, and the ColdMoon Saber unleashed dozens of razor-sharp blade beams towards six concrete pillars.

Before the man's words could fully escape his lips, the six stone pillars were shattered into piecesas if they were made of paper, sending debris flying.

Seeing this scene, the jaws of the hundred men at the gate simultaneously dropped, and their eyeswidened in collective as tonishment, leaving them petrified.

"Is this a movie set? Just a few casual slashes, and all six pillars are gone!? What a master!"Everyone thought.

"Talk to the master, quick..." the leading man stammered, struggling to swallow his saliva.

"Get out of the way!" Before he could finish speaking, Azure Fang had already steadily walkedtowards them.

"Who... who are you? This is the Frazier family's residence. If you dare to act recklessly, you... youwill..." The man trembled all over.

Without completing his sentence, a blade beam struck once more, and the next moment, the man'sarm was severed at the shoulder, falling to the ground with a thud.

"Ah..." The man let out a miserable scream.

"This is a warning. If you don't step aside, you'll die!" Azure Fang continued.

Without hesitation, the hundred men scattered like birds and beasts, running away in all directionswhen they encountered an opponent of Azure Fang's caliber. In their eyes, they were not eveninsects, and staying behind meant certain death.

Azure Fang then walked to the main entrance of the courtyard, sheathed the Cold Moon Saber athis waist with a flip of his wrist, and with a swift flick of his wrists, he sent two ferocious gusts ofwind towards the two lacquered red gates.

A deafening explosion followed as the two gates exploded as if they had been struck by artilleryshells, with wood splinters flying in all directions.

"Tsk tsk, is Azure Fang showing off?" Stout smacked his lips. "He could have just pushed the doorsopen!"

"..." Judge shot him a glance, his lips twitching, and turned his head to the side, clearly not wantingto engage in conversation with him.

"You scoundrels! How dare you destroy the grand gate of the Frazier family? Do you wanna die?" Atthis moment, a man's furious roar echoed.

Immediately after, a blade beam carrying earth-shattering energy came slashing towards AzureFang, its momentum fierce as a raging river.

"You're the one seeking death!" Azure Fang stepped forward, not retreating but advancing, takingtwo steps towards the attack while unsheathing his saber.

After the collision of the two blade beams, the man was forcibly pushed back more than ten stepsbefore coming to a stop, blood oozing from a deep wound on his chest as he coughed up freshblood.

"Warlord?!" The man lowered his head to look at the wound on his chest, his face filled with shockas he turned to Azure Fang.

"Ignorant!" Azure Fang didn't pay any more attention to him, turned around, and returned to thecommercial vehicle.


As soon as Azure Fang got in the car, Judge floored the gas pedal, and the commercial vehicleroared into the courtyard. In no time, the vehicle came to a stop in a square within the courtyard. Atthe same time, around five hundred men converged from all directions, with the third in command ofthe Frazier family, Rupert Frazier, leading them. Following him were twenty men, including coremembers of this family and guest protectors. Each of them was in peak physical condition, radiatinga fierce aura. They were clearly martial experts who were anything but ordinary.

"Who's in the car?" One of the protectors raised his hand and pointed at the commercial vehicle,shouting angrily. "Get out immediately, or you'll die!"

Before he could finish his sentence, a small, black object swiftly flew towards him. Its speed left himwith no reaction time, and when he finally saw what it was, it was already too late to dodge. Theobject landed squarely on his face, leaving an intimate imprint of a slipper on his cheek, and he fellto the ground immediately.

"What the hell, Stout, where did you get the slipper?" Soul Chaser asked from inside the vehicle, hismouth twitching.

"Who knows!" Stout shrugged. "There's another one here if you want to try."

"Uh... I'll pass, they stink!" Soul Chaser replied.

Night Orchid chuckled softly.novelbin

"Stout, this car is usually driven by Brigham Bush. You threw his slippers away, be prepared for himto demand compensation." She teased.

"You scoundrel! Daring to use slippers to attack me, watch me cut you to pieces!" Just then, theprotector who had been hit by the slipper climbed to his feet, his face dark with anger. And hestarted charging at the car.

His aura surged to its peak, revealing his cultivation of a Battle God.

The second slipper flew out again, this time even faster than the last, instantly arriving in front of theman. The man originally thought the previous attack had succeeded because he had beenunprepared. But when he once again saw the slipper rapidly enlarging in his pupils, and he had noreaction time, he finally realized he was facing a formidable opponent.

Without any suspense, the second slipper firmly hit his other cheek, leaving an identical slippermark. At the same time, after flipping over several somersaults, he sat on the ground with a gloomyexpression.

"Stout, we won't get off the car. Take all the shoes, and you're responsible for dealing with thosehooligans!" Chasing Soul yelled.

Frostblade's mouth twitched slightly, and she got out of the car, pulling the door.

"Hey, Frostblade, don't leave. Give your shoes to Stout!" Soul chaser shouted loudly.

Azure Fang slapped him on the back of the head. "Get out of the car!"

Night Orchid smirked and also pushed open the car door, stepping out.

Before long, Billy and the other six also got out of the car.

"You jerks, who the hell are you!" The man got up from the ground again, shouting in anger.

"If you don't shut up, I'll make sure you never speak again!" Azure Fang coldly replied.

"I'll take you on!" The man, in a fit of rage, raised his hand to attack.

"Lesley!" Rupert Frazier stopped him and said, "Come back; you're no match for him!"

Afterward, he stared at the group of newcomers and asked, "Commander Gardner, I don't knowwhy you've come here with such a grand entourage. What is the purpose of your visit?"

As the third-in-command of the Frazier Clan, he had recognized the group before him. In fact,shortly after Billy and his group left the airport, the leaders of the major clans had received the newsof Billy's return to the capital. However, Rupert Frazier had never expected that their destinationwould be right at their doorstep.

In his mind, he briefly considered whether it was related to the Watts family in Shenford. However,he quickly dismissed this idea. If it were merely about the Watts family, the other side wouldn't havemade such a big scene and brought all five of SHADOW's top agents.

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