The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 290 Dealing With Some Matters
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Chapter 290 Dealing With Some Matters

Chapter 290 Dealing with Some Matters

At this point, even Zelene Frazier, as clueless as she might be, had guessed Billy's identity. Basedon the information she possessed, among SHADOW's several governors, the strongest in combatwas Azure Fang in the central region, but he was only at the late-stage Warlord level. However, thestrength Billy had displayed was at least at the War Grandmaster level or higher. Within all ofSHADOW, except for the SHADOW Master, who else could possess such strength?

With trembling and a terrified expression on her face, she realized the gravity of the situation.Regret surged within her. If she had known Commander Gardner was in Shenford, she wouldn'thave come, even if given ten times the courage. She had truly walked into her own demise.

Hearing her words, the core members of the Watts family all collapsed, similarly shaking and filledwith fear.

The Watts family was utterly doomed.

"Do you know why SHADOW came to the Watts family?" Billy asked Zelene Frazier, ignoring thepleas of the Watts family members. "Did Hubert Watts tell you the reasons?"

As he spoke, a majestic and overwhelming pressure emanated from him, shrouding everyonepresent. Under such a powerful pressure, everyone, including Zelene Frazier, felt as if a moutainwas pressing down on them.

"I... I..." Zelene shuddered, her eyes revealing panic.

"From your expression, it seems you already knew that they had conspired with Yin Void Sect, orperhaps you were the ones who instigated it?" Billy continued, his gaze narrowing.

"No... it's not like that," Zelene Frazier stammered. "We of the Frazier family did not know aboutthis."

"Miss Frazier..." Upon hearing her words, Hubert immediately spoke up. He knew that ZeleneFrazier was completely abandoning the Watts family.

"If you utter another word, I'll annihilate your entire family!" Zelene Frazier gritted her teeth.

Hubert Watts shut his mouth since he believed that Zelene Frazier's words were not an emptythreat.

"Are you treating me like a three-year-old child?" Billy looked at Zelene Frazier, his voice calm.

"I... We only heard about the Watts family being associated with Yin Void Sect, but we definitely didnot instigate this. It's not something we pushed for." Zelene Frazier stammered, trembling as shespoke. She dared not admit to any involvement because acknowledging it would be a graveoffense. Yin Void Sect had been classified as a heretical cult a decade ago, and if the Frazier familywas implicated in any way, they would face severe consequences, provoking public outrage.

"Since you've learned about the Watts family's collusion with Yin Void Sect, why did you come toShenford to obstruct SHADOW's investigation? Who gave you the audacity?" Billy's tone grewcolder.

"I'm sorry... I was wrong... Please forgive me this time, I won't dare again..." Zelene hurriedlybegged for mercy.

"I asked you a question earlier. Your family's young heiress should be Violet Frazier, right? Sincewhen did it become your turn?" Billy inquired.

"My... my cousin..." Zelene Frazier stammered.

"Tell me!"

"My uncle was already stripped of his position as the family head, so my cousin..."

Billy's imposing aura intensified as he spoke in a cold tone, "So, where are they now?"

"They are still in the Frazier estate, but they've been expelled from the core ranks of the family anddemoted to secondary status."

"You're doing so good." Billy's expression turned stern, and with a swift motion, he sent a powerfulgust of wind that threw Zelene Frazier off her feet.

Zelene coughed up a mouthful of blood after landing, and when she regained her composure, hervoice trembled as she exclaimed, "You... you've crippled my cultivation!"

She could clearly feel that she could now only muster the strength of a Battle Master. With seethinganger welling up inside her, all the years of hard work and effort had been undone in an instant.

"If it weren't for your youthful ignorance, you'd be dead right now!" Billy responded icily. "This is thefirst and last time. If I catch wind of any more of your wrongdoing or abuse of power, your life isforfeit!"

He continued, his tone still cold, "Now, get lost!"

Zelene Frazier let out a deep breath and slowly got up from the ground, not uttering another wordas she walked toward the estate's entrance. As she turned away, her eyes gleamed withresentment. She couldn't swallow this humiliation.

With a thud, once Zelene Frazier had left, Hubert Watts stumbled over to Billy and knelt before him.

"Please, Commander Gardner, spare the Watts family. I beg you, we won't dare to defy SHADOWagain." He pleaded, his voice desperate.

"Please, Commander Gardner, have mercy!" The other core members of the Watts family joined in,all on their knees, loudly begging for leniency.

Ignoring their pleas, Billy turned and walked toward the estate's entrance.

"Azure Fang, follow my orders!" Billy commanded without paying any attention to them.

"I'm listening, Commander!" Azure Fang responded loudly.

"Execute the head of the Watts family!" Billy ordered as he walked. "Investigate the othersthoroughly, and if any wrongdoing is found, punish them accordingly!"

"Yes, Commander!" Azure Fang nodded firmly.

"No, please!" Hubert cried out in despair.

With a swift motion, Azure Fang swung his blade, and Hubert's head soared into the air. Thus, theWatts family was officially expelled from Shenford.

An hour later, they returned to SHADOW's base.

"Boss, should we head to the capital?" Azure Fang asked. He understood the pain Billy was feeling.

"Yes," Billy replied after a moment of contemplation. "You handle things here. Three days from now,go to the capital with me."

Some matters had to be dealt with, even if Billy didn't want to revisit his past. The mastermindbehind the massacre of his foster family remained unpunished. Originally, he hadn't planned toaddress this matter so soon, but the information he had obtained from Zelene Frazier today had

forced his hand. The Frazier family was the one that had hired Ink Pavilion to eliminate his fosterfamily.

After learning from Lady Peony that one of the noble families in the capital was responsible for themassacre of his foster family, Billy had initially intended to confront them during his last visit.However, due to the commotion caused by the Leonard family, he had postponed that plan.

Now, the time had come.novelbin

In his mind, he couldn't help but picture the youthful and beautiful figure of Violet Frazier. Hewondered how she was faring now.

"Yes, Commander! But should I inform Judge and the others?" asked Azure Fang.

"No," Billy shook his head. "It's personal. Just you and Night Orchid will go with me."

"Yes." Azure Fang nodded once more.

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