The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 28 Their True Face
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Chapter 28 Their True Face

Chapter 28 Their True Face

Harleen's words stunned everyone, including Billy. Even though he knew Harleen said those wordsto defend him, the fact that he could publicly refer to him as her fiancé in front of so many peoplestill moved him.

On the other side, Sharon felt quite complicated inside yet she said nothing. She gave up the ideato scold her daughter right then and there, since it didn't seem appropriate to speak up at thismoment. However, if she didn't vent a few words, she felt like she would go crazy.

"What did you say? You said that he is your fiancé? Are you trying to drive me insane!?" Zephquestioned angrily. "It's truly unfortunate for the Knight family to have such an unfilial descendantlike you! I, Zeph Knight, am ashamed before the ancestors of the Knight family!"

As he finished speaking, he was overcome with anger, and a fit of coughing ensued.

"Father, take care of yourself. Don't stoop to their level." Robert, Fletcher's younger brother, spokeup.

Then he turned to Fletcher and said angrily, "Brother, did you come here today to anger father?Hurry up and take them away!"

"Father, we're sorry. It's our fault. Please don't be angry. We'll leave right away." Fletcher said.novelbin

"Leave? Since it has already come to this, let's clarify everything before we leave!" Sharon steppedforward at this moment. After scanning people on Zeph's side with her gaze, she spoke up, "Forthese past few years, I've had enough of you! When you're in a good mood, you throw us a bone.But when you're in a bad mood, you take it out on us. In your eyes, our family is worth less thanbeggars! Just because Harleen didn't listen to you and married into a wealthy family? She's my

daughter, who she marries is not up to you to decide! Today, let me tell yo all, starting tomorrow, ourfamily will cut ties with the Knight family completely. We won't need your concerns about our livesanymore! Furthermore, I kindly request that you cash out our twenty percent stake in the KnightGroup. Otherwise, we'll see you in court!"

Gasps filled the air after she finished speaking. No one had expected her to have the audacity tosay so. Even Billy was slightly surprised. He hadn't anticipated Sharon having such courage.

Zeph trembled with rage once again. He pointed at Sharon and managed to utter a single wordbefore spewing out a mouthful of blood.




A cry of surprise echoed through the room.

"Get out of here!" Zeph picked up a damp towel and wiped the corners of his mouth, shoutingangrily.

"Don't worry, we're leaving right away. Do you think I want to stay here? I don't even want to seeyou for another second!" Sharon responded.

"Sharon, enough, calm down." Fletcher's face turned grim as he looked at Sharon.

"Shut up!" Sharon yelled, "You're just a spineless coward. Marrying you has been the unluckiestthing that ever happened to me! All these years, what have you done for us, Fletcher? They trampleall over you, and you don't even dare to make a sound! If you don't want to sever ties with them, I

won't force you. Tomorrow, we'll go through with the divorce proceedings. Me and my twodaughters, along with Tasha, will live much better than now!"

"Mom!" Harleen interjected, "Don't be angry, it's not Dad's fault!"

"If not him, who should I blame? If he had an ounce of manly courage, we wouldn't have fallen tothis point!" Sharon retorted angrily.

"Sharon, I apologize to you and the girls!" Fletcher let out a heavy sigh, his eyes showingdetermination. Then, he turned to Zeph and said, "Father, thank you for bringing me into this worldand raising me. I will always remember the debt of life you've given me. But over these years, Ihave also deeply felt your heartlessness. As a husband and a father, I need to be responsible forthem. I hope you can understand!"

"Fletcher, what are you planning to do!?" Zeph steadied his emotions and asked angrily.

"You cash in that 20% of the shares for us. From now on, we won't bother you with anything."Fletcher struggled to speak.

"You scoundrel!" Zeph's anger flared up again. "You want to sever ties with our family? Get out now!And forget about getting that 20% of the shares!" After a brief pause, he continued, "Don't forget thesupplemental agreement you signed! If you want to get that 20% of the shares, you have to ensurethat our products enter the market of Ozin Tower and secure a minimum three-year contract!"

"What!?" Upon hearing this, Sharon exclaimed, "What agreement did you sign with them?"

"Sharon, maybe you don't know?" Robert sneered and spoke up. "You only had a 15% stake in theKnight Group. Have you ever wondered why it was later increased to 20%?"

"What does that mean?"

"Ozin Tower is being rebuilt and has now entered the phase of attracting tenants. Fletchervolunteered and said he could bring the Knight family's products into Ozin Tower, and that's whyfather agreed to increase your shares to 20%!" explained Robert.

"Fletcher, are you out of your mind?" Sharon shouted. "Ozin Tower is a top-class commercialbuilding. Even internationally renowned brands have to go through great lengths to get in. Whatmakes you think you can bring the Knight family's products in?

Harleen and her sister also furrowed their brows simultaneously, understanding the magnitude ofthis matter.

"Father, you shouldn't have forgotten my exact words back then, right?" Fletcher, ignored Sharon'swords and continued. "I said at the time that if I could bring Knight Family's products into OzinTower, you not only had to increase our shares to 20%, but also ensure that Harleen would work atthe headquarters of the Knight Group. And if I couldn't do it, I agreed to lower our shares to 10%. Idon't want 20% now, just cash in the 10% of the shares, and we'll leave right away."

"I only trust agreements on paper!" Zeph responded. "There's no clause in the agreement statingthat if you can't deliver, you'll get 10% cashed in!"


"Fletcher, you're such a fool!" Sharon blurted out.

"Mrs and Mr Knight, please don't be angry!" Billy approached with Tasha in his arms. Then, hefaced Zeph and began, "Is it true that as long as we secure a three-year contract with Ozin Tower,you'll fulfill your promise?"

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