The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 266 A Worrisome Situation
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Chapter 266 A Worrisome Situation

Chapter 266 A Worrisome Situation

Two minutes later, the figure of the White Tiger appeared on a high ground.

Glancing around, fifty Bloodshadow Forbidden Guards were locked in intense battle. While nonehad fallen yet, many of them bore noticeable injuries.

There were about four to five hundred people on the other side, and half of them were already lyingon the ground. From their momentum, it could be seen that they were obviously several levelshigher than the previous one thousand men.

On a large rock not far away, ten disciples of the Purgatory Gate were guarding a middle-aged man,who was none other than Samuel Watson, the lord of the Southern Domain of Buddha Hall. At thismoment, he was covered in numerous wounds, his breath weakened, and he was nearing the pointof exhaustion.

"White Tiger!?" Samuel Watson's eyes flashed with shock when he saw that man. As the lord ofBuddha Hall, his level was on par with that of White Tiger. The two had met before and he knew thatWhite Tiger was one of the four commanders of the Western Army.

After seeing the White Tiger, he finally knew who came to rescue him.

Since Bloodshadow arrived at Place of Darkness, They had completely changed their appearance.Apart from their combat knives, there was no longer any sign of the Bloodshadow Squadron onthem. Thus, he had been wondering all along which department or agency from back home thesepeople who came to rescue him belonged to and how they had managed to locate him so quickly.

And now, he naturally understood that it was Commander Gardner's men!

"Samuel Watson, I'm sorry to dump this on you. Please hold on a little longer and we'll escort youhome!" White Tiger replied loudly.

"Sir, don't worry about me. Their combat power is strong, don't sacrifice so many colleagues for mysake!" Samuel Watson took a deep breath and shouted loudly. Watching the fifty BloodshadowGuards fighting fiercely, he was not only shocked by their combat power but also extremely grateful.These people had no prior connection with him, yet they had willingly put themselves in harm's wayfor his sake. Even in the face of great danger, none of them showed the slightest inclination to backdown.

"Don't worry! No matter how strong these miscellaneous hairs are, today, I will definitely protect youand keep you safe!" White Tiger responded loudly again.

"Sir, Harper is over there!" At this moment, Rakshasa had already caught up and pointed her handtowards two figures fighting fiercely hundreds of meters away.

From the situation on both sides, it was clear that James Harper was on his last legs. His body wascovered in wounds, and his reaction time had noticeably increased.

White Tiger nodded and dashed forward with Rakshasa following him.

Just as the two of them had charged halfway, James Harper was sent flying a distance of forty tofifty meters by a powerful punch from his opponent. He landed heavily on the ground, spitting out amouthful of blood. He was already at the end of his rope, and now things got even worse. Hismomentum instantly withered away, and his fighting power was reduced to less than one-fifth.

"Go to hell!" The opponent clearly had no intention of letting up. After closing in on James Harperwith a few steps, he unleashed another punch, the force of it roaring out like a thunderousonslaught, with a fierce intent to kill.

"Harper, be careful!" White Tiger shouted loudly. While speaking, he accelerated once more, in theblink of an eye, he closed the distance to several dozen meters behind James Harper, and then heswung his blade to intercept the opponent's punch.

There was a loud noise, and both the White Tiger and his opponent took seven or eight steps back,causing the stones beneath their feet to shatter into pieces.

"Hmm?" The man furrowed his brow slightly, a hint of surprise in his gaze as he looked at WhiteTiger.

"James Harper, are you okay?" White Tiger paid no attention to the man, quickly walking over toJames Harper and helping him up.

"I'm fine..." James struggled to lift his head and looked at White Tiger, "Be careful... he's the deputymaster of the Purgatory Gate, Purgatory Mad Lion."

"Hmm!" White Tiger nodded. He had sensed the full power of a Warlord in his opponent earlier, anda solemn expression appeared on his face. However, a strong sense of determination flashed in hiseyes.

"Rakshasa, take James Harper aside to rest." He said after a brief pause, looking at Rakshasa whowas hurrying over.

"Okay!" Rakshasa responded loudly, "White Tiger, be careful. If you can't win, we'll retreat first!"

"There is no retreat in the dictionary of Bloodshadow!" White Tiger responded, and then took a fewsteps forward with his blade towards Purgatory Mad Lion.

"You guys have quite the courage, daring to touch a high-ranking official of Glavale. After today, thePurgatory Gate should also be removed from Place of Darkness!"

"Hahaha..." Purgatory Mad Lion laughed out loud. After pausing for a moment, he looked up atWhite Tiger and spoke loudly. "An ant at a Tier-two Warlord realm, daring to speak so arrogantly.You are truly insane and your people in Glavale must be as foolish as you."

"Don't you see it yet? Today, the one who should be expelled is Rakshasa Hall, not PurgatoryGate!"

White Tiger snorted coldly. "I'll make you realize who the real idiot is!" Without further ado, he didn'twaste any more words on his opponent. His figure shot out explosively, and his blade drew severalcold streaks as he slashed towards his adversary.

"You overestimate yourself!" Purgatory Mad Lion snorted as well, not retreating but advancing, hisfists striking the air with punches filled with overwhelming force.

The difference between the two levels was not a joke. White Tiger's swordsmanship could not blockhis opponent's fist strength at all. After a few rounds, White Tiger was struck by several punches,staggering back several steps before spitting out a mouthful of blood. His breathing became slightlyerratic. However, he showed no fear at all. His aura burst out completely, and he took a few stepsforward before attacking again, like a wild beast in frenzy.

"You don't know your place!" Purgatory Mad Lion roared, raising his hand to meet the attack head-on.

The two once again engaged in a fierce battle, with flashing blades and soaring momentum. In notime, a vortex of energy formed around the two of them, wreaking havoc and reducing thesurrounding large stones to rubble, sending stone fragments flying in all directions. At the sametime, Rakshasa helped James Harper to a stone about three hundred meters away and sat down.novelbin

"Harper, how are you?" Rakshasa asked.

"I'm fine, just need to sit for a bit. Don't worry about me, go help the others." James Harper repliedafter taking a deep breath.

"Alright, you take a breather for now!" Rakshasa responded and quickly charged into the battlecircle of the Bloodshadow Guards. With a flick of her wrist, she drew a long whip from her waist,creating explosive cracks in the air. The momentum was overwhelming. Wherever the whip'sshadow passed, it laid waste to everything, and in the blink of an eye, she claimed the lives ofseveral of the opposing men. With her joining, the pressure on the Bloodshadow Guard had beensignificantly reduced.

Shortly after, there was another thunderous crash within the battle circle of White Tiger and hisopponent. Then, White Tiger's figure was sent flying like a gust of autumn wind sweeping fallenleaves. He flew for a distance of forty to fifty meters before crashing into the ground, creating alarge pit.

A large spurt of blood gushed out from his mouth, and his breath instantly weakened. He lay in thepit for a while, unable to get up.

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