The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 26 The Tricks Of Developers
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Chapter 26 The Tricks Of Developers

Chapter 26 The Tricks of Developers

"You don't understand?" the bald man repeated. "Our boss has his eye on your house and is willingto buy it for 500, 000. We've already taken care of the paperwork today!"

"Sorry, but we have no intention of selling our house." Harleen replied coldly.

"We're not here to negotiate with you today. We're here to inform you officially." The bald manchuckled.

"If you take care of the paperwork honestly today, you'll get 500, 000. If not, you might not get apenny after tonight! Oh by the way, in case you didn't know, everyone in this neighborhood exceptfor your family has sold their houses already. They've all received their money and will be movingout in two weeks."

"This place is going to be demolished soon. You guys must be developers." Billy guessed as heremembered seeing some elderly people looking worried earlier. It was obvious that these wereshady business tactics from developers.

"Do I need your opinion?" The bald man glanced at Billy and spoke sternly.

"You're asking for trouble!"

One of Billy's people approached the bald man and his buddies.

"Hold on!" Billy stopped him before turning back to Harleen and said, "Harleen, what's the marketvalue for houses here?"

"Although it's not located downtown, this area is known for its good schools so even second-handhomes go for at least 31k per square meter." Harleen responded calmly.

She had naturally figured out their intentions and added after a pause, "In addition, all homes areover 80 square meters so even if it's just an estimate, they would cost at least over two million intotal."

"Got it!" Billy nodded slightly before turning to the bald man. "You guys got a house worth two orthree million, and you only paid fifty thousand for it?"

"You talk too much. If you keep blabbering, I'll make sure you won't be able to speak again." Thebald man shouted angrily.

"What's your company called?" Billy asked calmly.

"Why? You gonna call the cops?" The bald man sneered. "Go ahead and tell them that ObodonReal Estate's people are here doing business. Let's see what they say."

"Obodon Real Estate? I note it down. Here's your chance, go back and tell your boss that he hasuntil tomorrow to pay all the homeowners in this neighborhood according to market price.Otherwise, his company will shut down!" said Billy.

The bald man and his tattooed friends burst out laughing. Some even had tears in their eyes fromlaughing so hard.

"You're just here to mess around, aren't ya?" The bald man finally stopped laughing. "Do you thinkObodon is just a small workshop?"

"Is your boss named Egbert Parham?" Harleen furrowed her brows.

"Well well well! Not bad at all! You know our boss' name too?" The bald man snorted coldly. "ThenI'm sure you know what that name means in Ozin."

"Harleen, do you know their boss?" Billy looked at Harleen.

Harleen nodded slightly and said with a heavy tone of voice, "Obodon Real Estate is the biggestreal estate company in Ozin City, their boss has strong connections on both sides of the law."

"I see." Billy smiled faintly before looking back at the bald man. "Did you remember what I saidearlier?"

"I think you need a beating!" The bald guy's patience was probably exhausted. He raised his handand waved it, "Come on, let him know how tough we are!"

A group of tattooed men raised their hands and rushed towards Billy.

Billy's subordinate rushed forward with a flash. In less than a minute, all of them were lying on theground wailing, with a look of fear on their faces. They didn't even see the figure of the man whoattacked them clearly before lying down, obviously it was not something they could contend with.

"Remember what I said, if your company doesn't take action by this time tomorrow, I will go directlyto your company!" After Billy finished speaking, he looked at Harleen and said, "Harleen, let's goupstairs!"

"Just you wait... I will kill you..." The bald guy struggled to get up while gnashing.

"Break one of their arms before they go!" Billy ordered as he approached the corridor entrance.

Casey nodded in response.


At the next moment, a hysterical scream came from behind Billy.

"Egbert is very capable in Ozin, and someone like you who treats him this way, he definitely won'tgive up easily!" Harleen said with a hint of concern as he walked.

"Harleen, don't worry. I have some friends in Ozin, he won't dare to cause any trouble." Billycomforted her.

"But..." Harleen clearly wasn't reassured.

"I promise you, nothing will happen." Billy interrupted her with a smile.

As they spoke, they arrived at the front door of the house.novelbin

"Daddy!" Tasha ran over as soon as they entered the house.

"Tasha!" Billy smiled and picked up the little one before greeting Fletcher and Sharon.

"Daddy, did those bad guys leave?" Tasha asked as she opened her mouth.

"Yes!" Billy nodded with a smile. "Dad will have Uncle Casey bring your toys up later."

"That's great!" Tasha exclaimed happily.

"What bad guys?" Sharon frowned and looked at Harleen after hearing Tasha's words.

"The developers' people..." Harleen then briefly described what had happened.

"They want to buy our house for 500, 000? Why don't they just rob us?" Sharon immediatelyshouted out.

"These developers are ruthless! No wonder I saw some neighbors looking worried earlier." Fletcheralso furrowed his brow. "You beat up Egbert's men, they definitely won't let it go."

"So what if they don't let it go? I don't believe that they can control everything." Before Billy couldrespond, Sharon spoke loudly. "If worse comes to worst, I'll sit-in with our neighbors at relevantdepartments. I refuse to believe that no one will take care of this matter."

"Don't act recklessly, Egbert has connections in both the legal and illegal worlds of Ozin. He hasplenty of ways to deal with ordinary citizens like you!" Fletcher responded sternly.

"What can he do even if he has connections? He can't just kill everyone here." Sharon continuedangrily.

"Don't worry, Mrs and Mr Knight. I'll find some friends to handle this." Billy said calmly.

"What kind of friends can a soldier like you have? We're better off relying on ourselves!" Sharonstood up and started walking towards the door.

"Sharon, where are you going?" Fletcher shouted.

"I'm going to talk to our neighbors and then go sit-in at the relevant department this afternoon!"Sharon replied loudly.

"Come back here! Do you want to get yourself killed?" Fletcher furrowed his brows as he yelled.

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