The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 238 The Old Demon From Sorcery Peak
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Chapter 238 The Old Demon From Sorcery Peak

Chapter 238 The Old Demon From Sorcery Peak

"Understood!" Judge drew the Crescent Moon Saber from his side and stepped forward. "Go ahead,you three evildoers from the Dancy family. You wanted to show off, right? I'll accompany you!"

"Alright!" The man with a ponytail responded with a deep voice. He received the long spear handedto him by the woman beside him.


The next moment, the aura of the three individuals surged rapidly, revealing their mid-to-late-stageBattle God-level power.

"Come at me!" Right after that, the man with the ponytail flicked his wrist, and the long spear tracedseveral afterimages in the air before thrusting swiftly toward Judge.

The other male and female individuals also attacked simultaneously with their three-meter-longspears. Three people, attacking from three directions, with three long spears. The air was filled withthe sharp sound of breaking wind as the attacks rushed toward Judge.

"Ignorant fools!"

Judge's eyes narrowed, and he flipped his wrist. The Crescent Moon Saber released a cold gleamas it intercepted the oncoming spears. Without any suspense, the three long spears were allsevered by his blade, their spearheads falling to the ground with a crisp sound. The three assailantswere forced to retreat more than ten steps, their palms bleeding and arms trembling.

"Battle God Realm!?" All three of them exclaimed in shock simultaneously.

The faces of both Lord Buddha and the people behind him changed several times, clearly notexpecting Judge's skill to be so powerful.

"You three siblings have caused harm for so many years. You've lived long enough. Before you goto hell, remember to confess your sins in front of the innocent lives you've harmed." Judge's voiceresounded once more.

With that said, he swung his saber again.


The three individuals quickly dodged to the side. However, before they could take a few steps, theirheads soared into the air. Each of them wore a look of unwillingness and disbelief.

"Damn it, you dared to kill them!" An emaciated old man walked out angrily from behind LordBuddha. His face was as pale as white wax, his eyes icy cold. An intense aura of darknessenveloped his body.

"Introduce yourself!" Judge cast a glance at the man.

"I am Sorcerous Sage from Sorcery Peak!" The old man replied coldly.

"Quite interesting. So, you've come to Enssea. No wonder you've disappeared for so many years."At this moment, Stout arrived next to Judge.

"Do you know each other?" Judge turned to ask.

"An old demon from Sorcery Peak, a villain throughout his life, partnered with poisons, disregardedhuman life, treated lives as worthless, and used living beings as subjects to test poisons. He causeddozens of deaths in a single instance!" Stout nodded slightly.

"Despicable!" Judge had already found the man's information on his phone and spoke angrily,"Death!"

"Sure! Let me handle it!" Stout nodded.

"Who are you people?" the "Sorcerous Sage's" pupils contracted slightly as he heard Stout's words,wondering why this person knew so much about his deeds.

"Your ancestor!" Stout's voice was nonchalant.novelbin

"You ignorant child, you have a death wish? I'll grant your wish!" Sorcerous Sage roared lowly, hisaura bursting forth, reaching the half-step War God level.

Seeing him make his move, the people on Lord Buddha's side unconsciously took several largesteps back, each face showing a trace of dread.

The next moment, Sorcerous Sage's wrist rapidly turned, and clusters of chilly black mist burst inthe air. They rapidly expanded, revealing a special aroma that entered Stout's nostrils. Faint outlinesof tiny poisonous insects could be seen within the black mist, their sharp teeth and claws poised toattack Stout.

Faced with this assault, Stout remained motionless in his spot, a serene smile still on his face; whileobserving this scene, those on Lord Buddha's side sneered. They all thought that Stout, a fool, wasstill playing tough at this time, and they believed that Stout had no idea of the terror that SorcerousSage's poisons held.

They had witnessed a Battle God powerhouse fall to Sorcerous Sage's hands in a battle. Thepowerhouse hadn't even managed to strike before succumbing to poison gas, his body ravaged bypoisonous insects. This chubby guy standing before them was sure to be an even more delectabletarget for those insects.

Yet, the next moment, everyone's faces stiffened.

A series of faint cracking sounds emerged from the black mist, followed by droplets of bloodsprinkling the ground, releasing a pungent smell. Dozens of venomous insects burst and died justinches away from Stout.

"How... How is this possible!?" Seeing this, Sorcerous Sage's pupils contracted in panic, his face fullof shock.

"Surprised?" Stout smiled and continued, "Feel free to use your poison arts. I'll give you enoughtime to display them."

"You... Who are you?" Sorcerous Sage's heart pounded in fear.

"Judging by the look on your face, it seems you won't have any stronger methods." Stout grinned, "Ifyou're curious about my identity, remember it well, I am Stout!"

"What!? You're from Secret E..." Upon hearing Stout's words, Sorcerous Sage's body trembled, andhe shouted loudly.

But before he could finish his sentence, a violent wave of energy erupted from Stout's hand.Sorcerous Sage's body exploded, much like those venomous insects had earlier. In his finalmoments, his regrets thoroughly depressed him. He should have asked about the other's identityfrom the start. If he had known that the person was from Secret Essences, he would have fled longago. He was well aware that in the face of people from there, his poison arts were as futile as child'splay.

Witnessing Sorcerous Sage's appearance, vomiting sounds echoed around. Although these thugswere used to living on the edge of a knife, they were witnessing this level of brutality for the firsttime.

Rose's face also turned pale, her stomach churning. She nearly vomited from the experience

"Anyone else willing to step up and give it a try?" Stout looked toward Lord Buddha's direction.

"Who are you people?" Lord Buddha took a deep breath, his voice tinged with anger.

In this moment, the air of nonchalance that he once exuded was nowhere to be found. Instead, atrace of unease crept into his heart, a sensation he hadn't experienced in many years.

"Harboring so many heinous criminals, you truly have some nerve! Enssea has become a chaoticmess thanks to individuals like you!" Judge stepped forward, his voice heavy as he regarded LordBuddha.

"Earlier, my boss gave you one final chance at self-redemption, but it seems you squandered it. So,your time has come."

"Attack together, take them down!" Lord Buddha's gaze darkened, and he waved his hand behindhim.

"Forward!" The men and women behind him echoed in unison, their voices low as they chargedtoward Judge and his companions. The aura emanating from each individual intensified, envelopingthe courtyard in a potent pressure of might. The surrounding ruffians immediately felt a suffocatingsensation. Fear painted their faces, and they hastily retreated towards the rear. This level ofconfrontation was clearly beyond their involvement. Rushing in blindly would surely leave nothingbut dust in their wake.

"You're out of your depth!" Judge's voice resounded.

In an instant, he lunged into the crowd, unleashing a series of fiercely cutting blade movements thatswept through the surroundings with a ruthless intensity.

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