The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 236 Rose’S Choice
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Chapter 236 Rose'S Choice

Chapter 236 Rose's Choice

Judge hadn't acted earlier because he was checking the background of the enemy through thesystem. What he discovered was both shocking and horrifying.

The seemingly feminine person had the blood of seven or eight innocent lives on his hands. Amongthem were even people who had merely commented on his appearance, remarking that he lookedeffeminate, which had led to their deaths.

In the face of such a heinous criminal, they didn't hesitate to deliver justice.

"No!" The Jade-Faced Scholar sensed the power behind Judge's strike and immediately tried tododge to the side.

However, with Judge's strength, evading his attack was impossible.

A muffled sound echoed, and the Jade-Faced Scholar was sent flying. After crashing heavily ontothe ground, he struggled to open his mouth and say a single word, but he couldn't manage it. Hishead slumped, lifeless, his eyes wide open, unable to close. Even at the moment of death, hecouldn't believe he was truly gone. After years of hiding and thinking the danger had passed, he haddared to venture to Enssea. He had expected to finally enjoy a peaceful life, but it had only lastedfor a little over a month. This was truly an unfortunate turn of events!

Once again, Rose and the others gasped in horror, their faces filled with disbelief. They had actuallywitnessed a real kill. Moreover, based on Judge's strength in that strike alone, he was at least aBattle God level expert! To put it in perspective, even within the four major families of Enssea, therewere only a handful of Battle Gods.

"Who are they? How did Derek Hines know such powerful people? They even dare to challengeEnssea Commerce Association!" Rose thought to herself.

The two burly men behind Scorpion slumped down, their faces filled with terror, trembling all over.Even a powerhouse like Jade-Faced Scholar had been killed with a single strike. Could there beanything more terrifying?

"How dare you kill Jade-Faced Scholar!?" After being shaken by disbelief, Scorpion yelled loudly atJudge. "You're dead, all of you are dead! I promise you won't live to see tomorrow…"

"If you don't tell me Derek Hines's whereabouts now, I'll send you to join him." Judge coldlyinterrupted. At the same time, an extremely chilling aura swept out, enveloping Scorpion.

"He... He's at..." Under Judge's imposing aura, Scorpion had long lost his arrogance. His faceturned pale, and he trembled uncontrollably.

"Where?" Judge asked in a deep voice.

"He's at... Lord Buddha's mansion." Scorpion stammered.novelbin

"What's the purpose of Lord Buddha capturing him?"

"Forcing him to join Enssea Commerce Association. When he refused, the association sent LordBuddha to pressure him into transferring all of World Group's industries under his name to them..."

"They're seeking death!" Judge responded in anger. Then he looked at Billy. "Boss, how should wehandle this?"

"Let him guide us." Billy said as he stood up.

"Mr Gardner!" Rose took a deep breath and began to speak. "Lord Buddha's mansion is likely filledwith hundreds of people, and there are hidden experts. It's even possible that there are true BattleGods. You're just three people, the odds are against you."

"Give me some time. I'll gather my people and come with you to face them. We'll be ready at anytime." Rose suggested.

"Rose, what are you saying?" Black Panther exclaimed upon hearing this. The old man namedElder Power wore an equally surprised expression.

Both of them understood that while there had been some conflicts between their side and EnsseaCommerce Association, they hadn't been open or escalated. However, if Rose led people to directlyattack Lord Buddha's stronghold alongside these three, the situation would change drastically. Itwould be a fight to the death.

Although Billy and his group seemed extraordinary, they were aware that Enssea CommerceAssociation wasn't just the four major families and Lord Buddha. More importantly, there was apowerful clan supporting them from behind. This clan was a genuine Earth-rank clan, rumored tohave nearly twenty powerhouses in the Battle God realm and above, not including even strongerWarlords and perhaps even War Grandmasters. Compared to these titans, they were mere ants.

"If you follow us, Enssea Commerce Association will likely focus their efforts on you. Can youhandle the consequences?" Billy narrowed his eyes slightly. He hadn't expected Rose to possesssuch courage, which made him view her in a higher regard.

"That's what I'm afraid of!" Rose nodded straightforwardly. "But being afraid won't solve anything.Unless I'm willing to compromise and join Enssea Commerce Association, agreeing to become LordBuddha's woman, there will come a day when we'll explode into conflict with them. Instead ofwaiting to be attacked passively, I'd rather use your strength to take a gamble."

"Hehe, you're quite forthright!" Billy laughed.

"Please, Mr Gardner, make this possible!" Rose bowed.

"Let me ask you a question, if you were to manage all of Lord Buddha's territory, could you cleanseEnssea of its corrupt underground forces?" Billy asked again.

"What... What do you mean?" Rose was slightly bewildered for a moment. But soon, sheunderstood Billy's question. Her eyes lighting up, Rose replied to Billy with seriousness, "If such aday were to come, I promise you, Mr Gardner, that if you give me three months, I'll be able toeradicate all the filth from Enssea's underground forces."

Although she didn't believe she could replace Lord Buddha, her woman's intuition told her thatBilly's words weren't just meant to entertain himself.

"Alright, remember what you've said." Billy turned and started walking toward the door.

"Mr Gardner, wait for me. I'll get my people ready…" Rose called out again.

"We don't need your people. Just you and Elder Power will suffice. Assemble all your people andkeep them ready at any moment." Billy said as he continued to walk.

"Ah?" Rose was taken aback. Doubt crept in, causing her to question the feasibility of such a daringmove - going to going to Lord Buddha's headquarters to demand Derek Hines's release with onlyfive of them.

"That's enough. Let's go!" Judge passed by her and said calmly, "You should be glad that you'vemade a wise decision today."

"Ah?" Rose was puzzled again. "Alright..."

She didn't quite understand Judge's words, but she didn't hesitate any longer and turned to the oldman. "Elder Power, let's go!"

In life, rare opportunities for madness present themselves. Perhaps this was her chance.

"Rose!" Black Panther shivered and called out.

"It's fine. Don't worry," Rose reassured him. "Gather all our people and wait for my orders."

After saying this, she caught up with the others.

The Buddha's mansion was situated in the southern part of Enssea City, nestled by the mountainsand waters, boasting picturesque scenery. It covered an area of seventy to eighty thousand squaremeters.

An hour later, Billy's group arrived at the mansion's entrance.

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