The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 219 The Strength Of The Leonard Family
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Chapter 219 The Strength Of The Leonard Family

Chapter 219 The Strength of the Leonard Family

One of the elderly men let out a heavy sigh, then looked towards Night Orchid.

"You must be Lady Night Orchid, the governor of the northern district of SHADOW, right? May I askwhat exactly has happened? Why is your SHADOW men resorting to such force to come to ourLeonard Estate? Could it be about the incident from last time? That matter has already beenconcluded by the Central Sky Department. Are you intending to oppose the Central SkyDepartment's decision with SHADOW's actions?"

"Don't waste your words. Today, your efforts won't be enough to handle this!" Night Orchid's coldvoice cut off the man's words. "Because you're just guest officials of the Leonard Clan, if you leavenow, I can spare your lives. Otherwise, you will be considered obstructing the capture of criminalsby SHADOW, and we will strike you down!"

"I wonder who the criminal you mentioned is?" The elderly man asked after taking a deep breath.

"You have thirty seconds left. If you don't leave with your people, you will bear the consequences!"Night Orchid didn't bother responding to his words.

"Are all the members of you SHADOW so lawless?" Another elderly man spoke angrily. "I refuse tobelieve that you can kill all several hundred of us!"

Although he feared the other side's formation, he wasn't willing to retreat without a fight. Moreover,his responsibilities were here at the Leonard Estate. He couldn't simply leave.

Retreating meant death!

"Attack!" Both Ken Rose, the leader of the Bloodshadow Guard unit, and Brigham Bush, the capitalinspector of SHADOW, raised their hands simultaneously.

"Kill!" The two hundred men roared in unison, their voices thunderous.

In the next moment, they charged towards the crowd of the other side.

"Stop them!" A shout came from the other side, and four to five hundred men raised the large knivesin their hands to meet them.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of metal collisions immediately filled the air, figures flickered, and blades swung wildly.While the other side had around five hundred men, they were merely common guards, the strongestof them only at the Battle General level. Faced with the Bloodshadow Guard, they were nothingmore than insects.

In less than two minutes, a large number of bodies lay on the ground, with severed limbs andbroken bodies. Most were either dead or seriously wounded.

"You all deserve to die!" the elderly man who had spoken earlier shouted with rage.

"Enough, it's your turn now. Take action!" Night Orchid's eyes sharpened, and the crescent moonblade sliced out, sending a chilling arc of light towards the elderly man.

"Then let me learn about the skills of a district governor of SHADOW!" The elderly man's pupilscontracted, and he roared in anger. As he spoke, he moved swiftly, his large knife creating a fiercearc of light accompanied by a sound like ripping cloth.

However, he had clearly underestimated Night Orchid's skills. The formidable arc of light he hadunleashed was effortlessly dissolved by Night Orchid's blade, which then continued on to pierce

through his heart.

"How... how is this possible..." After falling to the ground, the elderly man spoke with difficulty, hishead tilting as he gasped for breath.

"Let's take them down!" The other eight or nine strong men behind the two elderly figures roared inunison. Immediately after, they charged forward, brandishing their large knives, each of them withformidable cultivation levels. Five were at the Later Stage of Battle General Realm, and four were atthe Battle God Realm.

"Come back! You're not their match!" The two elderly figures shouted simultaneously.novelbin

However, they were still a step behind.

"Eager to die, I'll fulfill your wish!" With a deep voice, Azure Dragon took two steps forward, and theBloodshadow Battle Blade struck once again.

Following a sweeping arc of blade energy that shook the sky, the nine men charging forwardsuddenly halted in their tracks. Immediately after, they collapsed to the ground, their headsseparating from their bodies and blood gushing like springs.

Witnessing this scene, those who were left among the opposition's forces trembled with fear, theirbodies shaking. With just one strike, nine Battle General-level experts and above were taken out.Without hesitation, all those who were still standing threw down their large knives and fled in alldirections. They had been mere thugs employed by the Leonard Clan, arrogant in the past due tothe clan's influence. But when true danger arrived, it was impossible for them to choose coexistencewith the clan; survival was their top priority.

"Fleeing in the face of battle means death!"

Just then, a furious roar echoed from the entrance of the courtyard. Immediately after, anoverwhelming pressure surged forth, like a mountain crashing down.

The newcomer was a Half-Step Warlord.

In the next instant, the figure moved, and the large knife in his hand continuously swung, unleashingcountless sharp arcs that shattered everything in their path. Although they were only a few stepsinto their escape, the remaining opponents all collapsed in a heap, their bodies sliced in two. Onecould hear agonizing cries in quick succession. In less than three minutes, of those who hadattempted to flee, only around fifty remained. The rest had been killed.

"Master Elder, spare us!" The remaining few dropped to their knees, many with the smell of urinearound them.

"A bunch of useless garbage, what use do you have?" The elder spoke coldly, and his large knifeonce again unleashed several arcs of light.

The few men who hadn't yet spoken were immediately struck down, lying on the ground without anysigns of life.

Meanwhile, the courtyard's entrance sounded with the footsteps once again. Following that, PerryLeonard, the head of the Leonard Clan, led a group of the clan's core members out. Each of themhad dark expressions, a sharp aura surrounding them, and their eyes flashed with endless killingintent as they looked towards Casey's group.

"Sir!" The elderly man addressed Perry Leonard with a respectful bow.

"You've done well, Master Elder!" Perry Leonard nodded slightly before looking towards CaseyKimmons and Azure Dragon.

"If I'm not mistaken, you two must be the newly appointed commander and deputy commander ofthe eastern district, Casey Kimmons and Azure Dragon, right?"

"You've finally decided to come out?" Casey's voice was cold in response.

"I must admit, I admire the two of you!" Perry Leonard continued in a solemn tone. "Today, nomatter what your reasons are for acting so recklessly against my Leonard Clan, I can assure youthat the two of you won't be able to take up your positions!"

After speaking, he turned to Night Orchid. "And you, the SHADOW governor of the eastern district,starting tomorrow, there will be a new governor in the eastern district!"

"Fool!" Azure Dragon's voice was icy. "You're only staring through the cage!"

Perry Leonard snorted. "You'll soon find out who is staring through the cage soon! Do you think thatwith just the two hundred of you, you can contend against my Leonard Clan? Your ignorance trulyknows no bounds!"

After his words, he pointed towards the two hundred SHADOE guards and the Bloodshadow Guardand ordered in a low voice, "Attack, eliminate them all!"

On Perry Leonard's signal, all the core members of the clan behind him dashed forward, seeminglyerupting into anger. The strength of the Leonard family was indeed something - among its fifty coremembers, half of them had broken through the Battle God realm, and a few of them had beenGrand Elder Battle Gods.

"You have guts!" Ken Rose muttered and then shouted, "First Legion, ATTACK!"

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