The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 188 A Big Show Of Force
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Chapter 188 A Big Show Of Force

Chapter 188 A Big Show of Force

Cole Wilson let out a sigh, his eyes flashing with a hint of complexity.

Billy's question made it difficult for him to answer. Being able to hold the position of the first personin charge of the military department was obviously based on his great achievements, but moreimportantly, it was based on his integrity and character. With his personality, if he were in Billy'scurrent position and knew that there were hidden secrets behind that matter, he would never turn ablind eye.

"Didn't you just ask me about my intentions?" Billy took another sip of tea before continuing.

"If I have to compromise for that position and ignore the SHADOW case, then I can tell you that I'mnot interested!"

"Gardner, today I offer you tea instead of wine!" Cole Wilson stood up and looked at Billy. "Whenyou close the SHADOW case one day, I will bring strong liquor to toast you!"novelbin

After speaking, he lifted his cup with both hands and drank it all in one go!

"Thank you, General Wilson!" Billy also stood up and bowed before lifting his teacup to drink.

Three minutes later, Cole Wilson appeared again in the courtyard square. He bid farewell to Billy asthey walked towards the courtyard gate together.

Just before they reached the gatehouse entrance way, Cole Wilson turned around and looked atBilly solemnly.

"The world is vast and boundless. Right or wrong is determined by people's hearts. Let go and dowhat needs to be done! As long as I am still in this position for one day longer, I can ensure justiceis served every single day."

With that said, Cole Wilson strode towards the door with big steps .

"Thank you, General Wilson." Billy bowed slightly.

"Farewell, General Wilson!" SHADOW members shouted in unison.

"Boss, can we leave now?" Judge asked after Cole Wilson left.

"Yes," Billy nodded and turned to Night Orchid. "Just the few of us will go. Let the others stay put."

"Yes, Commander." Night Orchid nodded in response.

The Leonard family's mansion was located in the southern part of the capital, nestled against amountain and covering an area of 100, 000 square meters. It boasted beautiful scenery andexcellent geomancy.

An hour later, their extended SUV stopped at an archway with two dragons, phoenixes and a title of"LEONARD MANSION" carved on top. Below it was a fence with a one-kilometer-long tree-linedavenue leading straight to Leonard Mansion's courtyard.

According to Leonard Mansion's rules, anyone who came to visit had to get out here and walkinside.

"Who goes there?" Eight black-clad guards stood at the entrance with tense expressions and fierceaura - all battle generals!

It was clear that Leonard Mansion knew Billy's group would come; they had already changed theirguards.

"SHADOW is here to capture an SSS-level wanted criminal. Please cooperate!" Brigham Bush gotout of his seat and responded loudly.

"Nonsense!" One of the guards replied sternly. "Why are you looking for any wanted criminals here?You have one minute to leave or face consequences!"

"How dare you!" A cold air emanated from Brigham Bush as he spoke up again. "SHADOW hasorders, anyone who obstructs our investigation will be treated as accomplices! Open the door now,or face the consequences!"

"You're full of hot air!" The man in black stared coldly at Brigham Bush. "You can try if you want."

"Fine!" Brigham Bush's eyes narrowed as he lunged forward, wielding his curved blade towards theman in black.

"How dare you act so recklessly in Leonard Mansion, you really don't know your place and deservedeath!" A low voice came from the guard post.

As he spoke, a beam of sword energy with thunderous force shot out from the guard post towardsthem.

"You are tragically out of your depth!" Judge got out of his car and also raised his hand to unleashan extremely sharp cold light.


Judge's sword energy clashed with their attack before continuing on its path, causing the guard postto explode like paper mache, sending debris flying everywhere.

A middle-aged man spewed blood as he stumbled back seven or eight steps before stabilizinghimself again with a pale face and weak breaths.

"A Grand Elder Battle God?!" He looked at Judge incredulously.

"That's all you know!" Judge replied sternly.

At that moment, Brigham Bush's blade had already struck down on the man in black.

The man on the other side had achieved great mastery as a Tier-two Battle General, while BrighamBush, as the SHADOW inspector of the capital city, had already achieved some mastery as a Tier-one Battle God.

As the light of the blade flashed, that man collapsed on the ground and died after convulsions.

"Damn it!" The other seven men in black roared at the same time as they charged at Brigham Bushwith broadswords in their hands.

"Anyone who intends to hurt officers of SHADOW will die!" Judge continued before Brigham Bushsaid anything.

In several sword glows, all seven people lay down, with a line of blood appearing in their throats.

That middle-aged man did not hesitate at all and rushed into the avenue of trees.

"Wanna run?" Judge snorted coldly, "At the moment you laid hands on Brigham Bush, you werealready a dead man!"

As he said, Judge wield the blade and slashed him.

Just as the blade was about to fall on that man, a cold light flashed from the right side of the road,dissolving Judge's swordsmanship. The middle-aged man took advantage of this opportunity to

flash into the roadside.

"Hmm?" Judge's pupils slightly contracted, he could sense that the opponent's skill was at least aHalf-Step Warlord.

"The Leonard Mansion is not a place for recklessness. I know you are members of SHADOW, theincident that just happened will not be investigated. Please leave!" A low voice echoed in the airabove the tree-lined avenue.

"Otherwise, you die!"

As the words fell, the entire avenue fell into silence once again.

"Boss, what do we do?" Soul Chaser looked at Billy in the car and asked.

"Get out of the car and see who they are!" A cold light flashed in Billy's eyes as he spoke. Hepushed open the door and got out of the car, the others following closely behind him.

"This is quite a show!" Casey spoke coldly as they walked through the fence onto the avenue.

There were several powerful auras on both sides of the road - two Warlords plus six late-stageBattle Gods!

"This is just an appetizer!" Billy squinted his eyes and looked ahead. At the end of this road werefive more strong opponents waiting for them.

"These people aren't just from the Leonard Clan." Azure Fang spoke with a deep voice.

"Clearly." Casey nodded slightly in agreement.

"Let's go." Billy said calmly as they continued to move forward.

"We've already warned you. If you insist on being stubborn, don't blame us!" The man's voice fromearlier rang out again before six men dressed in armor appeared on either side of them with theirwrists flicking simultaneously.

Several sharp blade lights shot towards Billy and his companions like unstoppable forceaccompanied by piercing whistling sounds filling up space around them.

"You underestimate us too much!" Azure Fang said sternly while holding his Cold Moon CurvedBlade tightly before rushing forward at lightning speed to meet their attackers head-on.

Cracks appeared on the trees on both sides of the road.

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