The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 181 A Beauty Looking For Billy
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Chapter 181 A Beauty Looking For Billy

Chapter 181 A Beauty Looking for Billy

Billy coughed and twitched his mouth.

"Wife, you're overthinking. I don't even know who it is, why would I tell you?"

"Really?" Harleen smiled slyly. "Could it be another woman of you coming to find you?"

Billy coughed again. "Harleen, have confidence in yourself. No woman can take me away fromyou."

"You better not be lying to me!" Harleen pouted her sexy lips and pretended to be angry as shecontinued, "Otherwise, I'll take Tasha and leave Ozin, you can never find us again!"

"Wife, how come I never realized that you were such a jealous person before?" Billy laughed.

"Hmph! I don't deny it! It's none of your business!" Harleen pouted.

As they talked, they arrived at the door of a private room in the coffee shop where Harleen knockedand entered.

Looking around the room, Billy saw a beautiful woman sitting on the sofa with an old man standingbeside her. After taking a closer look at the woman, Billy was slightly stunned - it was someone heknew. The woman was none other than Audrey Ryan, a heiress of one of four major families inEnssea.

Now, he knew why she had come to find him.

"Mr Gardner?" Audrey Ryan stood up from the sofa in shock when she saw Billy walk in.

She never expected that the man she was visiting this time would be that god-like man. She hadseen Billy's incredible skills with her own eyes at the Heart of the Earth exhibition last time, not evenafraid of bullets at such close range. During this period, Billy's tall and handsome figure wouldoccasionally appear in her mind, giving her an irresistible feeling.

As one of the four major families in Enssea, countless gentlemen had pursued her over the years,including some young talents with prominent family backgrounds and promising futures. However,none of them could make her feel moved. But when she saw Billy for the first time at the exhibitionvenue that day, she felt a palpitation in her heart.

She originally wanted to find an opportunity to visit Derek and ask him for Billy's contact information.But because Derek had been stationed in Ozin recently, she hadn't found a suitable opportunity untilnow.

Her trip to Ozin this time was partly on behalf of her family to visit the big shot of SHADOW and alsointend to visit Derek Hines. But she never expected that the big shot she was going to meet wouldbe the man in her mind.

She finally understood why even Derek Hines was so respectful towards him. It turned out he wasthat big shot of SHADOW.

"Ms Ryan, do you know my husband?" Harleen knew they must have met before when hearingAudrey's words. As a woman herself, Harleen could see from her eyes there was a hint ofadmiration towards Billy while speaking.novelbin

Harleen glanced at Billy.

'Men are liars indeed!' Harleen thought to herself.

"Ms Knight, hello, I've met Mr Gardner once before in Enssea." Audrey Ryan responded quicklyafter being shocked by what happened just now. She felt deep disappointment rising inside as well.

'He's already married! And his wife is such a supermodel, I can't compare to her at all. Fate can becruel.' Audrey Ryan thought to herself.

Harleen smiled and then turned to Billy. "Billy, you guys chat. I'm going back to work. Call me if youneed anything."

"Wife, do you want to stay?" Billy felt a pang in his heart as he looked at Harleen.

"No thanks, I have a lot of work at the company and there's also a meeting coming up soon."Harleen smiled again. "Take your time chatting. You don't have to rush it. Call me when you're doneand we'll go home together."

"Okay," Billy replied with a twitch of his mouth.

"Ms Ryan, see you next time!" Harleen then turned to Audrey and said.

"See you next time, and thank you." Audrey tried her best to keep her emotions in check beforeresponding with a smile.

After Harleen left, the old man looked at Audrey and said, "Missy, talk with Mr Gardner here. I'll beoutside."

Audrey Ryan nodded.

"Mr Gardner, please sit down." After the old man left, Audrey gestured towards the sofa oppositeher respectfully.

"What brings you here?" Billy sat down on the sofa across from her and asked.

"First, I want to apologize personally for my behavior last time in Enssea." Audrey bowed deeplytowards Billy. "I didn't know who you were as one of SHADOW's leaders so I offended youunintentionally. Please don't take it personally."

"Don't worry about it," Billy said casually, "Sit down and let's talk."

"Thank you, Mr Gardner," Audrey Ryan bowed again, "I am here on behalf of the Ryan family toformally apologize to you."

"Elijah Ryan offended you, please be the bigger person and don't stoop to his level."

After leaving the restaurant that night, Elijah Ryan immediately called his father and didn't dare hideanything about what had happened. And he got scolded by his father over the phone and was toldto return home immediately. Upon returning home, all of the core members of the Ryan family hadbeen summoned back to their estate. They had already learned about Sakura Blossom TradingCompany being seized by authorities and confirmed Elijah Ryan's words.

The next morning, one hundred SHADOW men went to the Ryan estate and brought back Audrey'suncle who was responsible for business affairs along with several other members. For two or threedays after that incident occurred, the leader of the Ryan family tried everything he could think of inorder to get his younger brother released from custody but it was too sensitive a situation foranyone else in their circle to help them out, so they were still held at SHADOW until today.

Feeling helpless in this situation, the head of the Ryan family sent Audrey Ryan over Ozin, hopingshe could gain forgiveness from this important figure there.

Audrey first went back to that restaurant where she found out it was an employee from SunParkGroup who had gotten into a conflict with Elijah Ryan that night before coming directly here.

"Do you have any problems within your family?" Billy picked up his teacup taking a sip. He knewvery well why Audrey Ryan came all this way just apologize personally; obviously her family hasbeen targeted by SHADOW, leaving them no choice but resorting such tactics.

"There is indeed some business cooperation between our company and Sakura Blossom TradingCompany." After taking a deep breath, Audrey continued speaking,

"But I can guarantee with my life that we would never do anything against our country's interests. Itis our bottom line when conducting ourselves as people."

"Did the Ryan family know about the problems with Sakura Blossom Trading Company at thebeginning?" Billy set down his teacup and gave a faint smile.

"We didn't know, absolutely not!" Audrey quickly shook her head and continued, "If we had knownearlier, the Ryan family would not have continued to work with them."

"Since you are so convinced that there is no problem with the Ryan family, why did you come all thisway?" Billy spoke again.

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