The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 173 Cold Moon Blade Technique
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Chapter 173 Cold Moon Blade Technique

Chapter 173 Cold Moon Blade Technique

"Alban, keep your people at the entrance of the courtyard and don't let anyone escape!"

"Judge said in a low voice and his figure flashed out at the same time."

"Yes, sir!" Alban Carroll responded loudly and retreated to the door with nine SHADOW boys.

The next moment, he saw Judge's wrist continue to spin, sending forth a series of razor-sharp bladegleams imbued with an overwhelming thunderous force. Under his full attack, those several malewarriors at the battle level had absolutely no chance of resistance.

As the blade gleams swept through, obliterating everything in their path, all nine men were cleavedin two without exception. They fell to the ground without a chance to utter a sound.

"Damn it!" The man in charge of the scene shouted angrily when he saw this. Holding a largesword, he quickly rushed towards Judge and his aura instantly skyrocketed, revealing a strength ofa Grand Elder Battle God. The big sword in his hand drew several cold rays in the air, like lightningstriking towards Judge, with an imposing momentum.

At the same time, the remaining Tier-one Battle God of the opponents also attacked with a flashingblade.

"Interesting!" Faced with the attacks of the two, Judge narrowed his eyes slightly, took two stepsforward, and swung his Cold Moon curved blade at the same time.

The three of them were immediately enveloped in a flurry of blade gleams, their figures flashing andtheir strikes scattering in all directions. The large trees on the side had been cut off halfway, andthere were several cracks on the exterior walls of the nearby buildings.

"I'm surprised by your strength, you have the power of Grand Elder Battle God. It seems weunderestimated Commander Gardner's forces!" The man in charge of the other side spoke to Judgein a deep voice after their exchange.

"However, it's unfortunate that you shouldn't have been so arrogant as to intercept us alone! You'regoing to die today!"

"I could call you an idiot and you wouldn't believe me!" Judge held his curved blade and spoke witha low voice. "If I didn't have confidence in killing all of you, do you think I would come herevoluntarily for you to kill me?"

"Is that so? Let me see what else you've got!" The leading man looked at his companions andordered, "Attack! With all your might!"


They rushed forward with great momentum while their aura surged again. At the same time, one ofthem swung his blade towards Judge's head.

"Enough noise! You die first!" Judge's eyes narrowed, and his figure flashed, the crescent mooncurved blade rapidly meeting the oncoming danger.

"You're courting death!" At the same time, the leader of the opposition roared. He propelled himselfupward from his position, the hefty blade in his hand generating a piercing rush of wind as it slicedtoward Judge's head.

The next moment, Judge's blade momentum continued even after severing the other man's blade,sweeping directly from the man's forehead. The man didn't have time to dodge; his head was split intwo, and he fell stiffly to the ground, twitching twice before becoming motionless.

Just as the leader's blade was about to descend upon Judge, Judge shifted his body sideways byhalf, simultaneously lifting his blade to meet the attack.

After a crisp sound, the robust impact caused Judge's body to sink into the ground by half a meter,the soil reaching his knees. After the man on the other side landed, he retreated four or five stepsand stabilized himself.

"You can go die now!"novelbin

But without any hesitation, that man launched himself again and burst out with full force, wieldinghis sword to slash at Judge.

"Shameless boasting!" Faced with the man's full force attack, a hint of fanaticism flashed in Judge'seyes and his momentum skyrocketed to the extreme in an instant.

"Let me show you Cold Moon Blade Technique!" Immediately after, he shouted loudly as well.

The next second, his legs pushed forcefully, propelling his body upward like a leopard in full spring.In mid-air, the crescent moon curved blade traced a flawless arc.

"Uh!? " Sensing the power of Judge's knife, the man's pupils shrank in fear. He felt a dense aura ofkilling intent enveloping him, causing all his pores to open up throughout his body. Without muchtime to think, he quickly withdrew and defended, holding the broadsword half a meter in front of thechest, attempting to block this attack.

However, he had clearly underestimated the power of the Cold Moon Blade Technique. His largeblade was cleanly severed into two, and the blade gleam continued its path, entering his chest fromthe heart.

"How... how is that possible..."

After the man opened his mouth and spoke a few words, a bloodline extended from his left shoulderto his right waist. Subsequently, the upper and lower halves of his body fell to the groundsimultaneously, blood gushing out in a horrifying spectacle.

"I didn't expect the complete mastery of the intermediate level of Cold Moon Blade Technique tohave such powerful strength!" Judge's eyes lit up after scanning the ground. Obviously, he hadalready comprehended the essence of the intermediate level Cold Moon Blade Technique andelevated his swordsmanship to a state of perfection with one move. This was related to his recentpractice on one hand, and on the other hand, in the battle just now, his potential was pushed to itslimit and he had a sudden realization of the essence.

What excited him even more was that, just as Billy had said, after he comprehended the essence ofthis sword technique, he vaguely felt that the cultivation shackles that had been troubling him werealso showing signs of loosening.

He had confidence that it wouldn't be long before he could officially step into the realm of a TrueMaster Battle God

"Take away all the corpses!"

With that said, Judge turned around and left.

Employees are leaving work one after another downstairs at SunPark Group.

After leaving the office building, Harleen headed towards the parking lot where her newly purchasedPorsche 911 had been delivered yesterday. The bright and flashy sports car inevitably caught theattention of many people, and as Harleen started the engine, everyone in the parking lot turned tolook.

"Wow! Ms Knight, this car used to be yours?" Ava Jones from marketing department rushed over tothe car with an exaggerated expression on her face. "I saw this car this morning and was wonderingwho could afford such a luxury vehicle. Turns out it's yours!"

"Tsk tsk, what a perfect match between you and this beautiful car! You are both so perfect together!"Ava continued with enthusiasm.

Harleen chuckled at Ava's exaggerated reaction. "You're making too big of a deal out of it."

"No way! Of course not!" Ava shook her head vigorously.

"Ms Knight, you are truly living life like a winner! If I had half your luck, I would be satisfied!" sheexclaimed.

People often only see others' glamorous side without knowing about their struggles and pain behindclosed doors. Before all of this success for Harleen came hard work and sacrifice that outsiderscouldn't see.

"If you work hard to become excellent yourself in your career path while also finding yourself a goodboyfriend in future relationships then you will also become successful." Harleen smiledencouragingly at Ava.

"I'll definitely try my best!" said Ava firmly with determination written on her face. "From now on,you'll be my role model for working hard towards success! Keep pushing me forward because Iwon't let you down!"

Harleen couldn't help but laugh at how serious Ava was being about all of it.

Harleen giggled again, "I'll scold you when you make a mistake in the future, don't blame me!"

"Of course, I won't blame you!" Ava Jones nodded eagerly. "The stricter you are with me, thebetter."

After a brief pause, she continued speaking, "Ms Knight, I won't take up any more of your time. Youcan go home now and we'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow!" Harleen smiled and slowly drove away in her car.

Two minutes later, the 911 pulled out of the parking lot and turned onto the city streets.

"That's her! Follow her!"

A man with a hooked nose in the back seat of an Audi parked on the side of the road looked atHarleen's photo before speaking up.

"Got it, my lord!" The muscular man in the driver's seat nodded before stepping on the gas pedal.

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