The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 171 People From Place Of Darkness
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Chapter 171 People From Place Of Darkness

Chapter 171 People from Place of Darkness

The next moment, an arm was cleanly severed at the shoulder and fell to the ground, blood gushinglike a fountain from the stump.

"Ah..." Harry Lewis let out a hysterical scream.

"Commander, many of the people below have offended you. Please be generous, CommanderGardner!" After putting away his sword, Clay Yates bowed deeply to Billy.

"Inspector Yates, why did you hurt me?" Harry Lewis shouted loudly with a puzzled look on his faceafter catching his breath.

"If you don't shut up, I'll kill you right here. Believe it or not?" Clay Yates said fiercely and withouthesitation.

"Why, me..." Harry Lewis responded loudly.

"Harry, shut up!" Alexander Hall angrily rebuked, "He's saving you!"

Alexander was well aware of Clay Yates's intention – cutting off Harry Lewis' arm was indeed amove to save him. Otherwise, things would get worse if he was taken away by people fromSHADOW.

"Commander Gardner, do you think this will work?" Alexander Hall turned around and asked Billy.

"Go away!" Billy waved his hand. "Go back and tell the people above you, we don't have anywanted criminal here, only an honored elder! If there is a similar incident again in the future, all of

you from the special patrol squadron will be on SHADOW's wanted list and will be arrested andbrought to justice!"

"I will definitely convey the message!" Alexander Hall nodded quickly after taking another deepbreath. Afterward, leading the group of Special Patrolmen, they turned around and left. Harry Lewis,his face contorted in pain, picked up his severed limb from the ground and followed behind.

"Remind Azure Fang and the other three people to be careful in everything recently. If there is anyabnormal situation, call me immediately!" After the group left, Billy turned to Judge and gaveinstructions.

"Yes!" Judge nodded vigorously.

"What about Ebony Lord?" Billy continued to ask.

"He has been practicing and stabilizing his cultivation these past few days!" Judge responded.

"Tell him to stay put here and not go anywhere recently." Billy continued to explain.

"Yes!" The judge nodded again.

The second morning.

After Billy sent Tasha off, he had just returned home when his phone rang. He looked at theincoming number and was slightly surprised.

"Rakshasa, is something the matter?" Billy asked as he pressed the answer button.

"Commander Gardner, I have important news to report!" Rakshasa's voice sounded slightly anxious.


"I just received some news!" Rakshasa took a deep breath before continuing. "Two days ago, EbonGate, the fourth-ranked force in Place of Darkness, gathered all their members above the rank ofbattle commander and sent them to Glavale in batches."

"Ethereal Scribe, their gate master, personally led the way. They must be looking for you in Ozin,Glavale!"

"Ebon Gate? What's their purpose?" asked Billy. Although he had heard of Ebon Gate before, hehad never dealt with them and didn't know why they were looking for him.

"They were probably sent by Sanctum of Darkness," Rakshasa replied again. "You killed Sanctumof Darkness' envoy last time, they definitely won't let it go. And from what I understand, Ebon Gatehas always wanted to gain more seats in Sanctum of Darkness. They must have reached somekind of agreement between each other!"

Billy's eyes flashed with a hint of fierceness as he continued to ask, "Who are these people thatcame this time?"

"There are two gate masters from Ebon Gate whose strength has already broken through to themid-late stage Warlord level. Their specific cultivation levels are not clear underlings. Below thesetwo are four great demon kings whose strength is all above a Grand Elder Battle God. One of themshould have already been a Warlord. Below these four great demon kings are eight major Yinassassins. Six of them are Battle Gods at the early stage, while the remaining two have reached theBattle General level."

"In addition to these fourteen people, there are also around thirty core disciples whose strengthsrange from a Novice Battle General's and beyond."

"Very well!" Billy's eyes condensed into sharpness. "If Blood Hall hasn't taught Place Of Darkness alesson yet then we'll give them another big gift this time around!"

"Commander, do you need me to bring people back immediately?" Rakshasa asked with a slightpause.

"No need!" Billy replied in a deep voice. "Take your people to the vicinity of Ebon Gate headquartersand be ready at all times! If Ebon Gate wants to be a front-runner, let them have it. From now on,Place of Darkness will no longer tolerate Ebon Gate!"

"Understood!" Rakshasa responded loudly after another momentary pause. She naturallyunderstood Billy's intentions. He was preparing to take down the main base of Ebon Gate.

"Commander, according to the estimated time, Ebon Gate's people should have already entered theborder." Rakshasa added with some concern.

"Ebon Gate's overall strength is several levels higher than Blood Hall. Commander Gardner mustbe careful!"

"I know," Billy nodded slightly. "That'll be all for now. Move right away and wait for my call!"

After hanging up the phone, he dialed Casey's number again and asked him and Judge to comeover immediately.

Half an hour later, Casey arrived with Judge.

"What happened?" Casey could tell from Billy's tone on the phone that something was wrong.

"Place of Darkness has sent more people again." Billy introduced them both to the situationafterwards.

"Dang! Another group of fearless ones came again." Judge said in a deep voice.

"The other side has quite an impressive lineup." Casey had an expression that suggested he wasthinking about something deeply

"If we engage in direct battle with them it won't pose much threat, but I'm worried they'll usediversionary tactics and catch us off guard."

"Mhm!" Billy nodded slightly. He had naturally already considered this.

According to Rakshasa's words, there were at least ten or more powerhouses of the rank of BattleGod coming from Ebon Gate this time. If they chose to attack him simultaneously, he alone coulddeal with these small fries. However, the other side clearly wouldn't be foolish enough to do that.Billy's reputation had spread throughout the Place of Darkness, and people from that realm werewell aware that his strength was at least at the level of an advanced-stage Warlord. To be cautious,they certainly wouldn't put all their eggs in one basket. If they dispersed a group of people amongthe crowd, using ordinary civilians as hostages, or targeted those around him, it would undoubtedlymake him wary.novelbin

"Casey, first call Roderick Chasey. Have him notify the eastern district's people that if theyencounter the enemy, don't obstruct them. Let them all in!" Billy continued after a brief moment ofthought.

"Since they're so eager to visit Glavale, let them have their fill. Not a single one of them shouldleave this time!"

"Got it!" Casey nodded vigorously.

Though he still had concerns, he trusted Billy had a plan. His role was simply to follow orders.

"Also, there are a few more things. Both of you, go make arrangements!" Billy continued, turning hisattention to the two.

"Understood!" both Casey and Judge perked up at Billy's words, nodding in unison.

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