The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 166 Someone Looking For Trouble
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Chapter 166 Someone Looking For Trouble

Chapter 166 Someone Looking for Trouble

"Wow! Ms Knight, your husband is so handsome!" Ava Jones exclaimed with an exaggeratedexpression.

"He's really too handsome, even more than those big stars. He's the most handsome man I've everseen!"

Harleen chuckled and said, "Isn't that a bit too much?"

Afterwards, she turned to everyone and said, "Colleagues, let me formally introduce my husbandBilly Gardner."

Then she turned to Billy and said, "Honey, these are all my colleagues who are at the manager levelor above in the marketing department. Let me introduce you to them."

She then proceeded to introduce each colleague one by one to Billy who smiled and greeted eachof them with a nod. Everyone couldn't help but feel slightly restrained not only because of Billy'sstriking good looks but also because of his hidden regal aura that made them feel inferior. Their firstthought was that Harleen's husband was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Mr Gardner," Ava Jones asked after they were seated together,"what kind of work do you do?"

"I serve in the military," Billy replied with a smile.

"Oh! So you're a soldier!" Ava Jones sounded relieved as she continued,"No wonder you have suchan aura!"

After pausing for a moment, she continued asking, "So you must be an officer, right?"

Before this moment, she had always been curious about what kind of man could capture her boss'sheart. And every time Harleen mentioned her husband, a sense of happiness and pride wouldinvoluntarily appear on her face. Now that she had seen Billy in person, she could understandHarleen's reaction.

To be able to marry such an outstanding man, any woman would feel proud!

"Barely!" Billy laughed again.

"I knew it. I could tell just by looking at you that you're not an ordinary person!" Ava Jones looked atBilly with an admiring gaze.

"Mr Gardner, can you tell us some stories about the military? Many people in our department admiresoldiers!" Another beautiful colleague looked at Billy with shining eyes and said.novelbin

"Sure!" After nodding his head with a smile, Billy picked out some interesting anecdotes from thecamp and started chatting with everyone.

Soon enough, food and drinks were served on the table.

"Ms Knight, congratulations on your promotion. Let's raise a toast to you and Mr Gardner!" After thewaiter poured red wine for everyone, Ava Jones stood up holding her glass.

"Congratulations, Ms Knight!" Everyone raised their glasses one after another.

"Thank you all for your support and help in my work! I am confident that as long as we worktogether diligently, we will definitely exceed this year's sales target. By the end of this year let'sdouble everyone's bonuses and commissions so next year we can give everyone a raise!"

"Yeah! Thank you, Ms Knight!" Everyone was overjoyed and shouted together in unison.

Billy felt happy for Harleen too. He could see from their gazes that these people weren't just beingenthusiastic towards Harleen because of her position but rather they genuinely respected andappreciated her from within.

As Harleen had only been with the company for a short time, it was impressive how quickly she hadestablished such a high reputation and personal charm within her department. Once everyone wasseated, they began to eat.

During the meal, everyone scrambled to toast Billy and Harleen. However, due to her inability tohandle alcohol well, Harleen passed this task onto Billy. Billy naturally accepted the challenge andquickly became friends with everyone at the table. He hadn't relaxed so thoroughly in quite sometime and enjoyed having a good drink without any worries or responsibilities.

Although he occasionally drank with Azure Dragon and his team back in the West, it never felt quitelike this. No matter how much he drank there, he always kept his mind clear because anythingreported at his level was not trivial; therefore, he never allowed himself any slack. However, here inthis moment, everything felt different; he could drink freely without any concerns.

Time flew by quickly as two hours passed before anyone realized that they were all full of food anddrink. Suddenly, there was a loud bang as someone kicked open the door of their private roomfollowed by two young men who looked like wealthy playboys walking in uninvited.

"Is it you guys? What do you want?" One of their beautiful female colleagues sitting near the doorshouted angrily upon seeing them enter.

"Oh wow! There are so many beautiful ladies here!" The two playboys scanned around before theireyes lit up when they saw Harleen. They couldn't help but be impressed by her beauty.

"Who are you guys? This is our private room! Please leave immediately!" Ava Jones stood up andspoke sternly towards them.

"If you don't want to get beaten up, you better sit down and mind your own business. Otherwise,you'll find out what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn't belong!" The tall manglanced over at Ava Jones.

"Hannah, do you know them? Who are they?" Harleen asked her beautiful colleague.

"I don't know them!" Hannah Hill replied angrily.

"I ran into them in the restroom earlier with two other guys. One of them intentionally bumped intome and his hands were all over the place."

"I pushed him hard and he fell to the ground. Then he accused me of bumping into him anddemanded that I apologize to him in their private room while serving drinks."

"I refused and ran away when he was distracted by a phone call. But I didn't expect that they wouldfollow me here."

"Bitch! You bumped into our VIP guest but still have the nerve to argue with us? You really don'tknow any better!" The tall man scolded coldly.

"You guys are liars! He was the one who bumped into me first!" Hannah Hill's face turned red withanger.

"If you keep talking back, I'll make sure you never speak again." The short man pointed his finger atHannah Hill threateningly.

"Listen up! Go apologize to our VIP guest right now or suffer the consequences!"

"We don't welcome troublemakers like you here! Leave now or face the consequences," Harleenspoke sternly with a frown on her face as she understood what had happened. These men wereattracted to Hannah Hill's beauty and wanted something from her group of friends.

"Well well well, aren't we feisty?" The tall man turned his head towards Harleen. "You must be theirleader, right? If you want us gone so badly, why not come along with us instead? Our VIP guest willsurely appreciate it more!"

"You're such jerks! If you don't leave now we'll call the cops!" Ava Jones shouted loudly from besidethem.

"You stinky bitch, how dare you interrupt? I think you're asking for trouble!" The tall man shoutedloudly and raised his hand to slap Ava Jones in the face.

"If you dare touch her, you'll lose your hand!" Billy's voice rang out.

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