The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 151 Marquis From Midlandia
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Chapter 151 Marquis From Midlandia

Chapter 151 Marquis From Midlandia

"Judge, are you itching for a fight?" Soul Chaser responded irritably.

"I can't, but Azure Dragon can do it. I can ask him to step in and with just 100, 000 Army ofBloodshadow soldiers we can easily take down the southern edge!"

Although their enemies on the southern edge were indeed difficult opponents and it would be hardfor SHADOW to handle it alone. But with the help of Army of Bloodshadow, it would be a piece ofcake.

The two things that made the southern edge so fearsome were poison and "Gu" (curses). Otherthan that their martial arts skills were only average. But among the hundreds of thousands in Armyof Bloodshadow, there were many talented individuals who excelled in poisons and curses.Moreover, there were also members from Secret Essences Sect within the western medical team.Many members from Secret Essences Sect were experts in poisons.

"Alright then, no one has thicker skin than you!" Judge shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay!" Billy waved his hand. "Let's get to work!"

"Got it!" The five nodded simultaneously.

With Billy's command issued out, all SHADOW guards except those from the eastern district beganmoving into action.

Midlandia was a city located in the central district in the country of Glavale. It had always been abattleground for military strategists.

On the second morning after Billy gave orders, three thousand SHADOWers gathered together andheaded towards an enormous mansion located southward within the city limits of Midlandia. Theowner of this mansion was named Marquis, who was an influential figure within Midlandia withconnections throughout every corner.

Usually he was surrounded by people wherever he went even when facing those high up on thepolitical ladder; however, today Marquis received only one distinguished guest - someone importantfrom the Central District War Department.

"Mr Cook, it's a pleasure to have you here. Please come in." Marquis served a cup of tea toSebastian Cook and continued, "This is some nice tea that I just got my hands on. Please try it andsee how it tastes."

Marquis lowered his posture, fully aware of the power and influence of this important figure in frontof him. Not only was Sebastian Cook personally terrifyingly powerful, but he also held a highposition and had enough weight to command respect from others.

"Mr Marquis, you flatter me, and thank you. It's my honor to be invited by you." Said Sebastian Cookwith a smile as he took the teacup.

"Your words are too kind. To be able to invite someone like you is truly an honor for me," repliedMarquis with a smile after pausing briefly. After a momentary pause, he continued, "How hasgeneral been recently? I heard that he went to the capital city a few days ago. Everything thereshould be settled by now?"

"It's all taken care of!" Sebastian Cook smiled faintly and then asked, "It seems that you are quiteconcerned about what happened in the capital city?"novelbin

"How could someone like me care about such big matters? I'm still busy dealing with trivial mattershere in Midlandia!" After slightly hesitating for a moment, Marquis replied with another smile.

"You're being modest," said Sebastian Cook before changing topics, "About that funding we talkedabout last time..."

"Don't worry, Mr Cook. I've already prepared everything and am just waiting for your word beforetransferring it." As he lifted his teacup for another sip, Marquis reassured him confidently.

"Haha! Thank you so much again!" Sebastian laughed once more.

"It's nothing at all." Replied Marquis with yet another smile as they continued their conversation untilthey were interrupted by hurried footsteps outside.

An unhappy-looking middle-aged man appearing to be some sort of supervisor or manager enteredinto their presence abruptly.

"Rude!" Marquis's face darkened. "Can't you see that I'm receiving a distinguished guest?"

"Marquis, something has happened!" The manager trembled all over.

"So flustered, what kind of decorum is this?" Marquis's tone was harsh. "What happened?"

"Azure Fang led three thousand SHADOW men into the estate and our people couldn't stop them."The manager responded after swallowing his saliva.

"Hmm!?" A coldness spread from Marquis as he asked, "Why did SHADOW come to me?"

As he spoke, a hint of bad conscience flashed in his eyes.

"He... he didn't say, just said that if you don't go see him within five minutes, he'll flatten the estate."

"Rude!" Marquis shouted angrily. "Who gave Azure Fang the courage to come here and show off?!"

After speaking, he looked at Sebastian Cook and said, "Mr Cook, I'm sorry for disturbing you. Howabout we meet another day instead?"

"Let's go take a look together now. I also want to see what business SHADOW has with you."Sebastian Cook stood up and walked towards the door.

"That would be great! Thank you very much!" Marquis narrowed his eyes slightly. This was exactlywhat he wanted.

Soon, they arrived at the square in front of the courtyard gate where five dozens of armed menfollowed behind Sebastian Cook. At the same time, around three hundred black-clad men ran outfrom various parts of the courtyard; each one looked unfriendly and clearly not ordinarypractitioners.

"Azure Fang, why such a big fuss? What brings you here?" Marquis narrowed his eyes slightly ashe spoke calmly to Azure Fang.

Before this, Marquis had conveyed his intention to form a connection with Azure Fang on multipleoccasions while keeping a very humble posture. But, Azure Fang always ignored him, not evenbothering to acknowledge Marquis as a big shot. To make matters worse, SHADOW had raided oneof his nightclubs where two fugitives had been hiding and ended up killing one of the hostesses.Marquis called Azure Fang before, hoping to smooth things over, but he was hung up on before hecould finish speaking. Shortly after, Azure Fang and his crew surrounded the nightclub and arrestedover a hundred people in retaliation. Since then, their relationship had hit rock bottom with nofurther contact between them.

"Take them away!" Azure Fang ordered without hesitation.

With that command, three thousand SHADOWers moved in unison and surrounded Marquis' men.

"How dare you!" Marquis growled at Azure Fang. "I respect you as a man but that doesn't mean I'mafraid of you! You better not push your luck!"

Marquis never expected such an answer from Azure Fang, which only fueled his anger. He was aprominent figure in Midlandia and thus he couldn't accept being treated like this.

"Why are you still standing there? Take action!" Azure Fang didn't even give him a glance, andcontinued in a deep voice, "Anyone who obstructs the work of SHADOW is considered an ally of thesame cause and is to be executed on the spot!"

"Yes, sir!" Three thousand SHADOWers shouted in unison.

Immediately after, they assumed their positions and were about to take action.

"Stop!" Sebastian Cook shouted loudly, as a powerful aura emanated from his body.

He was a Tier-two Battle God!

People around him immediately felt suffocated and couldn't help but shiver all over. Meanwhile,Marquis smirked slightly beside him, thinking that with this figure here, no matter what SHADOWhad come for today, they were destined to leave empty-handed!

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