The War God's Homecoming

Chapter 128 An S-Class Wanted Criminal
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Chapter 128 An S-Class Wanted Criminal

Chapter 128 An S-Class Wanted Criminal

"Yeah," Judge nodded. "It's a sect that doesn't belong, and it's also a place where dirt is hidden."

"Is that so?" Billy smirked. "Check the case file of their leader!"

"Got it!" Judge responded, pulling out his phone to start working.

"You're going too far, buddy," Song Toye frowned. "Though SHADOW is strong, if we keep all of youhere today, SHADOW shouldn't know it was us who did it, right?"

"You're just an idiot!" Casey glanced at him coldly.

"You bastard! Who are you talking to like that? Do you wanna die?" One of the men with red hairshouted angrily. After speaking, he raised his hand and attacked Casey with his initial strength as aBattle Master at novice level.

Two SHADOW lads flashed out and slashed their crescent moon knives simultaneously.

"Get lost!" The man with red hair shouted angrily and sent out powerful punches one after another.However, he underestimated the strength of the SHADOW guards. Both of them were six-starSHADOW guards with martial art skills of a True Master Battle Master.

"Gabriel, be careful!" Song Toye realized the strength of several SHADOW guards at this time andexclaimed in shock.

As he spoke, the man's body displayed more than ten bloodstains, turning him into a bloodiedfigure, completely devoid of any fighting strength. He was now lying helplessly, barely alive.

Clearly, this was the result of the SHADOW lads showing some mercy; otherwise, he would havebeen dead already.

SHADOW had its rules and didn't kill three types of people: the innocent, those who didn't deservethe death penalty, and individuals intentionally left alive.

For now, the man named Gabriel was temporarily categorized into the second group, which waswhy he managed to hold on to his pathetic life.

"How dare you!" The other three disciples thundered as they charged at the SHADOW men.

"Come back!" Song Toye shouted loudly, "You are not their opponents, don't go up there to die!"

However, it was already too late. Before they could even touch their opponents' clothes, the cold-crescent curved knives had already left several bloody gashes on their bodies. They slumped to theground with faces full of horror. The three of them finally realized the gap between themselves andeach other; they were not even in the same league.

"Boss, we found it!" At this moment, Judge looked towards Billy.

"What have you got?" Billy asked.

"We should kill him!" Judge responded in a deep voice. "Not to mention the distant past, just amonth ago, he killed the parents of a pair of twin sisters in order to claim them for himself. The twosisters were overwhelmed with grief and ended up taking their own lives."

"He was once arrested by the local police station, but he then escaped and also injured manypeople in the police station. The case was transferred to us, but we haven't had a chance to dealwith it yet!"

"Then kill Shawn Pierce!" Billy spoke up.

"Yes, sir!" Judge nodded in response.

"Let's fight with you all!" Shawn Pierce and his brother looked at each other, knowing that they werein a desperate situation. Instead of waiting to die, they decided to take a chance.

The momentum on both of them suddenly soared, making them look like two wild beasts chargingout.

"Ignorant!" This time, before the SHADOW lads could make a move, Judge flipped his wrist and abeam of sword energy shot out like lightning.


The next moment, a head flew into the sky, blood spraying like a fountain. Shawn Pierce's bodycontinued to run forward for two more steps before finally collapsing to the ground.


Mark Pierce's tears flowed freely, and he cried out in grief. Later, he collapsed onto the ground as ifhe had aged several decades in an instant. He knew that the Pierce family was completely finishedthis time.

Meanwhile, Song Toye abruptly stopped in the middle of his charge, his face filled with endlessterror. Until this moment, he finally realized how wrong he was! He could sense the chi energyreleased by Judge. And he realized that Judge was at least a Battle General at an advanced leveland that Judge was much more powerful than him. More importantly, he saw the handle of Judge'sCold Moon Curved Blade in his hand, made of platinum, which showed that he was one of thelegendary "Five Sharp Blades" of SHADOW.

Without much thought, Song Toye quickly knelt down.

"Please... please spare me, I have an important message to offer you, please don't kill me..."

He regretted it so much now. If he had known that who Judge was, he would never have stood upfor Shawn Pierce. And what made him even more hopeless was that through Judge's identity, hehad already realized who Billy was.

There was only one person within the borders who could instruct the "Five Sharp Blades" - King ofthe West, the master of SHADOW, Commander Gardner!

At this thought, a foul smell emanated from his crotch.

"Oh?" Judge spoke calmly as he sheathed his knife. "Let's hear it then. Let's see if your informationis worth sparing your life."

"I... I know where you can find a wanted S-class criminal wanted by you..." Song Toye hesitatedbefore speaking up.

Judge frowned slightly and asked, "What's their name?"

"I... I don't know his real name but he goes by Tyrone May now and it should be an alias." SongToye responded quickly.

"Do you think I'm seven years old?" Judge replied coldly. "You don't even know his real name andyet you claim he's a wanted criminal by us?"

As he spoke, a chill filled the air.

"He told me himself..." Song Toye hurriedly added in defense. "One time when we were drinkingtogether and he let slip..."

"You better not be lying to us or else you'll regret it!" Billy spoke sternly.

"Take him back and sketch out a portrait!"

Every one of the S-class criminals wanted by SHADOW bore significant criminal cases, makingthem prime targets. Any leads must be pursued.

"Yes, sir!" Judge replied. After he sheathed his blade, he knocked Song Toye unconscious with apalm strike.

"All core members of the Pierce Family should be taken into custody for investigation. Those with acriminal record must face strict punishment!" Billy spoke again. "Furthermore, make Mark Piercereveal all their allies in Ozin. Regardless of who they are, apprehend them all and bring them tojustice. Those who need to be executed shall be executed, and those who need to be detained shallbe detained! If anyone dares to speak up for the Pierce Family, tell them to come directly to me!"

"Yes, Commander!" The SHADOW lads responded loudly.novelbin

That morning, Harleen went to work, and Billy was at home playing with Tasha's toys when Caseyknocked on the door and entered.

"Bother!" Casey greeted Billy after nodding to Fletcher and his wife.

"What's the matter?" Billy stood up and asked.

"Judge has found the people from Ink Pavilion!"

"Oh?" Billy raised an eyebrow. "Impressive, they found them so quickly. Where are they?"

"Ink Pavilion has branches in many major cities in the country, and there's one in the easternsuburbs of Ozin." Casey replied.

"Let's go meet them!"

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