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Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Mary

“First and foremost, the most important part of taking care of others in your village is seeing what theother villagers need and making sure those needs are met. We had weekly meetings in my village andduring those meetings we would list everything we had an abundance of, if someone needed somethingwe would either give them the item free of charge or trade it for something they need. As of right now, itseems like the most important thing for these young lads is getting food to their family. (This novel will bedaily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Do we have anyone who is able to supply food for another family?” Iasked not expecting to get a response.

As I predicted no one answered. It didn’t surprise me, because from the look of things, it didn’t seem likethe other villagers were better off.

“Okay, that’s alright. What we will do today, is gather some ingredients from each house, and make asoup large enough to supply everyone with a least one meal tonight. For those with younger children, ifthere is any extra we will package it and send it home with you. Tomorrow I will have some of the royalguards sent down to the market to gather food and other necessary items for everyone here.” I stated,listening as some mothers let out a cry of joy that their prayers had been answered.

I took another look around and this time I saw hope in the villagers eyes. (This novel will be dailyupdtaed at www.noveljar.com)Hope that they would survive, that their family would no longer know whatit was like to be wracked with hunger pains every night.

“Actually scratch that. I will send a written letter right now to the market, that everyone in this village beallowed to show at the market, free of charge for a year. I will have the vendors send an invoice to thepalace and the items will be paid for from the royal bank. I am sure after a year of free items, your villagewill be better off and you’ll learn how to make a profitable income or at least grow your own food. I willpersonally come here weekly to check on the status of the village and make sure everyone is prospering.

Now let us begin the preparations for our soup.” I stated smiling with what I hope was a comforting smilebefore turning my attention back to the two boys staring up at me.

“You there,” I gestured to the petite blond hair boy whose mother had gone without food for so long shedidn’t know when she’d last ate, “grab the loaf of bread and break it in half, give half to the other boy andkeep half for yourself. I’d like you to escort me to your home first.” I commanded, not leaving room in mytone for argument.

“Yes your highness.” The boy replied begrudgingly glaring at me with his big blue eyes. I couldn’t helpbut smile when I noticed that what I had originally thought was freckles across his nose, was actually dirt.

The boy quickly handed the other half the loaf of bread, before coming back to me.

“Do you mind if I hold your hand your majesty.” He asked, his ears tinging pink, “It’s just at this time ofday, the roads are generally busy, and I don’t want to get separated.

“Why of course.” I reply taking the young boy’s hand and letting him lead me to his home.

“Oh and your majesty, if you could keep it to yourself that you discovered me brawling in the townsquare, I would greatly appreciate it. I don’t want mama to fret more than she already does.”

I smiled down at the little boy, seeing in him, the same fighter spirit that Anya had possessed when shewas younger. My heart jolted with pain at the thought of my sister. Life had become so busy, that I hadn’treally had time to think of my family.

“What’s your name?” I asked the boy after agreeing to keep his brawling a secret.

“Theodore Lee Jacobs. I was named after my Da and my Papa.” The boy responded pridefully, (Thisnovel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)“And yours?” He asked, not seeming so nervous to bearound me anymore.novelbin

“Mary.” I reply not bothering with my middle or last name.

“I had a friend named Mary once.” The boy replied sadly, “Her parents sold her off to the orphanage.They couldn’t afford to feed her anymore, and they thought it would be a better life for her. About amonth or so later her parents died of starvation. They passed before they were able to receive the newsthat their daughter had joined them.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your friend.” I reply, not knowing how to comfort Theodore.

“Mama say it’s the way of life, we can’t do anything to change it. God has a plan and we need to followalong with whatever that plan may be. He replies, all sadness seeming to have washed away.

I let him shove away his sadness, it was a coping mechanism that all humans learned at a very youngage. I begin to let myself dream that in the nearby future we will no longer need to choke on our sadness,that we, meaning all of mankind, will be given the choice to express our freedom.

“Your mother sounds like a very wise woman.” Draq states, once again reminding me that he was tailingus. The dragon shifter walks so quietly that I often forget he is behind me.

“That she is.” Theodore replies proudly.

Theodore was not fibbing about the busy roads, once we exited the town square it seemed like everyoneand their dog was running about like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to get to where they neededto be quickly. Theodores grip on my hand tightened as he pulled me through the crowd. About halfwaythrough the crowd, I could hear Draq hollering my name, but I could no longer see him.

“Don’t stop Mary, if you stop you could wind up hurt.” Theodore states as he continues to pull me throughthe crowd, “Once we get past the traffic we can wait for your guard to show.”

I nodded my head in agreement as I continued to follow Theodore through the crowd, sighing with reliefwhen the when we make it through. We sit on the side of the road for about an hour waiting for Draq to

show. He never comes.

“Well we can’t wait for him much longer, I need to still head over to the other houses and gatheringredients for the soup tonight.” I voice out loud.

“Don’t worry your highness. You’ll be safe with me.” Theodore replies as he continues to lead me up a hillto his family home.

hill to his family home.

His house is more like a run down shack, the shutters are all broken and I can see cloth has been hungup to keep the cold and the light out. The foundation on the outside of the home seems to be crackingand I begin to wonder how much longer it will hold up. As soon as we enter the home I am hit with thescent of death, and an ominous feeling passes through me.

“Mama, I’ve got some food, and I’ve brought the Queen with me. (This novel will be daily updtaed atwww.noveljar.com)Can you believe that Mama, the Queen here in our house.” Theodore calls as hewalks into the only room in the house. In the room there is a tiny bed with a thin woman laying in it. Awoman who looks like she’s been dead for at least a week now, “Sorry mama isn’t replying.” Theodoresays looking at me, “I think once she gets some food in her she’ll be better.”

I walk further into the room and gently put my hand on Theodore’s mom’s wrist feeling for a pulse. As Isuspected there is nothing, her skin feels like I’m touching ice. I look over at Theodore again as I take inhis appearance, earlier I would have thought that he was at least six, but looking over him now it seemslike he might even be younger than that. How am I going to tell this little boy, that the only relative he hasleft, has died. Leaving him with no one. I know how bad that pain hurts, and I don’t want to be the one toplace that pain on him.

Theodore looks up at me and sees the look on my face, and I know he recognizes it for what it is. Ushumans, we are all to familiar with that look. “Mama isn’t going to get better is she?” He asks his eyesfilling with tears.

“I’m afraid not Theodore.” I reply to him as I step towards him, wanting to hold him in the hopes of atleast providing some sense of comfort.

“IM NOT GOING TO THAT ORPHANAGE!” Theodore yells at me before sprinting out of the house.

I hurry quickly out the door with the hopes of finding him, and telling him that I would never send himaway, but once I am outside, I am distracted by the sound of an explosion that came from the direction ofthe palace.

Nikolai. My heart starts to race. Is he okay, was he near the explosion.(This novel will be daily updtaed atwww.noveljar.com) I try to send him a mind link, but before I get the chance to I am struck from behind,something hitting me in the back of the head, causing my vision to fade in and out. The last thing I see isa badly injured Draq, and I can tell he’s letting Nikolai know that we are in danger. I only hope that Nikolaiis okay, and that he’ll be able to rescue us once again.

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