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Chapter 948

Standing at a high spot, Quinton looked down at Renee, who was still in the water prison and told her,“Hurry up and get out, sister. The water level is increasing, and soon, what’s going to come out of theseholes won’t be water, but venomous creatures of all manner like snakes and bugs.”novelbin

“No!” Renee raised her head and looked at her brother in panic. “Brother, you gave me your word! Youtold me you’d give me the full authority to deal with the impostor, didn’t you? So what are you doingnow?”

“I wanted to let you handle it yourself, but as soon as I learned the impostor’s true identity, I knew I justhad to break my promise to you. Please forgive me, Renee.”

Beneath his mask, Quinton’s eyes became dangerously ruthless, as if he could hardly restrain himselffrom tearing the impostor into pieces right then and there.

“This is my own personal vengeance. I have endured crushing humiliation for so many years just so Ican avenge myself one day, so I can’t just let him go.”

“Personal… Personal vengeance?”

Renee turned around and stared confusedly at the man whose arms and legs had been chained up. Ina lowered voice, she asked him, “So, who are you? Are you going to tell me yourself?”

Renee had a hunch of the man’s true identity, but as long as she had not seen it with her own eyes,she simply refused to believe it.

“I’m sorry,” said Stefan with his head hung low as he evaded the question.

Since he had chosen death, he was also prepared to have his identity exposed. It no longer matteredto him whether Renee would forgive him or despise him even more than she already did.

As long as… she remained safe and sound.

“You’re a smart woman, Renee. You must’ve already guessed who he is, so stop deceiving yourselfand get out of there immediately.”

Quinton could never bear to see his sister be tortured, but the water level was rising fast, and there wasno way that the mechanism in this torture chamber could be controlled manually, so if Renee still wouldnot get out of there quickly, the consequences might be disastrous.

“I… I still haven’t guessed it! I really don’t know who he is! He…”

Renee’s eyes were reddening. She looked like a stubborn fool, and the reason she was being stubbornwas that she simply could not accept the possibility that she was just a fool who had been deceivedand played with all along!

“You’re still too emotional, Renee. I can’t indulge you anymore…”

Quinton frowned and waved a hand before ordering, “Get her out of there now!”

The tall burly men then tried to pull Renee out of the water, but Renee effortlessly slipped through theirfingers and escaped.

Then, she took a deep breath and, at lightning speed, pulled off the mask on Stefan’s face…

“So it really is you!”

Renee’s heart almost stopped beating when she came face to face with the man. She could hardlydescribe how she felt, but when she remembered her past interactions with “Mr. Q,” how she used tobawl out her eyes in front of him, complaining to him about how much she hated Stefan Hunt, how shethen opened her heart to him and decided to love someone again, how happy and secure she felt withhim… she then realized how much of an idiot she was, how she was nothing but a living joke!

“I’m sorry!” said Stefan.

His eyes were filled with deep sorrow. Guilt and regret were written all over his handsome and flawlessface, but still, all he could say were those two words.

“Did you have a lot of fun playing games with me, Stefan Hunt?! Did it make you proud for havingsuccessfully manipulated my feelings and stepping all over my dignity? You really are the mostworthless and deceitful man I’ve ever met!”

Renee’s anger erupted like a volcano. The humiliation wiped away all of her rationality. She quickly gotout of the water and peered down at the man before coldly declaring, “A man like this deserves to bebitten to death by venomous snakes and his body corroded by acid! So, Quinton… I leave the rest toyou.”

A look of pride and satisfaction cropped up on Quinton’s face.

“As expected from my very own sister! Very good, Renee! You’re way stronger and far more capablethan I expected. It’s only when a woman discards her feelings and emotions can she finally becomeinvincible!”


Renee said nothing, turned around, and left.

Chase noticed that the water level was fast approaching the dangerous level. He clenched his fists,and after hesitating for a while, he finally turned around and followed Renee out of the room.

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