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Chapter 945

Renee asked Chase the question in confusion.

“You’re right, someone’s getting punished, and it’s you!”

Chase smiled and pulled out a key to open the door to the water prison before bowing slightly andmaking an inviting gesture towards Renee.

“Go ahead, Ms. Everheart!”


Renee gulped, her hair standing on end.

The water prison wasn’t even large. It was about the size of a small bedroom with a height of about sixand a half feet, more than deep enough to completely submerge a human being. The walls weresmooth and polished, but they were dotted with numerous holes of different sizes. These were possiblythe cavities from where the snakes, centipedes, boiling oil, acid, and whatever else were let out into thewater prison.

Because no one had been in there for a long time, the water prison gave off a nasty rotten stench, likethe smell of dead rats or even human corpses. She could not bear to be inside the water prison forlong, because as soon as she took a breath, she would be overcome by an urge to vomit!

“Don’t panic,” Chase assured her. “My idea is to let you stay in the water prison for a while and act as ifyou’d been tortured. Then I’ll send a picture of you here to the impostor Mr. Q and tell him that the realMr. Q had returned and demanded that he come here to save you. Even the impostor knows howterrifying water torture is, so I’m convinced that as soon as he sees a picture of you here, he wouldcome to your rescue at full speed!”

“This way,” Chase added, “not only can we make him show up, we can also prove if he truly loves you.It’s a brilliant plan, don’t you think?”

At that moment, Chase felt that he was simply a genius for having thought of such a perfect plan thatmanaged to solve two problems at once.

“I think…” Renee stroked her chin as she was lost in thought. “Your plan sounds pretty good!”

She really wanted to know who in the world the impostor actually was, and whether his feelings for herwere genuine.

“Great! Then let’s start right away, because the sun is coming up soon…”

Chase then proceeded to test every switch and mechanism of the water prison with full enthusiasm,looking as if he was eager to try them all out.

Meanwhile, Renee stood in front of the water prison in a seemingly dejected mood.

“Is this really going to work?” she asked, full of hesitation. “He’s… He’s such a cunning and cautiousman! Perhaps he wouldn’t even show up!”

“That’s fine too,” replied Chase. “If he doesn’t show up, then it proves that his feelings for you were alllies, and it also proves that I have a poor eye to judge a character. In that case, you may just scoop myeyes out because I won’t have any use for them!”novelbin

“Then I hope he doesn’t show up!” whispered Renee.

She really did wish that he would not show up, because if he did risk it all and turned up just to saveher, and in the process putting himself in grave danger, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

“He will decide for himself whether or not he is going to show up,” said Chase. “All you have to do nowis to act as convincingly as possible. My guess is that… he’s going to be here within thirty minutes,because in half an hour, all kinds of snakes and centipedes will be released from the holes in the walls.He would never let you suffer such a gruesome fate!”

“Okay,” Renee nodded and gritted her teeth before going into the water prison. “Let’s do it then!”

Right now, the water level in the water prison merely reached her ankles, but the water was flowingcontinuously into the water prison through the holes. Renee’s hands were then chained to the walls,making her look frail and extremely pitiful.

“Very good!” Chase pulled out his phone and began to direct Renee on how to act as he recorded avideo, “Now just maintain this posture and try to squeeze out some tears and cry for help…”

Soon afterwards, they successfully shot a ten-second video, and it was immediately sent to theimpostor Mr. Q.

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