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Chapter 853

In comparison, Jasmine became more arrogant and ill-mannered. Miss Apple quickly said to Renee,“Of course not. Adie and Abby are very smart and don’t create trouble at all. They never make meworry about them. But unfortunately, some students are more spoiled. They like to annoy or bullyothers, and it’s giving all the teachers a very hard time…”

When Miss Apple mentioned that issue, she gave Jasmine and Huddie a cold glance before shesighed. “Adie and Abby have a great sense of justice, especially Adie. He’s the prince and hero to allthe girls in our class. Everyone likes him!

“This noon, Huddie snatched a small cake from a girl in class. Adie boldly did the right thing andwanted to snatch the cake back for that girl, but Huddie was adamant about holding on to it. Eventually,he even threw the cake on Adie, and they broke into a fight. Seeing that, Abby quickly ran over to helpAdie. And… they ended up in the state that you see now.”

After Jasmine heard the teacher’s description, she flared up in a rage. She screamed sharply, “MissApple, you’re a teacher. How could you let the kids get into a fight? You even let two ill-manneredb*stards bully my Huddie… Look at how fierce they were. They scratched my Huddie’s face. Well, Iwon’t let you guys off the hook if you don’t give me a satisfactory explanation today!”novelbin

Miss Apple rubbed her aching temples after being screamed at. She became rather helpless whilespeaking to Jasmine. “Miss Click, I think I’ve made myself very clear. It was your son who wasoverbearing, and he disobeyed the class rules. He constantly bullies and annoys others. Adie merelyhad a relatively stronger sense of justice and stepped forward to stop it. Don’t you think you shouldeducate your child now and ask him not to be too naughty and overbearing?”

Teachers generally disliked meeting parents the likes of Jasmine.

She relied on her wealth and status to indulge in her child’s willfulness, while the teachers had to bearthe consequences of the child causing trouble.

“My son is just lively and optimistic. Of course, he’s not naughty and overbearing. But these twob*stards… I heard that all they have is a mother and no father. Of course, they must be morally inept.Even if my son beat them up, that must be because they deserved it!”

Jasmine had long heard from her son about how much he hated a child called Adie in his class.

He claimed that this child was fatherless, though he was also stronger than him. Not only was the childmuch more handsome and smarter than him, but the girl he liked favored that child more. Hence, hehad long wanted to teach Adie a good lesson.

The blatant disregard for common courtesy instantly enraged Miss Apple, so she retorted rudely. “MissClick, please stop your personal attacks. Single parents are becoming more common nowadays. Thereare many fatherless children. What’s more, their mother is virtuous, and the children she raised are somuch better than those from ordinary families. On the contrary, some parents are completely ill-mannered, setting an awful example for the children who, in turn, take after them.”

“Miss Apple, who are you referring to? Whom are you trying to criticize? What kind of background dothese b*stards have? Are they even worth your ardent defense? You should know about Huddie’sstatus and background. Are you courting death? How dare you offend Huddie for these nameless andstatusless b*stards?”

Jasmine stopped pretending as she glared at Miss Apple ferociously. She then threatened, “Do youbelieve that a single call from me is enough to make you lose your job? I’ve been very respectfultoward you, but it was just for the favors. Don’t get over yourself and lose whatever little sense youhave. You overestimate yourself!”

“Hey, Miss Click, are you threatening me? Well, go ahead. It’s not like I want to work here anyway, but Iwon’t accept you threatening these two kids. I’m going to fight you to the end!”

Miss Apple was ready to risk everything. With gritted teeth, she sounded extremely resolute.

It was because Adie and Abby were so adorable that her heart was softened. They were the mostbeautiful and witty children she had ever taught, and even if it meant she’d have to lose her job, shewould seek justice for them.

“Great! Some integrity you have there!”

Jasmine spoke with deep indignation. “Go and ask the principal who Huddie’s father is. You’ve gottenyourself into some big trouble. Not only do I want you fired, but I also want these two b*stards and theirmother to kneel and say sorry to me!

“Let me be frank with you. The people my man sent will be here soon. I want all parents to witness themiserable consequences that would befall anyone who dares to stand against Huddie!”

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