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Chapter 841

“That’s not right, Francine! Shouldn’t you be angry with your daughter-in-law for being so lazy?”

“I don’t see any reason to get angry,” said Francine in a considerate tone as she took a sip of her tea.“If the young couple wants to sleep, then let them. It’s perfectly natural that they’re especiallyaffectionate with each other. I don’t see any problem in letting them roll around in bed for a whileanyway.”

“But that’s nonsense!” one of Stefan’s aunts argued indignantly. “She’s a member of a respectablefamily now, and she should learn to act like it! All of us who married into the Hunt family know this! Wemake sure that we’re elegant, dignified, graceful, and courteous at all times—the basic qualities thatthe wife of an affluent man should…”

“My daughter-in-law doesn’t need any of these qualities,” Francine interrupted. “All she needs to do isto spend the rest of her life happily with my son.”

“You may be able to accept this, Francine, but what about Stefan? Can he endure having such a wife?The Stefan that I remember is an austere and disciplined man. Never once in his whole life has he everoverslept! It seems that this woman is a bad influence on him!”

“Well,” Francine shrugged helplessly, “what can I do? Stefan finally and painstakingly managed to pullhis precious wife back to him, so it’s only natural he pampers and indulges her. In fact, I’m sure he’deven oblige if she wanted to sleep till dusk, let alone sleep a little longer than usual!”

Francine had just discovered that her son was an obliging husband who lived completely under hiswife’s thumb. He would do anything his wife wanted, getting it for her no matter what it was. If his wifehad wanted the moon, she was sure Stefan would leap into a spaceship immediately so he could bringthe moon down to her.novelbin

In that case, what could a mother like her do but put her hands up and concede?

“Tsk tsk! I can’t believe that Stefan can be such a passionate lover! He simply spoils his wife rotten—what a lucky woman!”

The women who had just been grumbling bitterly were now full of envy for Renee. How could they notbe when each of them, whether they were born or married into affluent families, had to live under strictrules? They had to restrain and control themselves to make sure that they appeared dignified at alltimes. The kind of suffering they endured was something that only those who had lived through itthemselves would understand.

How they wished that they could live like Renee—doing whatever she wanted while her husband dotedon her and indulged her unconditionally! What a blissful life that would be…

In fact, the women were not the only ones who sighed in envy—even the men listened in disbelief atwhat had become of Stefan.

“Alexander,” said Alan Hunt, Alexander’s cousin, “we’ve always thought that your son is a lot morerational and level-headed than you are, but it appears he’s just as much of a hopeless romantic as youare! I bet he inherited the gene from you! No one in Beach City spoils their wife as badly as you do!”

Once Alan started teasing Alexander like that, the other men began to join in as well.

“Although it’s a good thing that he’s so fond of his wife, men should focus more on their careers, and ifStefan wants to do great things, he should spend less time on his wife and family. You should pull himaside and advise him not to neglect his work just because of a woman!”

“Yeah, don’t they know what time it is? How are they still asleep? I hope he won’t be like emperors ofthe past, causing the fall of a dynasty due to a disregard for proper governance and spending all theirtime frolicking with their concubines.”

The men who spoke up were the more prominent members of the Hunt family, who also held asignificant percentage of shares in H Group. They were concerned that Stefan might get so lovesickthat his performance as the CEO of H Group might be jeopardized, thus affecting H Group’soperations.

“I heard that Stefan hasn’t been to the company for a whole week now. I certainly hope he’s not sobewitched by his wife that he’s cooped up with her every day, completely forgetting his work.”

Alan Hunt looked in the direction of the staircase and said, “He might’ve been able to eliminate theopposition from the company last time by faking his death, but my brother and his people are all stillalive and kicking. Who knows what they’ll come up with next…”

“Enough!” Old Mr. Hunt interrupted. “Have all of you forgotten that I’m still here? Better stay quiet if youhave nothing nice to say!”

He turned pointedly to Alan Hunt and, in a quietly powerful and intimidating voice, told him, “Isn’t it agood thing when a man loves his wife? This proves he is made of flesh and blood and that he hasfeelings and empathy. Why should you be worried if such a man is leading the company?”

Alan lowered his head and meekly replied, “Don’t be angry, Uncle Timothy. It’s not that we don’t trustStefan’s capabilities. It’s just that… My brother and his family are incredibly crafty and cruel. Don’t youremember how that rascal Jovan almost succeeded in seizing power in the company?”

The brother that Alan Hunt was referring to was Arthur Hunt, his older brother, and father of JovanHunt. Although they were siblings, there was no love lost between him and Arthur, owing to the fact thatboth Arthur and his son Jovan were ruthless and treacherous. Instead, Alan had a much closerrelationship with his cousin Alexander Hunt.

Just as Alan was still talking about his brother, Arthur’s recognizable boisterous laughter was heardapproaching from the entrance.

“Ah, Alexander! Francine! Congratulations! Congratulations!”

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