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Chapter 670

Chapter 670

After leaving the kitchen area, Renee walked around Carmine Pawnshop with Chase following next toher. The man warmly presented every single exhibition hall they had in the area.

“Miss Everheart, this is the Eastern Treasures Hall. It stores many internationally known treasures,such as sculptures of the twelve zodiac signs, gilt jade seals, ancient jadeites…

“And this is the Western Treasures Hall. There’s a scepter made of pure gold, a diamond crown, andeven a sculpture of Venus…

“And here is the Rare Findings Hall. Here, you will find the last sample of a Carolina Parakeet, athousand-year-old lucid ganoderma, and a ten- thousand-year-old amber…”

Renee’s mouth was left agape through the entire journey, a testament to how absolutely stunned shewas.

She was quite surprised to find the pawnshop holding such wealth. Any of the treasures theypossessed could definitely exceed an average company’s yearly profit.

From a financial standpoint, Mr. Q was indeed quite a reliable candidate, as one would only need toenjoy life to the fullest if he was willing to provide.novelbin

However, as Renee was a strong businesswoman herself, money wasn’t something she would look forin a man, and naturally wouldn’t be tempted by such things.

“Chase, you can go back to your work. I’ll just be looking around.” Renee intentionally drove the manaway so that she had the chance to dig into any illegal affair within the pawnshop.

Chase wasn’t cautious around her either, nodding. “Have fun then, Miss Everheart. If you’ll excuseme…”

He took a few steps, then turned around all of a sudden with a mysterious expression. “Miss Everheart,we have a forbidden zone within the pawnshop. If you see any ‘Do Not Enter1 signs, I hope you cansuppress your curiosity and refrain yourself from entering. Else… you’d have to face seriousconsequences!”

After hearing this, Renee felt a wave of delight. ‘Tsk tsk, this is exactly what I was waiting for!’

“Don’t worry, I have a brain. I normally wouldn’t trespass unless absolutely necessary.”

“Good. I’ll be off then.”

After Chase left, Renee giggled to herself. “I normally wouldn’t, but I, Renee Everheart, am not youraverage girl! I’ll trespass when you don’t want me to so that I can reveal your boss’ fake mask!”

At the same time, she was able to hear a woman’s weeping coming from a distance.

“A clue? So soon?!” Renee was thrilled for some reason, and she tiptoed in the direction of the voice.

As the sobbing grew louder, she arrived in front of a small room at the far end of the pawnshop.

The shabby door was covered in long strands of spiderwebs, along with a’ Do Not Enter’ sign hung infront of it.

“Let me go! I’m so sorry! Let me go, please!” The woman choked on her tears, banging on the door ashard as she could. She sounded like she was in great distress.

Renee tore off the tape barricading the door without any hesitation.

“Who are you? What happened? Who locked you up in here?” Renee demanded through the door gap.

Oddly enough, the woman stopped crying the second she heard Renee’s voice.

“Hey, say something! Don’t be scared, I’m not with Carmine Pawnshop, I won’t hurt you. In fact… Imight be able to save you!” Renee knocked on the door, trying her best to communicate.

However, what responded to her was dead silence.

“Did Mr. Q threaten you?” Renee narrowed her eyes, expressing righteousness. “I knew that guy wasn’ta good person! How could he be so sick in the head to have imprisoned a woman?! Adie and Abbyhave to stay away from him, especially Abby! She’s just so cute; who knows what that maniac isplanning…”

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