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Chapter 612

Chapter 612

“Miss Everheart, we heard that you recently replaced Mr. Liam Osborne as the president of AzureGroup. Considering your rather unusual relationship with Mr. Stefan Hunt, what does the futurerelationship of your companies look like? Would the two of you be competing with each other as rivals,or work together as partners?” The person asking was a head reporter from one of the most reputablefinance and economics magazines.

Renee’s thoughts were still circling around the deep anger and resentment she felt for Stefan, and sheglared at the man icily. In contrast, Stefan was calm and collected as he gazed at her indifferently.

“Unusual” was indeed a good word to describe their relationship!novelbin

Stefan did not have to say anything – the damage was already done. His lethal silence could easilycrush anyone’s self-esteem to smithereens!

Renee clenched her fists and sneered, ’There are no friends or enemies in the world of business –there’s only benefit and loss. If Mr. Hunt can help me make more money, then well work together aspartners, but if he can’t, then it’s only a matter of time that we’ll compete as rivals.”

After hearing that, the audience roared with laughter.

“Renee, calm down!” Xavier whispered urgently, tugging at Renee’s sleeve.” With Azure Group’scurrent strength, you’re in no position to challenge a major corporation like H Group! This has to be ajoke to lighten the atmosphere, right?”

However, what everyone else was saying about Renee was nowhere near as charitable as what Xavierhad said. They saw her as a clueless and foolish little ant presumptuous enough to believe it couldknock down a big, sturdy tree like H Group.

One of the top executives of H Group tried to stifle his laughter as he told Renee sarcastically, “Youmight think your status as Mr. Stefan Hunt’s ex- wife grants you certain privileges, Miss Everheart, butbusiness is business, and emotions have no place here. I don’t believe H Group would ever considerworking with Azure Group, and such a small company couldn’t possibly be our rival either, so arelationship between our companies would be impossible simply because we’re not on the same level.’

Although the man’s words were blatantly condescending and chock-full of arrogance, Renee was not atall angered, and merely replied in disdain,” Fine. Don’t forget what you said, and from now on, don’tcome to Azure Group for any kind of cooperation or partnership.”

“Hahahaha!” Once again, the whole place erupted in laughter. Everyone there saw Renee as a sillyclown.

The same top executive cleared his throat and said smugly, “I don’t think you’ll ever be in danger ofhaving the opportunity to work with H Group, but regardless… I can’t make the final decision for HGroup. It’s ultimately up to Mr. Stefan Hunt, so, what is your take on this, Mr. Hunt?”

The crowd turned to Stefan now, their eyes burning with curiosity. After all, Stefan and Renee had oncebeen married, and they were now reunited. Even if they were not rivals in business, this was still anemotional moment for the former couple!

To their disappointment, Stefan’s reactions were just as tepid as earlier. He looked at Renee as if shewas not even there as he replied in an overly formal and polite tone, “H Group respects all enterprises.We will cooperate with anyone as long as they have the capabilities and both parties can benefit fromit.”

The audience responded with warm applause for Stefan, impressed by his generosity and open-mindedness in focusing on the bigger picture. His charisma was so bountiful and his wisdom was soimpressive that he shifted all attention away from Renee and back onto him.

Renee sat back down, but her emotions were in disarray. That man was simply outrageous! How couldhe act so cold and indifferent, as if nothing happened?! What was even more infuriating was how heacted like she was a complete stranger to him!

“Hey,” Xavier tried to comfort her after noticing how upset she was, ‘ don’t let it get to you. You knowwhat Stefan’s like – he always puts on airs, especially during events like this. You’ll see, once he getsdown from that stage, he’ll come to you crying and begging for forgiveness!”

“There’s no need forthat, because I sure as hell won’t be staying here any longer!” Renee snapped,then got up and left the hall, heading straight for the restroom.

Meanwhile, H Group had just concluded the press conference. Now, everyone knew that Stefan Hunt,the true king, had returned. Jovan Hunt, the usurper, along with all his cohorts, would be banishedforever, and Stefan Hunt would usher in a new golden era for H Group!

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