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Chapter 556

Chapter 556

Renee was already walking out of the Osborne Mansion when she heard Liam shouting her name frombehind. She stopped but did not turn around.

“Why are you following me?’ she asked him coldly. ’Just go back and get a good rest. That whippingmust’ve done a great deal of damage to your body. Be careful or it might make you impotent.”

“Boss…” Liam’s lips were pale. His whole body seemed fragile and his handsome face was twisted bya look of excruciating pain. “I’m so sorry, Boss! Please don’t be angry with me!’

All these years, his family never liked it when he was too close to Renee, but as long as he made sureto keep it all under a low profile, they always kept their distance and never interfered too much with hislife. But he made a mistake this time. Had he not taken such a monstrous risk and angered his father,Renee would not have been humiliated by his own family.

“You idiot… How could I possibly be mad at you?!”novelbin

“Then why are you turning your back on me? You don’t want to see me ever again, do you?”

“You really are an idiot…” Renee shrugged resignedly. The reason why she could not turn around andlook at him was not that she was angry with him in any way, but only because she was too ashamed toface Liam right now.

“I’m the one who should apologize to you, Liam. You’ve given me so much help and support all theseyears. You never hesitated to jump into the abyss with me. I took it for granted that everything wasfine…”

“I’m not afraid of the abyss!” Liam interrupted agitatedly. He stepped forward and added, “You are thelight of my life. I would gladly follow you anywhere, and I would gladly do anything for you because I…”

“That’s enough!” Renee raised her hand and abruptly cut off Liam’s confession. She gently added, “Iowe you too much, Liam, and it’s time for me to repay you. I’ve found a way to get that money, so allyou need to do right now is wait patiently for the good news, which I will bring you soon.”

“But how?’ Liam furrowed his brows deeply.

That money was no laughing matter. His father even said that it might be as high as 500 million, oreven 800 million dollars! He simply could not think of any way that Renee could suddenly cough up thatridiculous amount of money, unless…

“You’re not thinking about going back to the old way of life and joining that group of sly pigs again,aren’t you? That’s just too reckless, Boss!”

In the past, he would have loved nothing more than to get Renee to return to her old ways. After all,she was just too cool and too powerful then! The world was her oyster and she could dictate theweather if she wanted to!

But things were different now. She was now a mother to two adorable kids, Adie and Abby, and a quietand peaceful life suited her more now. If it turned out that Renee’s solution to her current problem wasto go back to her old ways, then he would probably feel so guilty that he might kill himself!

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Renee bluntly refuted Liam’s assumption. “I promised Grandpa that I’ll never dothat ever again for the sake of Adie and Abby, so you have my word that I’ll never get involved withthose pigs ever again.”

Certainly, the idea was tempting. After all, with her old ways, she could easily get hundreds of millionsof dollars without lifting a finger. But that lifestyle was simply too precarious. She narrowly escaped withher own life, and the mere thought of it would make her break out in cold sweat. No, there was no waythat she would ever go back there!

“Then how…”

“You don’t need to know the details right now,” Renee asserted. “I may be poor, but I still have enoughfixed assets to settle the money.”

“Don’t lie to me! I know exactly what kind of predicament you’re in right now. You don’t have any fixedassets, you’re…”

“Enough! Stop interrogating me! I’m still your boss, aren’t I? In that case, you should trust in my abilitiesand believe that I know what I’m doing!

Have I ever disappointed you before?”

“I guess you’re right…”

Renee’s bold confidence put Liam somewhat at ease, but he was still concerned for her. Nevertheless,he knew what she was like. If she did not want to reveal something, he could ask her till his mouth wentdry and she would still keep her lips sealed. He also knew that Renee would never give up till she wasable to pay up, so he decided to just give up the matter for now.

“No matter what solution you’ve thought of,” he told her, “just remember to be careful and stay safe,Boss! If there’s anything at all that I can do to help, just say the word and I’ll be there!

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