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Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Meanwhile, at a child-friendly hotel in Beach City, Adie sat cross-legged on a couch in one of thesuites, eyes glued to Happy Sheep and the Big Gray Wolf on television.

Briar brought some washed fruits to Adie with a big smile on her face.” Adie, have some fruits. Youneed the vitamins.”

Adie smiled in an adorable manner. “Thank you, Aunty Desrosiers. You’re a beautiful and kind person.No wonder you’re Mommy’s good friend.”

“You are such a sweet-talker.”

‘Of course. I get to eat super sweet fruits that you personally washed. My mouth naturally becomessuper sweet too!”

Briar couldn’t stop smiling throughout her conversation with Adie.

Although she kept reminding herself that Adie was Renee and Stefan’s child and that the child wouldseverely delay her marriage into the Hunt family, meaning he couldn’t be spared, she couldn’t resist hisangelic smile. He was so sweet with the things he said that she couldn’t help but want to be close tohim. She yearned to give him good food and nice clothes. It was insane!

Initially, she planned to get William to send Adie to Water Dock, where he would be handed over to aunique individual. However, she couldn’t make up her mind and kept delaying.

Due to the urgent and complicated situation, she steeled herself and decided to send Adie awaytonight. She couldn’t drag this on…

She held the plate of fruits and sat next to Adie. With his cheeks all puffed up, he looked like a hamsterthat was munching on grapes. Her heart nearly melted.

Adie was completely focused on the cartoon.

Briar couldn’t resist laughing. “Adie, do you like Happy Sheet and the Big Gray Wolf? Do you hate thewolf?”

Adie shook his head. “Not at all. I don’t hate the wolf. It might seem bad, but it’s actually not that bad.Although it wants to eat the sheep in every episode, it keeps failing. I think it’s not only because thesheep is smart but because it doesn’t actually want to eat it. They’re just playing!”

“l-ls that so?”novelbin

“Of course!” Adie reached out to Briar. “If you don’t believe me, Aunty Desrosiers, you can watch theshow with me. After watching it, you’ll realize it’s quite adorable despite how everyone hates it. Mommyonce told me that nobody is entirely good or bad in this world. If a bad person is willing to be good, hecan be a good person too. He deserves to be liked by everyone.”

‘Your mother… She’s good at sharing important values with you.” Briar had a complicated expressionon her face after hearing Adie’s philosophical thoughts.

Why did she sense that there was an underlying message?

But he was only four years old. How could he be so smart? She had to be overthinking.

“Adie, what your mother said makes sense, but here’s my advice. There are more villains in this worldthan you imagine. In fact, sometimes, bad guys will always be bad guys. It’s hard for people to change.You have to be careful and don’t trust strangers too easily. Don’t go home with strangers, either.Otherwise, you won’t even know if you get sold!”

“In that case, are you a bad person? Will you sell me to human traffickers?” Adie asked.

“O-Of course, I’m not a bad person!” Briar felt a little guilty after being asked that question. Shestammered when she answered him.

She had only shared her thoughts so that Adie wouldn’t fall into the hands of bad people in the future.In reality, though, she hadn’t thought too much about it.

Coincidentally, her mother was the one who taught her this.

Her mother was a homewrecker who humbly served her father. That was how she managed to makehis wife leave and create a reasonably comfortable life for Briar.

Briar’s mother had been telling her since she was a kid that being born was a woman’s firstreincarnation, while getting married would be her second.

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