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Chapter 448

Chapter 448

Adie put down the envelope and looked at Briar calmly. “Who are you? Why are you here at Stefan’soffice?”

His questions only invoked Briar’s guilt.


Now, she was almost sure that this boy was Stefans’s son. Not only did he look exactly like thechildhood Stefan, but he carried the same strong and confident aura his father had!

“Adie, I am your Mommy’s good friend. You can call me Aunt Desrosiers.”

Briar was all smiles as she approached Adie gradually.

She could only be sure that this kid was Stefan’s. As for his mother, she was still unsure if it wasRenee.

Stefan was so outstanding. There were countless women who wished to bear his children. It might notbe Renee, after all.novelbin

“You are Mommy’s good friend?”

Adie’s chubby but handsome face showed a confused expression.

He had only heard his Mommy mention a good friend called Aunt Leia and had never heard of herhaving any friends surnamed Desrosiers.

However, he heard that Aunt Leia often cursed a woman called Briar, saying that it was she whobewitched bad daddy and separated him from Mommy.

Could she be Briar?

“Yes. Your Mommy is Renee, and you are Adie, right? You know, your Mommy and I have been veryclose. I even told your Mommy that I want to be your godmother!”

Briar thought that a four-year-old kid would be very easy to coax, so she lied enthusiastically, hopingshe could gain Adie’s trust.

Adie’s grape-like black eyes twinkled, and he immediately took the chance to probe her. “Wow, are youreally Mommy’s best friend called Briar Desrosiers?”

Briar’s face stiffened. She suddenly felt a bit overwhelmed. “You-your Mommy mentioned me before?”

“Uh-huh. Mommy said that Aunt Desrosiers is very beautiful and kind, even more so than her. Now thatI have seen you, you are really as she said.

Aunt Desrosiers, you are beautiful and kind!”

Adie suddenly jumped out of the office chair and opened his arms as he rushed into Briar’s embrace.Then, he muttered coquettishly, “Aunt Desroriers, I really, really like you. Apart from Mommy, you arethe prettiest and kindest woman…”


Adie’s action stupefied Briar. She literally froze on the spot and even stopped breathing.

‘What’s happening here? The son of the woman I hated the most is actually hugging me and saying helikes me a lot?’

The actual fact, however, was that she and Renee had always been at odds and hated each other tothe guts. She refused to believe that Renee would say anything good in front of this little kid.

Then… what exactly went wrong?

“Are… are you sure that your Mommy said I am kind and gorgeous?” Briar looked at the fluffy head ofthis little guy and asked curiously.

Still hugging Briar, Adie tilted his head up and gazed cutely at the woman with bright shiny eyesuncannily similar to Stefan’s.

“Yeah. Mommy even said I must hug you and not let you go if I meet you. She said you are very kindand will take good care of me.”

Briar was speechless.

She looked at Adie’s eyes, a complicated feeling clouding her heart.

On the one hand, she hated Renee so much to the extent of killing her, which meant she shouldnaturally hate her kid.

On the other hand, this boy was simply too adorable. She was a woman who nearly became a mother.It was especially when she saw his eyes that her heart, which had long turned rock-hard, softened

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