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Chapter 444

Chapter 444

Renee’s expression was very calm, and she said with confidence, “We will just do what we should.Azure Group was not affected by H Group in the past, and so will it be in the future. H Group has beenprosperous for so long, but it is time to change that. We’ll let them taste how it is to be under the thumbof someone.”

Liam’s confidence was boosted instantly. He looked at Renee with starry eyes as if gazing at his onlyGod. He admired her so much that he could practically kneel down in front of her.

“Don’t worry, Boss. I have already set up the press conference site.

Whether it is the media or our peers, they won’t be attending this press conference just for fun. Weshall let the whole nation watch how the magnificent H Group falls from grace!”

The man was very excited. He and Renee had waited too long and put in too much effort for this day,so only success was allowed, not failure.

He could not deny that the incident of Stefan happened just in time.

Supposing H Group was in a mess now without its leader, it wouldn’t be too much of a problem forAzure Group to take its position to become the giant of the industry.

However, Liam was unsure if Renee would stand firm if she knew that Stefan was no longer alive.

“Boss, Stefan has gone all out to save you this time. Will you… pity him?” Liam could not help but testthe waters.

Renee laughed coldly. “You are not saying this right. I have done so much and planned so long just toearn enough for my kids. It is not that I want to wipe out everyone. What does it have to do with pitying



Liam, at a momentary loss for words, could only tease her. “Boss, don’t you think what you are earningfor your kids is a bit excessive? If everything goes smoothly, I think the money you earn will be morethan enough for the entire Everheart family, even for another ten generations!”

’Let’s hope so.”

Renee raised her eyebrows and was lost in thought. She inexplicably felt uneasy though everythingwas going smoothly, as if something was going to happen… How troubling!

In Sun Island in Southeast Aeos,

Abby sneaked into Adie’s little laboratory when Margaret was not looking.

However, she found herself alone in the laboratory. Adie was nowhere to be seen.

So, she carefully launched her smartwatch and made a video call to her older brother, Adie, afterproperly locking the door of the laboratory.

“Brother, are you in Beach City already? Mommy and Margaret have been mentioning you every day. Ifyou don’t come back soon, we will be exposed. I’m afraid Mommy will be angry!”

The moment the call was connected, Abby’s chubby face instantly went up to the camera as she talkedin a childish voice with the volume purposely turned down.

“Sister, I am already in Beach City. I’m getting ready to go to bad daddy’s company. I think it will takeonly three days to get the thing Mommy always wanted and defeat that bad daddy. You still need tocover up for me. It will not be so hard for Mommy when things are successful!”

On the other end of the line, Adie, like a little adult, was wearing a plaid suit and sunglasses andcarrying a small briefcase when he told Abby seriously, “But Mommy is too clever. She will find out ifyou don’t have a long video call with her. Besides… Mommy seemed to be bullied by a bad guy andhurt her leg. What should I do when she finds out that you left Sun Island? Won’t she get worried?”

“What did you say? Mommy is hurt?’

Adie frowned immediately and propped his chin, and pondered. He looked just like a mini version of adomineering president when he said in a childish voice, “Who is that uppity man who dared to hurt myMommy! I will not spare him once I find him!”

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