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Chapter 43

Chapter 43

The vain Charlotte was explosively enraged by Renee’s words.

“Are you so mad with jealousy that you completely lost your mind, you gold digger?! My boyfriend spentmillions of dollars for that pendant! How could it possibly be a fake?! You know, I should wreck that foulmouth of yours for spewing bullshit!”

And with that, without a thought of consideration for her reputation as a rich socialite, Charlottestomped her feet and hurled herself toward Renee.

Without a change in her expression, Renee effortlessly dodged Charlotte, which caused Charlotte tolose her balance and fall straight to the ground.

The audience roared in laughter at the sight of such a comical scene.

Stefan’s face turned severe. The gloominess of his expressions looked like the rumbling thundercloudthat warned of the dangerous rage that was about to explode.

Renee Everheart… What was she going to do now?! Was it not bad enough that she dressed soinappropriately, attracting all the unwanted attention? Yet now she even ended up fighting with hiscousin onstage! Who knew what kind of horrible headlines would be plastered on tomorrow’sfrontpage? 1

“Mrs. Hunt,” said the host, trying his best to control the situation, “were you just joking to lighten up theatmosphere, or do you… have the evidence to prove that this pendant is fake?”

“I have the proof, of course.”

She then proceeded to pull out a laser pen and faced the audience with a confident smile, saying, “Theauthentic Everlasting Heart had been meticulously polished, and in fact, the inside of the crystal wascut a total of sixteen. times, which happens to be the number of letters in the words, Everlasting Heart.Also, if you shine a laser pen through the pendant, the words “Everlasting Heart” would be projectedout, signifying the King of Asken’s love for his adopted daughter…”

“Which means,” she continued, “that the authenticity of this pendant can be proven with just this laserpen.

The audience listened with keen interest. Some people even corroborated what she said, confirmingthat there really was such a rumor about the crystal pendant called Everlasting Heart.

Without hesitation, Renee aimed her laser pen at the crystal pendant in the exhibition box. Asexpected, no words were projected out of it.

“Ah, so all this commotion was just for a fake!”

“Tsk tsk, they even stooped so low as to donate a fake item, all for that little bit of publicity and self-promotion. They don’t have a shred of integrity!”

The situation had completely reversed, and now all the disparaging and mocking was directed towardsCharlotte, who had been so proud and celebrated not a few minutes ago.

Charlotte was so humiliated that she wanted to bury her head in the ground, but she gritted her teethand angrily questioned Micah, “Is what this gold digger just said true?! Did you actually buy a fake tomess with me?!”

With a droopy head, Micah endured the mockery of the crowd and answered, “I’m sorry, Charlotte, Ihad no idea that there was such a way to prove its authenticity, but even though the pendant is notauthentic, I still spent millions of dollars on buying it!” 1)novelbin

Like a sore loser unwilling to admit defeat, he turned to Renee and asked her, “How did you know allthese things? To my knowledge, only experts are privy to this kind of information! Most people don’tknow how to differentiate such a close imitation from the real thing!”

“Well…” Renee stifled her laughter.

Of course she knew! How could she not, when the real Everlasting Heart pendant was in her jewelrybox at home and when the true identity of the mysterious adoptive daughter of the King of Asken washerself? (2)

“I just made a lucky guess,” she lied.

In the end, Charlotte stepped off the stage in disgrace, wishing she could find a hole in the ground tohide herself.

In the front row, Liam finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his respected and admired Bosswould never be so easy to bully.

“Since my cousin-in-law donated a fake,” Renee suddenly announced, “then I owe it to you to donatesomething authentic myself. Please take it as an honest apology on her behalf.”

Once again, Renee had completely captured the audience’s attention.

There was a slight shift in Stefan’s expressions. He wondered what Renee could possibly donate tocharity. Judging by his limited knowledge of her, she probably had not saved up much money in herfour-year marriage to himself. He worried that if she donated something too shabby, she would onlyend up humiliating herself.

The next moment, he saw Renee lifting her fair right hand and removing the huge diamond ring on herring finger.

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