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Chapter 331

Chapter 331

Austin was fired up when he heard this and said, “That’s right! We have to worship the God of War.Consider it our pledge of allegiance. Let’s get to the helicopters, we shall leave at once!”

“Yes! Let’s go right now!” Renee waved her arms and cheered.

Inwardly, she finally felt relieved. As expected, Grandpa Baldwin was a very impulsive man, even to thepoint of narcissism. He had actually believed her completely when she asked him to go and worshipthe God of War.

This time, the Baldwins and Stefan would not meet. Later, she could just find a random reason to stopthe two families from fighting. It was perfect!

Renee smiled lightly and thought about her plan happily. She really was a genius who could adapt toany situation!

At that moment, the butler entered the room with a concerned look on his face. “General Baldwin, sorryto interrupt, but there seems to be someone… a big shot outside asking to meet you!”

Austin said coldly, “Don’t be such a coward. Who is this big shot you’re talking about?”

“H-He is…”

Before the butler could answer, a tall, upright man barged into the room, completely ignoring thesecurity guards.

Stefan, donning a black suit, strode forward determinedly. His perfectly carved features made him looklike a dashing movie star in a blockbuster film.

Because of his powerful aura, he managed to subdue the armed security guards though he came aloneand unarmed. The guards were shivering and did not dare to even move!novelbin

“How did this guy get here so quickly?! Can he teleport or something?” Renee looked at Stefan inshock, the blood draining from her face.

Beach City and Sutton were thousands of miles away, and it took hours by plane to get here. Therewas no way he could reach here so fast, which could only mean one thing : He must have come toSutton earlier!

To her utter dismay, Renee had failed to stop the worst case scenario from happening. She reallywanted to grab the man and tell him, ‘Stefan, are you an idiot? You know that this is a very dangerousplace, and yet, you still came. You are indeed Francine’s son!’

Renee felt very helpless. She had just sent Francine off, and now, an even more difficult person hadshown up. It seemed like she could not stay in Sutton any longer or else these people would neverstop!

The Baldwins sized Stefan up immediately.

Stefan did not back down though, and instead, his gaze became colder as he met their gazesarrogantly.

It looked like a battle was about to break out.

Renee took a deep breath and moved forward, standing between the two parties. She pulled the coldman to her side and forced a smile. “Everyone, this is my black-hearted ex-husband, Stefan Hunt… I’llbe honest with you -1 still have some matters to settle with him, which is why he anxiously came to lookfor me. Please forgive him!”

At the same time, she constantly signaled Stefan in hopes that he would cooperate with her to avoidconflict.

Stefan’s expressionless face suddenly showed a hint of playfulness as he smiled. “Indeed, I still havesome unfinished matters with my ex-wife.”

Justin’s eyes turned cold and he asked sternly, “And just what might that be?”

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